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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. As I said above, he isn't taking the top off a defense with speed or some superior route skills. He is running sprints and catching balls on busted coverage or off script plays. There aren't many receivers in the NFL that can't do that.
  2. Its not like Davis has speed. Any receiver can run sprints down the field. Need a guy that can do more than that.
  3. Yeah, so far this year his hands have been ok. He had one or two drops that were drive killers but other than that he has been mostly catching the stuff that he should. I can't even really blame him for the fumble. I was pissed when that happened but since then, I have seen a video replay and the defender punched him in the head. Hard enough that his head twisted to the limits. Even still, he is one trick pony and this offense needs more than that.
  4. I don't need to. Davis is a one trick pony. He runs like 2 routes. You can pull all the stats in the world up about how many yards he gets. It doesn't matter. He has a lot of yards because he is a chunk guy. The offense needs a #2 that is more versatile than just run down the field and hope there is busted coverage. He needs to be someone that can run the entire route tree and get open. This is Davis... It's like two routes. He might have had a couple games in his career that wasn't like this but this is what he does week in and week out. That may be a lot of yards but it's not a lot of help if it comes from only two drives. We have no chain movers outside of Diggs. Even though he has generally had good hands this year, his history says he doesn't. He doesn't have speed. He can't separate very well except for long developing routes with breakdown coverage. He can't run a route tree. He isn't good at contested catches. He doesn't even defend potential INTs. He just isn't good enough.
  5. The only reason "Playoff Gabe Davis" happened was because he wasn't used much that year and teams really didn't prepare for him. To say it a different way, it took teams by surprise because there wasn't really any tape on it. Many of this have said the stuff Sims has said for a couple years now. Other people are just too blind cus stats bro.
  6. Can you list all the current head coaches you think are better than McD and why you think that? Very few coaches around the league have had the success McD has had. Yes, some have had more success but not many has had as much success. Allen is a part of that sure, but if you list coaches that haven't had success because they don't have a QB then you don't really know what kind of success they would have if they did have one.
  7. I seen this on twitter and had to post it. It has nothing to do with the Bills but the Pats are in it so I am going to just put it in this thread. I hate making my own threads. I have never seen this play. I can't believe I never seen it. This is hilarious. The Colts actually thought this would work? This is what I thought and still expect too. Dink and dunk needs to be in the arsenal but it can't be the entire offense for the entire game. They need to play too perfect for that and that is never going to happen.
  8. I've been saying that all season. People that want this dink and dunk/take what the defense gives you for 2 yards and 15 play drives are literally asking for this offense to play perfect ball. There is no room for error on these type of drives. It's basically just playing a field position game because there is no way any offense is going to consistently march the field on those type of drives. Was Brady still on there? Sounds like a game Dorsey will go run heavy game plan then.
  9. Appreciate it but honestly I am too old and too many problems to try and learn all this stuff competently lol. The differences between the run plays I refer to is pretty simple. One is Cook standing still, Josh takes snap and runs all the way over to him and hands him the ball. They ran that way too much and it was mostly a bad play. This week they ran the shot gun hand off different. The back would run to Josh and get the ball. This play was more effective. Maybe because it was the Giants. Maybe because it wasn't as long developing and telegraphed. Maybe because the running back had some steam behind him when he got the ball.
  10. imo penalties should not offset when there are more penalties on one team than the other. At least not in a fight situation because they are always going to flag both teams.
  11. I completely agree with that. Not only is it slow developing but the running back has no steam, the defenders see it coming a mile away, and the defenders are already crashing the line by the time Cook starts to run.
  12. I’ve been saying that for two years mostly Josh hesitates because he is conflicted from coaching so he waits until the last second to try and make a pass instead. By then it’s too late or he finds a pass he thinks he can make instead of taking the yards he could definitely make.
  13. Ok I don’t know football terminology like you do so that’s probably where our disconnect is. I’ll explain what I am calling a draw. Shot gun. Allen takes the snap and runs over to standing still Cook and gives him the ball. That play has been run a ton. Not just 3 times. It hasn’t been as good as the handoffs we’ve seen this week and also some of last week.
  14. So we just happen to have a guy with zero experience on our staff become a top OC... or is it more likely that we had a top QB on the roster that makes this a top offense? I wouldn't fire him now. That wouldn't do much to help us this season. Probably make it worse. End of the season though it depends on what we have done and who is available to interview. At this point it's thumbs down for Dorsey from me though. Thats pretty much what is being said. The other poster though is just "Allens throw was garbage, leave my boy Knox alone."
  15. Yes, I expect that my QB delivers the ball to a receiver in an area that he can catch it. I expect that he makes good decisions. I expect that he delivers the ball accurately for the most part but when he doesn't, I expect the receiver to catch the ball if the QB got it to an area that the receiver can catch it. He did that. The receiver didn't. I can keep explaining the same thing but you just have your ear plugs in. On top of that you haven't addressed anything I said with this weak post. These were different plays than the draw plays to Cook in the past. In the past Josh was taking the ball and running over to a RB standing still. These run plays the RB ran to Josh and took the ball with some steam.
  16. Davis wont get more targets because he is a deep ball guy. Thats all he is good at. Those opportunities won't come all that often. When he does get opportunity he drops the ball.
  17. Yes, there is a real difference between people saying "we need to get the ball to Diggs more because our other WR suck" and "Allen locks onto Diggs too much." It's literally the exact opposite. How can you not see the difference? In both cases the target share is the same though.
  18. Yes we all knew we needed an upgrade at receiver. Nobody was saying things like "Allen locks on to Diggs too much." In fact other seasons people were bitching that we werent getting the ball to Diggs enough and that other #1's get the ball.
  19. Maybe because this happens all to often with Knox. His catch rate this year is again abysmal. He got a big contract and he is not living up to that contract. If he just dropped a ball once in a while that is one thing. Thats not the case though. He drops balls all the time. He kills drives. Championship teams have their skill players come through for them. I have zero confidence in Knox coming through on the important catches. Ultimately its drops like these that derail a season and kill a chance at a trophy. Its the QBs job to give the receiver a chance to catch the ball. Its the receivers job to make that catch.
  20. I disagree. We can't keep saying that we just played a dominant line every week. Been doing that since week 1. Also, it's mostly Brown that has been a problem with this line. He gets smoked too often because he is slow. Too slow for speed rushers. The only time he did a decent job is when we take out TE's out of being available for passing routes to help chip the defender into position... again because Brown is too slow to get there on his own. It's problem is two fold because he aint good enough and because it takes away passing targets to supplement that.
  21. Yes, through 6 weeks Diggs has the same targets as he did through 6 weeks last season. The ball is being spread just as much as it was last year. Nobody said anything last year about it but one person says something and it gets parroted around lol.
  22. I had so much hope for this oline after their fairly good start. Outside of Brown. They seem to be getting worse as the weeks go on. A weakness was spotted with the stunts and other teams are replicating it but our line isn't getting better at it. It also doesn't help that Josh doesn't run anymore. That threat made D's play different. The run game that we have, while better, still isn't good enough to strike fear.
  23. I dont care about some summarized stats from an article that I can't read. For all I know, those stats might be 20 years old. They also might not be from the half yard line. They also might not be conventional plays. Shotgun formation still is not the same as pistol formation. They also indicate that teams very very rarely run shotgun from there. 17% is miniscule. So again, if you want to show me some actual plays then maybe but you can't so.... Your opinion is just that. Your opinion. God bless. Adios. Seems you can't handle a conversation where other people simply don't just agree with you because you say so. It's not like I got personal with you or anything.
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