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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. And then the rest of them were pretty much delusional trash. Right down to calling our owner and head coach racist. I mean, half of our own board is oh woe is me the bills suck. The stuff you are saying is fine. They have people in that thread hoping Josh gets hurt, implying our owner and hc are racist, I've seen other threads where they think our players are dirty. They have delusional trash. We get some trolls but thats about it.
  2. Back spasms don't usually last more than a week. Sometimes you can be ready in 4 days.
  3. I don't think its an attitude thing. The kid says the right stuff and seems to have a good attitude. He was a first round draft pick and seems to be taking it pretty well that he is low on the depth chart. Not sure what it is tbh. I thought he played pretty well last year. Coaches know better than me though.
  4. It was mostly just some bad angles on some runs I think.
  5. Probably not but he is the only cb on our roster with the speed and stickiness to do it. Sticking to a receiver like glue is what Elam excels at.
  6. Interestingly, I didn't think much of the comment at the time, but Diggs mentioned "get to your spot, be where you are supposed to be." Usually comments from the Bills are because it has been brought up and they are thinking about it. Guys probably aren't getting to where they are supposed to be if something like that is said.
  7. People keep saying this like they have Ferraris and we have Cavaliers. Their guys are like 1/4 - 1/2 second faster over 40 yards. Yes, the speed absolutely matters but we play mostly zone defense. We aren't running with them from the line all the way through the play. What matters is we disrupt their timing, get to the ball, take good angles, and don't miss tackles. Maintain zone integrity and don't give too much space. Hold tough in the redzone where speed doesn't matter as much. Make them kick fg's. Offense needs to maintain drives, put it in the endzone, don't turn over the ball.
  8. Id guess Giants game. He can't practice until off pup and London is a short week so I think he will practice that week to start getting back in football shape but wont play until following week. I just came here to post this as I just watched it. Was a pretty cool watch. Von puts his personal life out there. It was weird that it seems like his agent kinda makes the decision. Thats probably normal but still seems weird to me.
  9. I mean, she aint that great but... the dude doesn't even shower so... Please tell me we aren't going to be down Poyer this week.
  10. Yeah week 1 then. Im not saying that he can't throw there btw... I am just saying he doesn't quite have the arm strength. Those balls are very slow to get there that a good coverage should be able to make plays on. I think anytime you keep a high powered offense down to fgs is a decent job. As long as we are scoring TDs and taking care of the ball.
  11. They will definitely run the ball. One because they are good at it but also it keeps our defense off balance, spread out, an keeps our D from pinning their ears back. Our D is far better when an offense is one dimensional. Most are.
  12. I wrote a decent reply to this but my internet went out and I lost it. I'll write a quicker one because I dont feel like writing all that again lol... Even week 2 most of the passes are in the middle of the field. The ones that have gone outside are mostly prayer balls on busted coverage. Tua really does have a weak arm. His passes over the middle have much more zip. Thats why most of the receiver routes from both Hill and Waddle take them over the middle of the field. Seeing a chart is one thing. I watched a lot of those passes. Some of them were ok but mostly prayer balls. Some of them should have been an int because they took forever to get there but either the defender didn't even look for it or Hill made a nice grab on a 50/50 ball. Some of them he was rolled or flushed out to that side making those passes effectively the same as middle of the field passes.
  13. I know they used like 3 safeties playing back. I dunno about the rest of the scheme. I ain't that smart.
  14. Yeah. We'll see how excited he is when he gets his seat to watch the game.
  15. I think and said pretty much the same thing but you said it so much better. I don't know that I agree that Trey has lost a step. He has mostly had good coverage. Like that one Jets TD. He was on top of the play. Actually knocked the pass away but the defender made a spectacular catch. Something our receivers don't do often. I think Trey is starting to get his instincts back as well.
  16. Of course. I never root for injuries. For me, it wasn't the violence per se. It was more so the big play of jarring ball loose. Stopping that catch. Causing that fumble. That stuff still happens but it's a lot harder to cause it because the penalty is a commin.
  17. Yeah, I prefer the 1pm games. I hate waiting all that extra time to watch our team. It's pretty cool though that we have the team that people want to watch. As much as people sit and complain about our team here, we wouldn't be in these time slots if we weren't good and what people want to watch.
  18. Exactly. We see the Jets twice a year every year. They plan all season for our games because we are the target. We are the litmus test. And they do have a damn good defense. Outside of QB, that team is well built with some highly talented young guys to boot. Dallas and the Jets is just another game on the schedule. Division games are different. Especially week 1.
  19. From a safety standpoint the rule changes are good. I said that in my initial post. Back in those days though when you saw a big hit jar a ball lose on what would have been a big play... it was pretty exciting. Nowadays you fart in the direction of the receiver wrong and its a 15 yard penalty on top of the catch.
  20. They did have troubles scoring TDs though. Dallas and Jets dont know each other like Bills and Jets do. Division games are usually more difficult for this reason. Bills didn't really have a problem moving the ball either until Allen turned it over. Dallas got 4 turnovers. On the flipside Allen turned it over 4 times.
  21. Yeah their motions are fast and tight. I seen some plays that were runs and the ball fooled me watching from a good side view camera angle. I had to watch twice lol. I can't imagine being a defender and trying to see that from a pile of people view. Elam is in the dog house but he is a good defender for this because he has speed and he is pretty sticky. Thats his skill set. I doubt he is active though. Next best thing is maintaining tight zone coverage. Not Edmunds zone coverage where he stands in a spot staring at the QB while the receiver just moves past him from behind and Edmunds doesnt move until after the receiver catches the ball. It needs to be tight. Tackling is going to be key. They have to keep in front of them and tackle at the point of catch. Miami thrives off 10-15 yard plays over the middle with YAC after that. Middle of the line needs to get good push. Make Tua move. Anything that disrupts the timing where he has to hold the ball. Thats where his mistakes come. They are not good at off script stuff.
  22. OT: this came on my feed today. I get the injury concerns is part of why rules changed, but yes I miss this football.
  23. Yes, but in the same sense I think the Bills look better rolling the Raiders than the Chiefs do struggling to the Jags. I think the Jags are overrated. I honestly don't care though. It means nothing at the end of the day. I think the winner of Bills/Fish game this week is #1 to this point of the season.
  24. I think it's the situation that makes it bad. Call plays that don't have a high chance of losing yards. We aren't good with screens to begin with. Short routes with throw aways. A solid run call. Something like that. We luckily were able to still hit the FG. JMO.
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