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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. and Hyde goes down now, who actually might have stopped an INT. FML.
  2. That ball should have been the quick throw to Kincaid.
  3. Come on Allen find the open guy and pass the football
  4. Wow we escaped that. Don't do that again Josh
  5. Got a sack finally!!! I thought that flag was gonna be on us somehow.
  6. great now they got the wrong language broadcast
  7. It was. All I can hope for is he snaps out of it and does better. That ball could be the game changer.
  8. Ugh Bernard one of the few we cant afford to lose. Especially on a big 3rd down.
  9. Alright lets go Josh. Be a super hero and tie this up!
  10. and this is the part where we start getting smoked. If Josh cant keep up then we are toast.
  11. Damn I was hoping they held on there. D was better that drive but they need to be even better. RTP call was still horse crap though.
  12. All the hate Dane gets and he is our best player on D right now.
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