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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. How is t that a penalty. It should be. Shoving our guy in to kicker isn’t different than running into him.
  2. How much does Mahomes get paid? There was noone even around Kelce and it was so far thrown behind him he had to abruptly slide and reach behind the direction he was running. Still caught the ball. These throws and catches happen all the time. Knox dropped the ball period.
  3. Even if the Jets make the playoffs there is zero chance Rodgers is ready to play by then. It would be careless to even try.
  4. Yes, to stop Tua and their receivers defenses need to disrupt the timing. Get Tua off his spot, make him move. Slow down the receivers. Tua and that offense play extremely well in that offense but not so well if they have to go off script because the timing is disrupted.
  5. Speaking of speed, I don't watch college football but holy crap is this guy fast.
  6. They didn't really do anything special that Josh Allen hasn't faced every week. They are just really good and Josh had a bad game. JA does need to adjust his mindset, you are right on that.
  7. It went through his hands. The pass wasn't perfect but those types of passes are caught all the time. It wouldn't have been some amazing circus catch. Yeah, it was a drop.
  8. Other than the big run by Hall, I thought our D did fantastic. It's just one game against a bad QB though. Have to see what happens when we face someone like Miami.
  9. Fixed that for you. When you paste replace the "x.com" with "twitter.com"
  10. I absolutely agree with that. He is a clown. Still, I liked the discussion. You won't catch me saying that often. What I found interesting is the things said by the guy sitting next to him. Sorry, I am stupid and have no idea who that guy is but the things he said about coaching were interesting to me.
  11. That's what happens when you become a top team. It does seem crazy though. Personally, I prefer 1pm Sunday games. While I like being primetime because it's pretty cool being that team, I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate waiting for the game.
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