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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. No, I am not going to waste an astronomical amount of time going through every game over the last 5 years to determine what turnovers were bad decisions and which weren't. I like you dude but you are just being dense on purpose now. Can you really not tell the difference between the Jets game Josh and another game where Josh plays well but maybe still has an int or two? He had an int today. Was that like Josh of the Jets game? Don't be on purpose dense bro. Josh had many multi turnover games last season. The Bills were 13-3 We didn't lose in the playoffs because of multi turnovers. Again, don't be dense on purpose
  2. Sometimes it is. It put the Jets at the 4. Can't expect much better than that. I don't care what kind of special awesome punt return coverage you have.
  3. The multi int bad decision games are very few. Not every turnover is a bad decision. The Jets game that wasn't the case. Josh doesn't have those type of games very often. Are you really trying to argue that he does? I don't care what stat muse says. Josh has quite a few multi turnover games. What's his record again?
  4. Lets go Indi!! Thats ok the Colts got screwed twice before that
  5. I've said it and got bashed for years now. Jackson is not a good passing QB
  6. What a crap playcall. Indi wants to lose this game.
  7. Lol Minshew missing that when the corner fell. That was a TD
  8. Agree. They missed but they should have had to burn that timeout. They would have lost too much clock if they didn't stop clock to review.
  9. Elam is the only corner with the speed to keep up with Cheetah but he will be scratched again probably
  10. Im loving this D! I don't care its against the Howells of the NFL. It's dominating as it should.
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