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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. IMO (still) Dorsey is the problem Edit: sorry @HappyDays I just noticed you posted this in the Dorsey thread. I didn't see it because sometimes when I click a thread it skips a page or two that I haven't read yet. Mods can delete if they want.
  2. Josh misses some stuff but overall it's because of Dorsey's concepts. Here is a good breakdown instead of a twitter vid
  3. Go back and watch the Daboll run offense. Its not even close to being run the same way.
  4. Gashed the entire game - 35 yards punt, 4 yards punt, 34 yards punt, 23 yards turnover of downs ToP our offense - 1:40 punt, 13 seconds int, 2:09 punt, 1:37 end of half, 1:18 punt, 3:55 fumble What gave us 10-20% chance at winning the game was Allen throwing an int and Kincaid fumbling the football after driving the field and 4 other drives the offense did nothing. Sorry, but the defense did fine. Fact remains the offense had 6 drives that they could have scored on and did nothing. You aren't going to win football games if you keep giving the ball back to an elite offense from turnovers and punts. The offense has to score. It didn't. Not the defenses fault.
  5. It doesn't matter if they gave up back to back drives. Its the same points if its back to back or 1 score in 2 different quarters. It's over the course of the whole game. The offense had 6 drives they could have scored on where the defense held them to no points and they did diddly with it other than 3 and out or turn the ball over. We turned the ball over twice to an elite offense and the rag tag defense still held them to 24 points. As for the rest... ifs ifs ifs. None of it happened so it doesn't count. How about the tripping that would have given us a first down and 15 more yards. We could have went on to score, you don't know. It's all ifs. You can say all you want. The fact is the offense scored 18 points and the defense allowed 24. If you expect a rag tag defense to hold an elite team under 18 points, you are out of your mind.
  6. I really hope so. I haven't given up on the season but it does look bleak. Yes there are like 4 teams that have the same 4 losses as us behind us but they have a game in hand because of bye weeks. I don't think they will coast. I also don't think they are invincible. I am just saying we have no room for error now and a pretty rough schedule coming up. The offense still hasn't found its way and got its ***** together.
  7. Over the last 5 games the Bills have averaged 20.2 ppg. That would put them 20th.
  8. but but but epa. Scoring is the same as it was last season. Its like 0.2 difference. It is down from the prior two years by a couple points though.
  9. As much as I don't like this staff and you can see that from my post history, I still think this crap is tacky. These players are still playing their ass off and it's an embarrassment to them too. Also, not something a new coach would like to hear about I doubt.
  10. It is but Miami has a fairly soft schedule in front of them. Raiders, Commanders, Jets x2, Titans. Their tough remaining games Ravens, Cowboys, us.
  11. You roll your eyes but you know I am right because you have nothing other than "but they were 7-6 two years ago and made the playoffs."
  12. I expect that if they are healthy. Did you see the list of players on defense on that final drive? You're asking the C crew to stop an elite offense. For the last time, they stopped the Bengals all game long. Where was the offense? The offense had 6 other drives to score a TD on. Yeah, thats right.... 6 other drives. You want to blame the defense over 1 drive. It wasn't even a guarantee the offense scored if they did get the ball back. Von is still coming back from an ACL. That takes time. Just because he is on the field doesn't mean he is back to himself.
  13. I think some people don't understand how bad last nights loss was for this team. It's the difference between leading our division by a half game and being 9th on the outside looking in. The AFC is tight. Although we are 9th (2 slots out of the playoffs,) we are actually 1 game away from being 13th (6 slots out of the playoffs) and that's only because some of those teams had bye weeks already. A loss to the Broncos could end up putting the Bills at the bottom... just above the Pats. Thats disgusting. There is zero room for error with the gauntlet of the schedule still coming up.
  14. No, I don't. It would be nice but the D stopped them and gave the offense a chance all 2nd half. It's not their fault the O didn't take advantage sooner. I did expect them to make a stop on the Pats after we took the lead with 2 mins left but thats a different situation. The fact is the offense had a chance all game to take advantage thanks to the D. I'm not going to fault them for not making a stop to give the offense a ball back when they did so all game long.
  15. McD is quoted “I’m doing everything that I can as a head coach to make sure that things are the way that I want them and expect them to be across all three phases" Sorry, but McD has his role in this offensive catastrophe too. The reason Daboll and McD hate each other is because McD tried to meddle with him and Daboll wouldn't listen. Not saying Daboll is the greatest but he sure ran a hell of a lot more high powered offense than this crap.
