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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Brown looks decent because the help they have been giving him IMO. With better tackle play, we might have a better passing game.
  2. I lost the tweet but it showed that after 3 weeks Tua has the exact same stats after week 3 of last season. Like to a "T." yards, comp% etc. I personally never cared about that stuff. Are they supposed to just kneel the ball for 2 quarters or something? Thats a little different. In our games both teams are affected by the weather. In Miami games, Miami sits in the shade while the visiting team is in the blistering sun. It's like a 10 degree difference.
  3. Ouch those are pathetic. Just as bad as a certain Bills QB that ran out of bounds behind the LoS on 4th down. He deserved to get slammed. He was trying to battering ram Mosely with his head before Mosely slammed him. The junk hit you can see if you scrub the video instead of letting it play on its own. Just pause it and drag the slider. I'm not a guy that would defend POS Mosely either. It's just what I saw. You dirty dog you.
  4. He was body slammed by Mosely just before this but that was also on Mac. Play was over and Mac was trying to barrel ram mosely with his head.
  5. I can see it if you scrub instead of letting it play on its own. Jones gets up and gives Sauce a quick "love tap" in the junk with his left. This was also after just after Mac tried ramming Mosely and Mosley body slammed him on the same play. I put that vid in a different thread.
  6. The Bills currently rank 9th in yards per play at 5.6. Last season they finished 2nd with 6.1. 5.6 isn't bad comparatively if you remove the outlier Dolphins that are like 10+. I honestly expected that to be worse because it looks worse.
  7. It is a big deal. When we have to be in dink and dunk mode its far easier for an offense like the Chiefs who throw for 3 yards and run for 10 or 20 more than it is for us who throw for 3 yards and mostly fall over for another yard. It has been better this year than years past though.
  8. Unfortunately neither are anywhere near as good as Van Miller was.
  9. True enough. I don’t care how they win as long as they win.
  10. I feel the same. Elam has the skills and speed no other corner on our roster has. He should be our best bet for Miamis speed but I feel like he gonna be scratched anyways.
  11. I would think so. I’m just not so sure of our play design. We will see. Even if McD is a miracle genius and shuts down Miami this week… which I actually think McD can slow them down because he has done it before, we will get into a shootout eventually
  12. I mean don’t get me wrong. It’s good to have dink and dunk. My fear is that they can’t open it up if needed. Maybe I’m premature. Just need to see it. We’ll find out this week cus Miami can put up points. yes we put up points today but our D is not going to get four plus turnovers hardly ever. What does yesterday’s offense look like without all those turnovers and Washington putting some points up instead?
  13. you are probably going to get flak but I kinda agree. The offense doesn’t look good right now to me. Yes they put up points but it looks difficult as hell for them to do so. there are some good things happening with the offense but some bad stuff too. They don’t have it all together. everyone all happy that Josh is “taking what the defense gives them.” That works for now against mediocre teams. Going against teams that put up point and punting half the game isn’t going to work. People will see that eventually if it stays like this. Playing dink and dunk all game long only works if you execute perfectly and don’t take penalties. Josh was in 3rd and long all day. That isn’t a good recipe. I thought Dorsey was good first two games but I think his play calling was pretty bad today honestly.
  14. Probably but he sucked in Denver so he was getting canned regardless.
  15. yes bad throws are present every game. I could have sworn you listed the Knox throw but I’ll take your word for it. Not a big enough deal for me to check it on my phone.
  16. Id say he has a preference. Sure, he gets the ball outside sometimes. Mostly those are prayer floaters on busted coverage or the defender is dumb. Most of his balls are to the middle of the field. That said, the offense is well designed and has the players to execute to his strength and he is executing well thus far.
  17. We probably have a good first AND second line plus some clutch on really needed moments. At least thats what I hope.
  18. Denver fired McDaniels for a reason. I'm surprised he got another chance after the Colts fiasco.
  19. If you look closely at the first second you can see him driving into Mosely. I dunno if Mac was just being Mac or if he thought the play was live or something. Not enough of the beginning to really tell.
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