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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Im not gonna worry about that yet. We had a chance to make a play. Didn't make it. We have to keep creating those chances and make the play. Hopefully our O keeps hummin too.
  2. Now lets get a stop on D and do that again. Get ahead of these fish.
  3. Can't believe Elam is that bad to the coaching staff that they wouldn't want the extra speed as at least a backup today. Well... here we go. It's finally here. LFG BUFFALO!!!
  4. and last year you said exactly that about OC... "I just want to see what he looks like with a real OC." Every year you are going to be making these comments. Next year it will be... "I just want to see what he looks like with a good LT." He is an average mediocre QB. Thats all he will ever be. Ryan Fitzpatrick.
  5. Yes but it looks difficult. Take the Washington game for example. Yeah, we scored 30 points on offense, but we only scored 16 points into the 4th quarter. It took 4 turnovers. 7 of those 16 points were off a TD where we started at the Washington 35. We may score but these points are not coming easy. Our drives look difficult. I don't know how to explain what I mean by that. So it looks to me like our offense is still trying to figure it out. It's not humming along like a fine tune machine yet IMO. That is not to say that I don't think they will get there. That is just to say that I don't think they are yet.
  6. agree. I don’t watch anything anymore. I might watch something on YouTube every now and then when it pops up in feed but that’s about it. I like Greg Cosell the most. WGR is garbage too mostly. It’s either homer stuff or a schoop and bull dog who I can’t stand. Most of the guys from cover 1 are egotistical *****.
  7. Oliver on D. He needs to have good push to make Tua move and give him uncomfortable pockets so our ends have a chance. Cook on O. Not only just run game but a receiving weapon with YAC as well.
  8. How many “if Mac is still meh” excuses are you going to come up with before you see that your QB is just a mediocre QB? Not bad enough to let you draft high. Not good enough to get you anywhere. That’s what your QB is. Last season you said the same exact line but replace receiver with OC.
  9. I’ll be honest. I’m a little worried about this game. Miamis offense is firing on all cylinders and our offense still seems to be trying to figure it out. Most people don’t look at this game as must win because it’s so early in the season, but I do. I don’t think Miami is going to falter much this year. It’s too hard trying to climb out of a 3 game hole. We need to keep pace and falling that far behind as well as having 2 divisional losses is not keeping pace. I know most won’t agree with me but that’s how I feel about it.
  10. Their fans are dumb. I heard some of them say Josh was a dirty player too. I believe Miami is a legit contender. People that think they are unstoppable are the ones over the top in my opinion.
  11. I am actually doing chili tomorrow. Haven't had it since last winter and I am craving it.
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