  16. Time for McD to go. Enough trying to force this team into some archaic football team that wins 17-10. The Bills D can't even hold teams to that. Our O sucks because the offense isn't designed to the strength of the players and what they can do well. It is designed to play McD ball. This is why McD and Daboll hate each other... because Daboll wouldn't listen. Dorsey has a job in a place he don't belong because he is a McD yes man.
  17. Other teams score points. Especially elite teams and the Bengals are certainly elite with many weapons. Did you expect a shut out? Would it make any difference if they scored on the first drive and then in the 3rd quarter instead? The D actually had a huge stop in the first half after our offense gave up the ball on our own 32 and the Bengals came away with zero points from it. So yeah, you can say the Bills defense sucked on the first two drives but they were going to score. Its not about what it is on the first two drives. Its about what it is over the course of the entire game. The fact is the offense put the D in bad spots and the D held an elite offense to 24 points. Only 3 points in the entire second half. Im bummed about those first two drives but they wouldn't matter if our O could score and again, we were never going to pitch a shut out. That same team just torched the 49ers last week in an away game. Considering our D fielded a few backup scrubs during the game, I can't put this loss on the D. They did a good enough job to win a football game. The offense didn't do its part. The game was never even close. The offense didn't make it close until mid 4th quarter while having plenty of opportunity to do so. Thats what you expect out of a D... give your offense opportunity. They did. The offense couldn't match.
  18. Nice try with that but you apparantly didn't read the post in some cringe effort to get back at me for what I said to you yesterday. I didn't bash Davis in my post. I said the team is using him wrong.
  19. This is about offensive production and making the playoffs. The offensive production is not good enough which could keep them from making the playoffs. I don't care about being 2nd in total tds as that is skewed from like 3 games out of 9. Our last 5 weeks we have scored 20 ppg. That is not good enough. These weren't against some monster D's either. If you can't see our offense sucked for a big portion of the season thus far then you aren't watching. Average ppg in the NFL this year is the same as it was last year. What does that have to do with our offense only scoring 20 ppg on average over the last 5 weeks? Even most of those points are late 4th qtr stuff where the offense did jack the first 3/4's. The Chiefs offense is down because they have no talent in skill positions other than an old hobbled Kelce. Our talent on O is leagues better than the Chiefs this year. Last season it was about the same. I also don't care about the Chiefs, or the Chargers, or anyone else. I care about the Bills and for the last 5 weeks the Bills offense might as well be run by Tyrod Taylor. That also has nothing to do with your post that you were clearly wrong about. Do you care to address saying the offense was "meh in 2021 until Dec?" I clearly showed you were wrong. Instead of just admitting that, you completely changed the topic. Would I prefer to be the Chargers? No, I would prefer our Offense lives up to what it should be and stop wasting Josh Allen and trying to turn him to Tom Brady which clearly isn't working for him. Design the offense to the strengths of our personnel instead of designing an offense based on what they want to be able to do with players they don't have.
  20. Completely wrong. The Bills turned the ball over on our own 32 and the Bengals got zero points from it. That is a huge spot. They forced a turnover on downs on our own 35 as well. The Bengals scored 3 points the entire second half of the game and please don't tell me they weren't trying to score points. They went for it on 4th and 5 at the end of the 3rd quarter. They were passing all game long, not burning clock. Our offense did nothing the entire game. Our D held them most of the game after the first two drives. That is good defense and winning defense. This wasnt just some junk team. Its a legit superbowl contender in their own house with a top 5 QB. I know right? I didn't think he meddled with the offense that much until that dude posted the article link. The coach should be involved. That is the head coach job, but if he is the problem then he needs to let go. This is probably why he and Daboll hate each other.
  21. Josh turnover was terrible but it didn't lead to Bengals points. Our D actually pushed the Bengals back and they punted. ooof “I’m doing everything that I can as a head coach to make sure that things are the way that I want them and expect them to be across all three phases,” McDermott said via video conference.
  22. Yeah, I mean the Bengals were obviously running the ball and trying not to score the entire second half. /sarcasm
  23. No they were not. Not even close. Sept. 16, 35, 43 were the points scored. It was a bad opener but the Bills destroyed the second two weeks. That was not meh. Oct. 40, 38, 31, 26 points scored. We blew out 3 opponents including the Chiefs and even in our loss scored 31 points and should have won that game too. That was not meh. Nov. 6, 45, 15, 31 points scored. Yeah, we had two clunkers but it was still not a meh month. Blew out 2 of the 4 opponents. Not sure what you were watching but it wasn't Bills football.
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