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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Yup. I said last week that Daboll probably going to be looking for a job after this season. People wanted to fire McD for this guy.
  2. Thanks for starting the thread. I dont have cable or Sunday ticket. I have paramount+ so will be watching Jets/Titans after I get back from the store.
  3. Is there an "Around the NFL week 2" thread or are we going to use this one?
  4. It shows he goes for it when the analytics say to go for it.
  5. McD I think has actually been one of the more aggressive Coach on going for it. Probably felt that this game could be a shootout and wanted to get a good start.
  6. Its because that is their offense. It was like that before the concussions.
  7. Tua isnt even in the same universe as Josh. Tua has a quick 1 read release and thats about it. The speed and McDaniels scheme hides the QB and thats why they cant beat winning teams.
  8. I dont know why people keep expecting this slugfest. Miami has a worse roster than last year. We are 11-2 or something against Miami. Only like 3 of them were slugfests. People keep hyping Miami every year and every year all they do is beat up on weak teams.
  9. Im gonna answer anyways. You can say that about any QB in any game. Doesnt mean it was an MVP performance.
  10. Incredible throws for sure. The Cook throw is pretty standard though. Yeah it may get tipped but its still a pretty standard throw that happens all the time from any QB. I still don't view it as an MVP performance. To me an MVP carried the team. Cook carried the offense this week. The defense kinda carried the team getting 3 turnovers, pick 6, and giving us short fields. Of course, to the people who vote, pretty much all that matters is who was the better 1 seed. Of course Josh can still have an MVP season and I think he will, but this specific game I wouldnt call it that. This is the typical game for Lamar almost every week last year.
  11. Goes to show that speed isnt everything and gimmick offense can only hide a QB so much.
  12. Would you call Allen the MVP of this game or Cook or maybe the defense that got 3 turnovers. One of those being a pick 6. Allen did what he needed to do to win the game. I wouldn't call it an MVP performance just like I wouldn't call Jacksons season last year an MVP season.
  13. I mean there are what like maybe 3-4 truely innovating Coordinators in the league. Three of them are head coaches. Expecting us to hire some innovative super nerd is asking a bit much. I dont care about innovation. I just want the offense to make sense. This offense makes sense. Unlike Dorseys. I also want to point out to the people that complained Josh didnt hit Diggs for the first down and instead tried to make a harder pass to Shakir for a TD last year.... aint none of you complained he didnt take the easier first down here. This is the TD play to Ty. He had Knox for a much easier FD.
  14. I dunno what happened behind closed doors. Everyone watching TV could see concussion. I always found it laughable they tried to say back injury. I find it even more laughable that to this day Miami fans will defend it and say he didnt have a concussion. However, if you go in a locker room and they ask you whats your name and you can answer, then there ya go ya passed concussion protocol. I know its not that simple. I am being hyperbolic. Guys know how to pass these things though. In any case, I would put more blame on the NFL than I would Miami. All Miami was doing was following their crap protocols. Maybe for the good of Tua someone needs to stop Tua, but if it were me I would not want someone else making a decision on my career. I'd want good Drs telling me the truth so that I could decide for myself. I don't think anyone should be telling Tua what to do. This is a violent sport. They know the risks. Could it be something Tua regrets down the road? Yeah, but IMO he should have the right to decide for himself what he wants to do with his life. Its his life. Thats just my opinion, because thats how I personally would want to be treated. Give me the information and let me make my own choice. I read some article earlier. It seemed to indicate that Miami is going to shut him down for the year. It also sounded like they hope he decides to retire so they don't have to pay him.
  15. I dont know how I read that backwards. I musta been tired. Id rather have Orlovsky than Troy
  16. Its a violent sport. Anybody can get injured anytime.
  17. Thanks bud. Never heard that one before but there is probably tons of stuff I still havent heard. Makes sense to me now. Off to the races!
  18. HAHAHAHAHAHA All the ***** I take on twitter from Dolphins fans this one is my favorite. Someone should send him WGR phone number.
  19. Man I love this Ingram kid. He always in the right place to make a play. Credit to the coaching staff for putting players in the right place as well. I agree. Lamar is going to lose a lot when he loses a step in his running ability. His body also can't take the hits Josh can. Electric af but someday thats going to fade. Burrow with the wrist is worrisome. I think he is elite at processing and pretty accurate though. What impresses me most is he is like ice. Dude can take 100 sacks and still get up and brush it off like nothing happened. Stroud I am impressed with and look forward to seeing what he can do this season. He has an arsenal at weapons to work with too. I have not really seen enough of his games but the ones I did see, he was impressive to me.
  20. Not likely. The dude is not going to get many if any opportunities to start again. He currently isnt even on a roster. Being rostered and actually starting at QB is a big pay day for him. Plus an opportunity to show he can start in this league. Or at least be rostered somewhere as a backup. but but but but we have no speed
  21. Nick Write isnt a dumb guy. He has just said some outlandish things in the past. Most of the time he is picking Allen and the Bills.
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