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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. You forgot the blind side block to Hyde that hit him right in the head.
  2. Except they aren't playing cover 2 all that much. As per @HoofHearted
  3. Seems like a give him a few million bucks and have him retire at halftime type of situation.
  4. I agree somewhat but I disagree with prime Beasley. I think he was a difference maker. Old Beasley not so much. I think they CAN turn it around. Not sure they will but they can. I dunno even what the answer is. Mostly I think Josh needs to just get back to playing Josh football and the coaches need to let him. I think the number one thing holding this offense back is Josh not running the football on instinct. Half the time he tries to run now, he is so hesitant that it's too late. This is what made our D hard to defend and open everything else up. I think in the beginning it was coaches. Maybe his shoulder is part of the reason of that too. He says its no problem but I think it is bothering him. There just doesn't seem to be that dog in this team anymore. Too business like attitude. Not enough dog game attitude. You could see that attitude change before camp even started.
  5. You are right about a bunch of people with pitchforks out for Daboll. I had my pitchfork out but not because of the games you list. The difference with those games is not just that we had a late game stretch, its that those games were surrounded by blowouts. It wasn't a 5 game or even 4 game stretch of mediocre football. For instance we opened with scoring 16 points in a loss and then proceeded to blow 4 teams out which included beating the chiefs. Then we lost a tight high scoring game against the Titans, beat Miami by 15, loss to the Jags scoring 6 points. Then we blew out the Jets, had a rare loss being blown out by the Colts. Then we blew out the Saints, lost to the Pats in hurricane scoring 10 points, lost a close one to the Bucs in a high scoring game. After that we blew everyone out until we lost in the playoffs. This year, we are basically on a 5 game stretch of average to bad offense and it just looks clunky and difficult to move the ball. 2021 was a completely different story.
  6. At least sometimes he moves out of the way so he isn't the one that hits Josh. Isn't that nice of Brown?
  7. I agree. I've said for most of the year that Josh not being a threat to take off and run hurts this offense because the defense won't change out of what they are playing without it. They don't care about our checkdowns even if we took them and they don't care about our run game. Josh running the football was huge and special. It tore defenses up almost as much as the pass so they had to account for it. Now they don't and they know it.
  8. I don’t care about the trick plays really. The article makes them sound great but I remember being pissed when Daboll dialed one up in the wrong moment and it failed miserably and killed the drive. fun will come with winning and playing good football. They arent. having fun because the offense sucks. Josh needs to get back to his superstar self and running the football. It’s the only thing that is going to open the passing game back up.
  9. Thanks. Maybe just Beasley, Brown/Emanual Sanders executed it better or defenses are just better prepared for it today. Josh seemed to execute better back then too though. At least to me. I know we had clunkers with Daboll as well but nothing like this 5 game stretch in a row since rookie Josh.
  10. One thing I will say about that play is it actually looked smooth. A lot of times I see them run some play like that it looks clunky and fails just because of that. Yes, they should have just went with the reverse though. It was there.
  11. Thank you for this explanation, and the write up above of course. These things are better to me than the breakdown videos of a couple plays people do. This part is what I have been trying to explain but I am football stupid. In any case... maybe this is possibly why Josh seems to hold the ball sometimes. I think maybe he either expected the receiver elsewhere because he read the play different than the receiver and one of them is wrong, maybe even waiting for the receiver/defender to declare, or things like that (again i'm football stupid. my brain also doesn't function and I often search for words that I know but can't find haha.) This could also be why we sometimes find multiple receivers garbling up the same area and also puts Josh in a rough spot. The other thing I would like to ask is... a lot of people say this is the same offense that Daboll ran. I dunno if it is or not but to me it does not look like the same offense. Either way, this offense might be better long term if these guys get the execution down better, but I feel at this point they should back off a bit because it isn't working for them and this season is just going to fall hard if they don't get back to some basics. I think on that last drive that Davis wasn't even on the field. I dunno if true or not as I didn't pay attention, but I read that somewhere.
  12. This is nothing new. Defenses tried this back when Daboll was here. Josh torched it before. He has seen and torched just about everything. This is why he was on an unstoppable roll in 2021, because nothing they threw at him worked. Not two high shell, not man, not zone, not cover zero, not blitzes... nothing worked against him once he figured it out. Like cover zero took him a couple games. Everyone thinks taking checkdowns is the answer and sometimes it is but nobody is bringing their safeties down. They dont give a crap about the checkdown. Making us play perfect for 15 play drives is what they are going to do because nobody can consistently play perfect on those kinds of drives when one mistake ends the drive. One missed pass, one penalty, one sack, one turnover, one stuffed run, etc etc... all end the drive unless there is a defensive mistake or Allen makes a super hero play. That isn't going to consistently happen.
