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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Wow this game is so weird. That shouldn't have been RTP. That dude wasn't intending to hit the QB IMO. The penalty on Gilmore earlier was weak af. I hope we never get these refs.
  2. Yeah, I don't get it either. Didn't get it last year either. Sure, Cinci moved the ball easily on us. The Bills were also moving the ball easily. Who knows what would have happened that game. McD's defense could have adjusted. Our O could have fell apart. Josh might have been superman in a shootout. We could have gotten blown out. Anything could have happened. The game in the playoffs was a completely different game and doesn't justify peoples feelings on what could have happened in the first game. We start slow all the time and people freak out in the GDT's. Sometimes we go on to blow that opponent out. Sometimes we still win close. Sometimes we lose close. We rarely get blown out.
  3. The Miami thing stems back to last year. Did we beat anyone good last year? Miami is a good team. There were many that think they are contenders. They haven't beaten a good team though. Doesn't mean they can't. Just means they haven't. This is a Bills board full of Bills fans. What do you care if people dog Miami or not?
  4. Yes, if he is capable of playing then he should play. It probably isn't something that can get worse. It's probably just about managing pain.
  5. You can stand behind what you say without saying it 100 times. It gets old man.
  6. They are good enough to be a playoff team. Anything can happen in the playoffs.
  7. We all know how you feel. You have said this same post like 100 times this week. You don't need to look for opportunities to repeat yourself like a broken record.
  8. Man the refs might as well just give Philly a TD
  9. For the second time in 3 weeks, Miami has left the door open for the Bills to take a half game lead in the division. The Bills need this one. LFG Buffalo.
  10. Poor communication leads to terrible defense. Most broken plays are either the guy fell or they didn't communicate well.
  11. If we lose a close hard fought battle, I can live with that. It greatly hurts us in the playoff hunt but I can live with the actual game. If we get blown out again, I am going back into bleak mode. Leslie was quoted as saying he doesn't make a lot of changes because they go with what they practice. McD's defense is a little more aggressive but mostly the same as far as I can tell. Im no defensive expert though. I felt like it was doing a better job when we had healthy players but losing White, Milano, and Jones have hurt a lot.
  12. I don't hate the Bengals. The only thing I hate is punk ass Miami fans atm. Not all of them. Just the ones that think they are king ***** all of a sudden.
  13. Yeah, thats pretty much how our D is. I've become fine with it. As long as they stop most of the TDs. It's when things like "13 seconds" happen that it bothers me or our game against the Pats a couple weeks ago.
  14. Sure is and that is true. I used to say that Josh gets better after he takes off for a run and gets hit. I still feel that is true. More so though, I think it opens the defense up when they know he is a threat to run. Last week was like the first time this season that was true.
  15. What saves your defense is turnovers. You give up a lot of yards but get a lot of turnovers. Our Defense has been like that... let the other team keep driving the whole field for a lot of yards but then either get a turnover before the score or stop the TD and make them kick fgs. Thats what your D is right now I think, but I haven't watched too many Bengals games.
  16. Because the timing of the clock, you are more likely to get the last drive of the first half if you start on defense. You can use the clock, score, and finish the half or leave little time for the other team to do anything in the final seconds of the half. Then you get the ball again in the second half. Its getting two possessions in a row which is the only possible way of doing so other than maybe the other team fumbling a kickoff. How do you not see that the potential to put up 14 points without the other team touching the ball is a big advantage?
  17. I was talking about this thread specifically. There are plenty of threads otherwise to talk about the Bills past games and performance. The rest I agree with but those things are all said in the 200 other threads that you can have an oh woe is me attitude in. I'd prefer if I can look in this thread and see talks about this specific week, news about this specific week as this thread is "Week 9 we are on to Cincinnati." It isn't "oh woe is me we lost to the Pats."
  18. I aint telling ya to be quiet. Just saying... you are giving them no chance. I aint gonna lie. I'm not all that optimistic about this game either. Mostly because of the D injuries but also because I dunno what offense shows up. Has nothing to do with last year though. Last year was last year. What I do know is if this O turns it on, they can beat anyone. I also know our D is going to make at least some stops. Hopefully they make enough of them. Honestly, I come to this thread to see practice week news and things about THIS WEEK, but it devolves into every other oh woe is me the Bills suck threads and I just get tired of reading it. I'm in this thread for news, not Dr. Phil.
  19. The funny thing is all 5 of those teams you listed as "stink" team wins there were people here before the games with the "OMG how are we going to stop their pass rush. Josh is going to get killed" or "Tampa is better than the Pats we are going to lose." There were people propping up Howell. People were finding losses for all those games too. Then they suddenly sucked after we won, and in some cases not just won but blew them out. Pretty sure most teams in the league have losses against crap teams. Who cares. A wins a win and a loss is a loss. Just watch the game.
  20. No one can tell you that. It comes down to player execution. Will they maintain good zones? Will they make the tackle? Will they rush the passer? It's all execution. No one thought McD could contain Lamar and the Ravens offense either. Then McD wrote the book.
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