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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I mean Josh got shoved after he slid and was tagged and the whistle blew and after he stood back up. That was ok though lol.
  2. He had the initial catch with the DB also putting his hands on the ball. It was 50/50 all the way to the ground where Diggs then lost it. They already on the ground. 50/50 balls goto the offense. But whatever. They didn't want to show any replays because the NFL is mad that people are calling them out on their BS so they tell networks to not air them.
  3. 5 carries for minus 4 yards. Because its too easy. Defense can see it coming a mile away with Josh taking snap, running over to a standing still back, and handing him the ball. Back is at a dead stop. Line is basically busted by the time Josh runs over there. It's just dumb from all angles. Something you can probably sprinkle in a couple times a game but Dorsey wants to run that crap every first down+
  4. That was over 60 yards in the air bro. How far you think QBs throw.
  5. You can review 12 men on the field penalties? I didn't know that.
  6. This is the worst game I have watched in the Josh era. Between all the injuries, the joke referees, and the offensive suckatude it was just a terrible game. Season probably went up in smoke today with these injuries. That and I have no confidence in Dorsey with his shot gun handoff and 2 yard passing offense where routes are just running into each other.
  7. Welp back to second in division. Half our D probably out for the year.
  8. Exactly. Thats exactly what I mean and always see. These refs have done the worst job in the league.
  9. WE mighta still had a shot if our time out didnt get stolen. I have never in my life seen a team charged a timeout when injury on field for other team.
  10. Davis didnt even go for the ball he just jumped in the air willy nilly
  11. They are gassed and on 3rd stringers man. They held up most of the game.
  12. They are just too tired and too depleted. The D played a hell of a game. Offense couldnt give em a rest.
  13. I still don't blame this D. This is on Dorsey and our Offense.
  14. Elam again. I have never seen them take a timeout away when an injury happens. They always give it back.
  16. We need a 3 and out. Fumble recovery. Pick 6. Something. Cant let them get one first down. Refs will make sure they get one though.
  17. Wow that play looked like money and then Jag out of nowhere
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