  13. Sorry no. You can't put all the offensive woes on our defense and starting field position. Bengals game possessions start at 25 got a first down by penalty and went 3 and out punt. start at 12 2 plays int on our own side of the field start at 9 3 and out minus yardage start at 25 moved the ball but a bogus imo intentional grounding call took us out of FG range and half ended start at 26 FG start at 9 3 and out start at 9 moved the ball but fumbled in their territory Those are all the drives we did not score on and one we did. Explain to me how field position mattered at all. If anything it was the offense that couldn't flip the field. Not too mention our punts sucked. Field position doesn't matter if you go 3 and out or turn over the ball anyways. Most of those our defense made stops by midfield btw.
  14. There is no rise of 2 high shell. This defense has been tried against Josh for years. Going back to Daboll. Its just effective now because Dorsey is attacking it differently. Josh used to torch this defense.
  15. Not sure I agree with all that but its too early for me to argue. I know its not actually early but my sleep schedule is all over the place so I just woke up. I'll think about this later and come back. I will start with the Bills skill players are way better than the Chiefs right now. All those guys do is drop footballs and Kelce is old and was hobbled most of the season. Dolphins have a couple guys and we have a couple guys. Some of those olines are about the same. Our QB is better than some of those QBs.
  16. Maybe turn the volume on and listen to what he says instead Im all for getting better players and coaches but lets not act like we have the worst group in the league. Our oline is at least average. Davis is at least average. Kincaid is above average. Shakir has caught and made plays with just about every ball thrown his way. I don't know what he is but he is making the most of his opportunities. Cook is good. Josh and Diggs are elite. I expect at least top 10. Last season we had a bad game here and there but it wasn't this 5 game in a row ***** show and we had worse players.
  17. Yeah I know it wasnt intentional grounding. I lumped them together my bad.
  18. They call stuff when they feel like it. The rule is that if you do something in the face of the opponent then its taunting. Such as look and point at the defender or spiking the ball in the defenders face or pointing first down to the defenders face. Thats why you usually see someone get a first down and then move away from the defenders before they do their first down point or spike ball or whatever. You are right that it isnt always called and they call it when they feel like it just like all other penalties. The penalty is also stupid af but it is the rule. He has been called for it before. They just pick and choose when they feel like calling it. Now he has gloves that are painted red two finger peace sign so he just puts his whole hand up as a mockery.
  19. This has been what I have been trying to get across all season. It's fine to take the short stuff or the "what the defense gives you" stuff once in a while but it's not going to get the job done. Thats why the defense gives it to you. You have to play too perfect for that to work. One mistake ends the whole drive. One incompletion. One stuffed run. One penalty. One sack. That just too much to ask from Josh or any other QB. They are behind the sticks too often. We don't have the skillset nor is it the QBs strength to run that kind of offense. Especially when they neuter his running.
  20. This. To the letter of the rule it was a penalty. Just like that throw they called intentional grounding when really the receiver just cut off his route. There are far worse things like the facemask not called or the sliding tripping tackle not called. Or in another game the guy taking his helmet off and hitting someone with it not called. This taunting rule is just stupid. Even stupider Josh could have gotten ejected for another similar act. The NFL rules just don't make sense. Much like some of their fines don't make sense.
  21. and that would be what the eye test actually shows. Not some skewed "we are #3 in epa!!!!" crap.
  22. Like I said in my post... I didn't generate these. It was a thread on cover 1's twitter that I took them from. It was more efficient to just post the pictures than embedded tweets of embedded tweets. I posted them because there was a question about another posters tweets. These are the accepted standard of metrics for EPA. It still shows our offense is not up to par. Thats part of the reason I don't like this stat. You can make it say whatever bias you want it to. The stat has it's place. Showing our offense is fine is not one of them. Overall, in the games for the last 5 weeks, our offense has not been fine. It's been mostly avg or bad. When I make that point and it's finally accepted because it can't be disputed, I get the "well the Chiefs are not doing well either." I don't care. Another team not doing well doesn't make our team suddenly better. Our team is still not doing well. I don't accept that average to bad offense is ok when we have an elite QB. And no, I do not think we had a lot of garbage time. The games have been close enough to win at the end, so garbage time doesn't exist.
  23. I mean, I don't really care about any of that. I care that our offense has not performed to standards. I don't care what EPA shows. It has not performed to standards. They are not scoring for big chunks of the game. Over the last 5 weeks this offense has not put up points. Thats just a fact no matter what advanced metrics anyone wants to show, it won't change that. The Bills need to do better. If you don't see this offense as being bad over the last 5 weeks you are either blind or delusional. (not saying you as in actually you.)
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