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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Agree, processing the field is not where Josh shines and it is where Burrow shines. Thats why I don't like Dorsey. Its not the right offense for Josh. They should be having wrinkles of this offense to train him into it but they went full bore with it and just expect him to be Tom Brady with a bunch of guys that lack separation ability to boot.
  2. It's not a matter of just if they are open. It's where they are in progressions, when they are open, if they are in the right spot, if the QB can see them, if there is a throwing lane, is the guy even worth throwing to in that moment in time, etc etc etc. There is more to it than just the still frame image that people like to post on here. This stuff all happens in the blink of an eye. I am not saying that Josh is innocent in this but too many times I have seen a still shot here showing some open guy when it wasn't necessarily the case.
  3. You got downvoted but you are correct. The D made stops for most of the game. The Bengals only scored 3 points the entire second half while our O did nothing outside a late 4th qtr td all game long. The game was there to be had if our offense can score. Anyone blaming the defense is a moron. 18 points doesn't win you a football game against a superbowl contender with a top 5 QB.
  4. This isn't what I was pounding the table for. I was pounding the table for Davis to be a full WR and not a streak down the sideline guy. It's no coincidence that his best games have been when he is used all over the field and not just running streaks like Dorsey has him do most games. I still don't think the guy is very good but he is decent and using him as just a deep ball threat is not the way to use him. This is last week and also the playoff game with Daboll. I will take that all day over this crap And yes, I realize that in this pic he got 2 TDS and 171 yards but his use was limited and too one trick pony. He has a lot of charts of this one trick pony. Look at the use in the first pick. It makes it much harder for a D to defend an offense as a whole when we have guys running routes all over the place than just a broken play down the sideline. It gives Josh more options in the play. I will take consistent target anywhere on the field over a guy that gets raw yards a couple times a game on a busted play. I do love we are using Kincaid and others more though.
  5. Playcalling - everyone around here wanted Frazier out because he wasn't aggressive and on 3rd down he would only rush 3-4. Now we blitz people and people are all up in arms about that. Can't have it both ways. The problem with the Blitz is the other team sees it coming and and our guys don't get home, not that he actually calls it. Although, I do think he is a bit blitz heavy. Yes, those injuries matter. Milano is our best linebacker and was all over the field making plays. Next to him is a guy that is playing well but its still his first year of experience and as well as he is playing, isn't an all pro like Milano. That loss matters. Our pressure up the middle on the line took a hit and now we have a fat phillips and another guy that basically stand at the line doing not much. That loss matters. Our best corner, despite what people say about him, was back into his all pro like form when he went down. We have one guy that was drafted in the first round and gets torched so he can't even get on the gameday roster, another guy that is ok but no world beater, and another guy that was probably our best player on the field last night but has had some bad games this year. Poyer who has been an all pro player for us looks old and slow and isn't making the same impact and thats not because of coaching. The guys that helped create turnovers, hold star receivers in check, and gave good push in the middle of the line are mostly out for the season. That makes a difference. DVOA doesn't make us the worst defense in the league either. Holding the Bengals to 24 points while the offense did nothing the entire game outside of 3 drives, one of which ended in a turnover and also turned the ball over the first play of the second drive against a superbowl contender with a top 5 qb in their house is a good game. The only thing I put on defense is allowing that game winning drive against the Pats. Outside of that they have played good enough. You should be worried about this ass offense Dorsey puts out every week instead. They aren't going to win many games if they can't score.
  6. Screw DVOA. Our D has done enough, with exception of the Pats game, to win. Our best players have been out during that entire stretch. Our O has ***** the bed. Scoring 20 points a game is not getting it done. It puts them in tough spots and bad field position. Last night this D made a lot of stops against a team that just torched the 49ers. Time after time our O went 3 and out or just 1 first down or it turned the ball over. Use your eyes man. Not some stupid DVOA or EPA crap. This D did have some sloppy play last night but they still played well over all and would have looked even better had the O actually put points on the board. The Bengals score 3 points all second half, while the Bills only put up 10 points until a late TD drive in the 4th qtr.
  7. Please show me where they have been meh until late Nov. Maybe a couple game stretch but nothing like this. Not since Josh rookie year.
  8. Yes. We started 5-2, 6-3. Had a lot of blowout wins or at least wins where our O put up a ton of points. Including a blowout win against the Chiefs. Lost a few close games. The offense even after putting up only 6 points to the Jags, 10 points in a hurricane to the Pats, and 15 points to the Colts was still averaging 28 ppg. Thats how good our offense was that year in the 10 other games. Our division had no real competition that year despite some people shaking in their boots about the Pats. We had a soft schedule remaining against that same Pats team not in a hurricane, Atlanta, Panthers, and a terrible Jets team that didn't give us trouble back then. What about this season resembles any of that? Nobody cares about your racist, homophobe, lying, trolling ass. Just go back to twitter where you are ignored there. I can't believe they let you back in yet again. If the mods don't like my comments to you after your soft ass reports me, I will be happy to prove them. PS... dont pat yourself on the back because you were wrong all those years too.
