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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. The problem is that he has been terrible in pass pro/blitz pickups lately. Can't just put him in to run or it's too obvious. However, he has been fantastic with the ball mostly.
  2. We get a game early this week and yet a still feel like it's a long wait because it's a night game. I haven't even been to bed yet. Maybe I will get lucky and be able to actually take a nap to kill some time. Not likely though. LFG Buffalo. Get that W.
  3. Sorry, I disagree. Josh has had a bad oline most of his career. He just use to escape it better. This year his throws on the run are terrible compared to years past. He is not making those throws much. He is not picking up those third and forevers as much. He is not picking up first downs with his feet much when the play breaks down and he has daylight in front of him. Not even trying to. He is also very timid in his throws. Not taking them. His balls are not quite the rockets we are used to seeing either. The coaches have his head all messed up. That to me is regression. I don't care what the stats say.
  4. How weird would it be for a team that tried to replace a player for a few years, finally do so, then turn around and use a draft pick to get him back.
  5. can’t really disagree much and not saying this will happen, especially on a short week, but this is the type of game the Bills blow other team out. Right about when they have played so bad they have a lot of doubters lol.
  6. To be fair, Chase didn't want Burrow playing at all until he was fully healthy.
  7. Yes, I think Elam is a good player that just wasn't brought into the right system or coaching. I could be wrong and maybe he is just dumb or lazy but he is a damn good athlete.
  8. I agree with HappyDays. I think there is a good chance we see Isabella called up.
  9. Thank you. I been saying this all season and also every season about them trying to pound out of Josh running.
  10. I mean, he has hugged and given Josh a talk after getting whooped before so that isn’t always the case. McD and Daboll was the same thing the week before.
  11. could be that. I’m really not sure. I’ve seen it happen on quite a few plays in multiple games. It’s like he sees the guy but either doesn’t want the guy or doesn’t think the guy makes the play. Maybe he just doesn’t like the throw from his stance or the throwing lane. I just don’t know. It’s really boggling because he definitely sees the guy.
  12. Yep Josh had a poor game. The entire team also had a poor game. Josh has regressed since Dorsey took over. The rest of the offense is talent light. Josh is thinking too much instead of just playing football. The coaches are in his head. That’s why the processing is slower this year. Too worried about not running. Too worried about turning the ball over. Too worried his guys aren’t going to make the play. Too worried his oline won’t hold.
  13. I am not a Dorsey fan by any means but some of this blame does lie with Josh. He does not have a good day when he is flustered by pressure and the defense is disguising stuff well or throwing stuff at him that he doesn't expect. This is the one trait that I think Burrow is better at. The dude gets pounded but keeps his cool. Josh just gets flustered. Couple that with the coaches trying to neuter Josh's game and make him into Brady, it isn't a recipe for success. It could be, if Josh learns this part of the game but that may take a while.
  14. BB wasn't the first to do this. Not every defense has the horses to do this. I also find that the Bills figure it out eventually anyways. They just seem to be slow at doing so. It took them like a season to figure out cover zero lol.
  15. First, thank you for taking the time to do this. Can you maybe share your thoughts on why, if Allen was staring down the hot as to why he would just stare him down and not throw it? I can't see the play you are referring to but I am envisioning that he is open if he is the hot and Allen has identified the right throw... so why isn't he throwing it? I have noticed other times that Allen sees the right guy but doesn't make the throw. It baffles me why that is.
  16. Probably true, but if they stayed healthy all season would they fall apart in the playoffs again? Our offense should have kicked up a gear because that defense wouldn't have mattered if they played the way they should be playing with an elite qb.
  17. We all know the offense is so complicated that it takes two years to get a guy on the field. We also know the defense is so complicated that McD prefers guys that have been in the system before. The restructure is probably because they need a new water boy. Guy wasn’t cutting it. Our players keep getting dehydrated. That or Levi Wallace. 🤣
  18. Did a news crew set up cameras to see if Diggs came in so they can tell if he was on board or wants out of Buffalo?
  19. Well thats too bad. He is trying to get our offense to run like he tries to get his D to dictate other offenses to run. Its old school garbage football. It requires too much precision and mistake free football. We don't have the talent to run that kind of offense and honestly, I am not sure Josh is the right QB to run that kind of offense. He has a cannon for an arm. Square pegs, round holes. Its a lot easier to score TDs if you only need 3-5 first downs than it is if you need 8 first downs. I remember years past where we would be third and long like 15+ long. Even 20+ long. I think to myself.. no problem. Josh got this. Now I barely think that when we are 3rd and 5.
  20. Its some stupid epa per play stat. It's been posted several times in various threads by someone. It vary well could be, I don't know what is going on with this staff. All I know is our offense is dumpster fire right now and I have always said that I will take the good Josh with the bad. I don't care if he throws a stinker here and there when he is scoring 4+ tds a game. This offense aint it. Whether that is Dorsey or McD... they need to move past it and let Josh be Josh.
  21. I can tell you that at least this week that is the case. The Bills were in 2nd and 5 or less 6 times against the Pats. Cook ran the ball all 6 times. Whatever happened to taking shots on 2nd and short because the entire playbook is open? This is what I mean about Dorsey. He is too damn predictable and it's making it way too easy for an NFL level defensive coordinator. Every yard the Bills gain is a difficult yard. They either play perfect of their offense is garbage.
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