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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I dont even know why the Eagles pass the ball. They can't stop Swift.
  2. Lol Baker. Gets through the line and could probably run 20+ yards. Instead panicks and chucks it downfield.
  3. Back to back push plays. One of these days he gonna get hurt by that.
  4. Joe fooled his own line... again. This is why the dink and dunk doesn't work. Have to be too perfect. Get behind the sticks and its practically over. WTF was that Tampa pash rusher doing lol. He ran away from the QB.
  5. Bengals are a product of "take what the defense gives you"
  6. Maybe. It's close. Didn't look like heel came down to me. Even without the TD it was still a great run.
  7. I think thats a tuddy. Doesn't look like his heel came down and his toe is in.
  8. Oh I agree. I was just sayin Yes, the passes he makes are busted coverage after having 6-8 seconds in the pocket.
  9. Yeah it's still a drop but it's a drop because the defender got his hand on it and ripped it away. If the pass had some velocity the defender wouldn't have gotten there.
  10. Both would have been TD passes if Mayfield had a better arm
  11. The difference is the degree of difficulty of those longer passes with the way defenses are going to play us. We become a dink and dunk offense and for that offense to work you need YAC to contribute. Josh is currently 26th in the NFL in completed air yards. IOW those 20 yard passes aren't happening that often. It's 0-5 yard passes that are happening now. To play that kind of game you are in a big hole with every mistake. This last game Josh was in 3rd and long 10 out of 16 times. Most of those were between 9 and 12 yards to go. In actuality it was worse than that because some of those third and shorts were while we were chewing clock in the 4th.
  12. Daboll had a bunch of these boneheaded calls too, which is why I didn't like him much either. Personally, I don't mind Daboll as OC but I think if we do anything we should hire a different OC and change up this predictable offense some.
  13. I disagree. Josh gave them the ball 4 times and McD held them to 22 points. Outside of the one big run, I thought the D played well.
  14. They should have bit the bullet and dumped Wilson and kept White for a backup.
  15. If they are going to do that then play action from under center would be a better play call.
  16. A lot of their runs were poor tackling. It wasn't just selling out to stop the pass. Hopefully the Bills have a good day of making tackles this week.
  17. This is part of the problem. We are in third and long too many times. 3rd and 10, 8, 9, 8, 8, 12, 10, 2, 4, 2 That was the first half (not in order as I put the shorts last.) 3rd and 20 (this was the int,) 5, 7, 2, 2, 2 This was the second half. Some of it was just running game burning clock. That doesn't even include all the second and longs where a lot of times it's greater than 10. Josh is having to make perfect plays on third down too often and this is where the dink and dunk and poor play calling like draws on 2nd and 12 that everyone in the world knows is coming will collapse against teams like Miami that can put up points. If they want to dink and dunk, that's fine. They need to do a better job on first and second down though. Play calling needs to be better too. The first two games the play calling was ok but this game it was pretty bad.
  18. I dont think it will take rushers of their caliber to get by Brown. He is very slow off the snap. He also has injury back problem history so it wouldn't hurt to have better depth. Assuming Collins can still play of course and wouldn't just retire at the notion of having to play.
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