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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Woa an onside kick worked. Not that it will matter but it worked.
  2. Thats entirely the point. People making a big deal of a camera showing a few seconds of Josh sitting on the bench not doing anything. ALL Qbs do that. Doesn't matter if they are trash, elite, won a SB, haven't won a SB. It doesn't matter. People like you just finding something to whine about.
  3. Sometimes QB sit on the bench and do nothing. The camera shows a few seconds of it out of a 3+hour game.
  4. Mahomes makes all the same mistakes as Josh and has bad games too. Not as often but he does. No QB is perfect. But Tom Brady was special because of the things Tom Brady was good at and did. Josh is special because of the things Josh can do and does. Josh isn't Tom Brady. Trying to make him Tom Brady isn't going to work because that isn't what he is special at.
  5. Been saying that. You don't get the special plays if you want a guy that "just takes what the defense gives you." You get a normal QB.
  6. I don't care? What I care about is going from having the other team pinned inside their own 5 and getting the ball at midfield or better to getting the ball in our own redzone. Saying some other teams might have that problem doesn't change the fact that it's a problem. It hurts the team. We had the ball on their 23 and went back to our own 23. I didn't say our special teams sucked. I said that portion of our special teams sucked and it did. Newsflash... it did. I guess in your book, no penalties are a problem because all teams get penalties.
  7. Its a continuous problem to be called for a penalty on our punt returns. It literally flipped the field back in Tampa’s favor and instead of starting with good field position we started with bad field position. You can roll your eyes at me all you want for saying that but it’s true. I gave credit to where STs was good as well.
  8. There is nothing wrong with wondering and wanting to know but they are just as entitled to medical privacy as everyone else. Also, a few weeks is nothing. When I had my neck surgery I had some paralysis issues for months. I still have a ton of problems over 2 years later. He is rehabbing. It's going to take time. I doubt this was career ending though.
  9. Yes, it was a crap spot for sure. I also think we go for it if the spot was correct.
  10. I get your point of view and I think it's fine. I also think it's fine what they did. Allen has drawn the Offside many times. People just only remember that it looks like a waste of time when they don't or if something bad happens. It was unfortunate but I am not bothered by it. Also not bothered by your point of view either.
  11. I'm guessing Morse snapped the football because the defender was Offside or he at least thought so.
  12. The one where we had flipped the field but penalties on punt returns flipped the field back in Tampas favor. Bass made his field goals, but was kickoffs were short. Maybe that was by design, I don't know. Coverage was good. Punts were excellent.
  13. Yes, the offense was better. Stats aside did you not see Josh more poised, more decisive, quicker to get the pass off, more confident, and make better throws? I did. Did you not see other players besides Diggs stepping up? Shakir, Kincaid, even Davis. I did. Did you not see Josh take off with the run lane when it was there? I did. Josh was also making better throws on the run. I'm not sure if this is true or not but the oline looked better to me yesterday. Josh didn't seem to be under as much pressure as last week. The holes in the run game looked better, but again I don't know if that part is true or not. Now stats... 88 yards more offense 6 yards per play, was 5 against Pats. Full yard difference 3rd down efficiency 53%, was 41% against Pats. 12% difference We had the lead the entire game as opposed to be behind the entire game Dorsey was still Dorsey. Shot gun hand off at the goal line. This was also a short week. However, I think the Pats know the Bills better and probably have a better defense so that kind of washes. Also home versus away. Tampa also had the number 1 red zone defense. Eye test as well as some other things, the offense was clearly better. EPA can kiss my ass. People touting EPA of the Bills being one of the best weeks 5-7, then I show some EPA showing the Bills being one of the worst at weeks 5-7.
  14. I always thought this kid would be good and good for our offense. I never wish injuries but I’m kinda glad Knox is injured so it sorta forces Josh and Dorsey to use Kincaid more. I like Knox but the dude is unreliable.
  15. We won but I don't know that I would consider it a close out for McD. Our offense worked for the most part today. We have a mini bye so I expect Dorsey will scheme up some shot gun slow draws to Cook for minus yards against the Bengals. Josh was Josh today. It was great to see finally.
  16. I'll take it. Offense looked good most of the night. D was good outside of two drives. McD went all conserve mode though.
  17. please no flukey end zone jump ball bounce to receivers hands
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