  9. Laugh all you want suckers. They aren't going to fill the oline with #1 draft picks and the WR room full of the Devonta Adams and the Hopkins of the world. It just isn't going to happen and shouldn't need to happen. The Chiefs had about the same talent as us last season. This season they don't have one guy as good as Diggs. Not even Kelce. He is old and hobbled all year and his other receivers suck. They still winning. Who the Ravens got? Flowers? Broken ODB? They still winning. This team has enough talent. It's the coaching not using that talent to their strengths. You can keep disagreeing while you watch Josh get wasted with Dorsey.
  10. For sure Josh deserves some criticism. I don't disagree with that. However, since Dorsey has gotten here Josh has had clear regression. They are trying to change his game into more of a Tom Brady like game and that just doesn't suit him. At least not yet. Rather than weaving in those concepts and letting him learn, they just full blown went with all of it. Josh is special at things that they took away from him trying to make him special at something he isn't. I don't care what some efficiency stats show. Efficiency stats are for chumps. What matters is scoring and Josh is on his worst 5 game stretch that I recall. Haven't dug into it but its worse than even last year. Last year, I said Dorsey sucked too. People hung their hat on but but but the scoring is the same (or maybe it was a tad better) as Daboll. Well now its not. Its plummeted. I don't care what stats show. They are stats from a few blowouts that carry it. Josh needs to be Josh. People need to stop caring that he has a bum game or two because that same Josh is the one that is a superstar and carries the team through 10 other games. A few bad games happen to every QB. It isn't the end of the world. You don't neuter that guy when he produces in the rest of the season. 13 secs is why we don't have a superbowl, not because Josh threw some ints against the Jets or had a bad game against the Jags. Dorsey is in over his head. His concepts suck for this team. He has no idea how to use the personnel. His game flow is terrible. He can't adjust. He can't design an offense for the talent he has. Josh has bailed him out a lot. Dorsey has a good gameplan here and there. About as many as Josh has Jets games. Asking Josh to play the way they want him to play is like asking Peterman to chuck it down the sideline all game. Square pegs, round holes. People can say we have no talent on the offense. Sure, we could use another WR #1. We could use a RT. The thing is we have enough talent as is. It is just used wrong. You can't have all stars at that many positions when you are paying a QB.
  11. It’s because Dorsey is in over his head and has no idea what he is doing. We are 9 weeks in plus last season and this offense still has no identity. Dorsey has a bad design for our QB and personnel and can’t fix it. this should have been apparent when he gets players he has no idea what to do with. We got Hines last season and he had no idea what to do with him. We got Kincaid this season and couldn’t get him involved until he was forced to. idgaf. I will argue with anyone who thinks Dorsey isn’t the problem.
  12. At this point, it isn’t about this year. It’s about next year. I want Dorsey gone but it’s too late in the season for that to be meaningful this year and no one on our current staff is good enough for the job.
  13. We have enough play makers on offense to succeed on offense. It’s the wrong offense for Josh.
  14. Thank you. People making an issue out of nothing. You can see this in every game from every QB. It’s a big nothing burger.
  15. I’m aware. My opening post said if we don’t win the division. Frankly with our upcoming schedule and the way we been playing, I’m not sure that we will. We are a game behind now but not necessarily a game behind at the end of the year. It’s not even a given we will sweep Miami.
  16. Even the Jets are ahead of us in the hunt. I said this game was practically a must win. I also said if the Bills lost this game a WC is unlikely and the Bills would need to win the division to make the playoffs. There is zero room for error now and we are going to need help. We lose the head to head against a wild card competitor. We have too many conference losses against other teams in the hunt. Buffalo is likely going to have to win out or lose maybe one and get some help. Yes I know 4 of those teams are from the same division and they will somewhat beat each other up, but we still have no room for error.
  17. You dont rebuild a team by trading one of the best QBs in the league. Come on with this insane stuff.
  18. I'm not blaming the refs for this loss but the refs were terrible this game and have overall been terrible in games all season
  19. They did make stops when they mattered. The offense just didn't score when it mattered.
  20. It's Dorsey's job to run an offense that Josh can excel in while teaching Josh. Thats not what Dorsey is doing. Either Dorsey sucks at his job or Allen is a mediocre QB. I choose to believe Josh is elite because I have seen him play elite. Dorsey is a second year offensive coach that had no business really getting that job in the first place.
  21. Kincaid has been our best draft pick outside of Josh in the Beane era IMO.
  22. I was on board with this when the thread was created. I've been on board with it every week since then, even when we won. This team has enough talent on it to put up a hell of a lot more points than it has. Either Josh is a mediocre QB or Dorsey is terrible at his job. I believe Josh is elite so Dorsey needs to go.
  23. Miami will have to ***** the bed for us to win the division. We arent going to win enough.
  24. I know most don't agree but I think this is the game that keeps us from the playoffs. Not likely to win the division now unless Miami collapses. Can't really lose another game with a tough schedule coming up. Lost the head to head against a WC competitor. Too many conference losses against other WC competitors. This coaching staff needs to go. Dorsey sucks. McD is an ok coach but I don't think good enough to get us over the hump. Our team has stagnated on both D and O.
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