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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. We going to blame the defense for this like people did last week? and dont tell me this crowd aint into it. They going nuts haha.
  2. Well they better march down and score then or taking the ball was a bad move.
  3. We finally here! LFG BUFFALO. JUST GET THE WIN!!!!
  4. They said on the pregame that Surtain doesn't really follow. If that remains true then all they have to do is move Diggs around. This is Dorsey we are talking about though so...
  5. This is the last week they can call up Norman right, or does he have one more before having to be rostered? Can't remember if he was called up two weeks or three now.
  6. I feel the same this week as I did last week. I really don't care what it looks like... just get the damn win.
  7. I agree with NewEra. There is no switch. While a ton of hard work may yield the same results, there is no magic switch where the offense just starts lighting it up again. It's just hard work and getting better execution from hard work. Less mistakes because better decisions are made from that hard work because maybe they understand better what they are supposed to do. Or Dorsey just runs a better offense that these guys are better suited for. But there is no magic switch. When other teams "get hot at just the right time," that wasn't a magic switch either. It's just the guys executing better what they practiced all year or maybe even a change of philosophy to suit what they did well for most of that year... or both. That isn't the first player that has said its the most complicated offense he has ever seen. Maybe thats part of the problem with this offense. I have heard that comment at least twice before. Hines played on ST returns. That is why he started right away. Having one play for him isn't anything ground breaking. I do think it takes the Bills time to get players involved. It doesn't take much to have a package of plays designed for a new guy. To me it seems the ones that start right away are out of necessity for the position. Returner was a necessity at the time. The other choice was Hyde just to fair catch, or McK where ya might cringe every play looking for a muffed catch.
  8. Injuries happen. The offense not having its swagger is because they haven't been playing well, not because a few guys on defense got injured.
  9. I didn't think it was real even reading it. I was like "does McD know that?" Also what is ownership group actually meddling with that would upset those two that they would walk out on a job that not many people will ever have.
  10. Dont like that Hyde is out but expected. Good to see Bernard in!
  11. They keep it because of the 4 losses. If we were actual tied then the Bills would currently have it because of head to head.
  12. Then the chances that we even get a WC this year plummet and our only real hope would be Miami losing enough games that the final game will decide division winner.
  13. Nobody asking anyone to take solace. You originally said we haven't witnessed greatness out of the QB. Then said you haven't witnessed it in a playoff scenario. Now you are saying you can't take solace in a loss. I don't take solace in that loss. In fact I hate McD and this defense for that loss, but the QB still has shown greatness in that game. In more games than that too.
  14. If you are talking about my thread or anything I said in it and you came away with that, then you misinterpreted what I said.
  15. It didn't? What do you consider a meaningful playoff scenario? Against the Chiefs he masterfully took the lead back in the game two drives in a row. The last leaving the team 13 seconds to win the damn game. No defense should ever give up a score with 13 seconds to go and the field to drive. Ever. Thats not on Josh. Josh won us that game. McDermott and his defense lost it.
  16. We have though. Perfect game against the pats. That game against KC was pretty amazing too. If not for 13 secs we’d be talking differently on how great that game was. Josh actually has a lot of impressive games under his belt and a ton more wow holy ***** can’t believe that happened throws.
  17. The running backs we had here were never the problem. All of them could do what we have needed. A mixture between o line and offensive system and predictable play calling lack of knowledge or will to use players strength and more of a dependency on making players fit the offense they want to run is the problem.
  18. I love Cosell and I agree we dont have the greatest talent on offense. However, I think our talent is underrated. There arent that many teams that are super talented across the board. Josh is elite. Cook can be explosive. Diggs is elite. Kincaid is playing really well for a rookie when given the chance. Davis is decent. Shakir is playing really well. Our oline started out really good in the beginning of the season. It actually looked like we had a good oline for a change. The Jags exposed something and they have been downhill since. They have not even tried to change or adapt to that other than to try and use the TEs in 12 personnel. I'm sorry but I refuse to believe that the talent we have on the team is all that terrible. We have guys. Even more guys than I listed. They aren't elite talents but we do have guys that are decent to very good. This offense just does not use the talent as it should be used. I don't even think Dorsey is terrible in the sense that his design is terrible.... It's just terrible for our team. He lacks the skills to use the talent and build an offense around what we have. Instead he is trying to force his one and only offensive system and make the players into something they aren't. That is why Dorsey needs to go. Because he is trying to fit square pegs in round holes and lacks the ability to do anything else. I watch other teams fit new guys in right away. How many times have we seen a player come in here and we can't even get them on the field at all?
  19. Thats the afc this year. Its too tight. The right win or loss can swing a team from top to bottom. This is why the Pats loss and Jets loss were bad losses to take. We are the better team. Its those games that we have to win and didn't. The Jags loss I could tolerate because they are actually a good team this year and I probably underrated them at the time. Then it made the Bengals game that much more important. Now we are in must win territory.
  20. Personally I don't think someone is a real fan if they can't be bothered to watch their team unless they are playing great football. I am down on this team too, but I am here every week cheering my team on and hoping for a turnaround. I've been watching this team for over 40 years and think I missed maybe 3 games that weren't blacked out and even then I listened on the radio. Maybe I am just old but I think its just sad and pathetic to declare you can't be bothered to watch them just because they aren't playing their best right now.
  21. I might believe it. Depends on what it is. When I have time to watch it, I will watch it. Until then, EPA doesn't match the eyeball. EPA in a nutshell is predicting scoring chance per drive right? I don't find that to be very accurate if we score high but rarely score.
  22. Yes, consistently bad. Try watching the games instead of the stat board. They do nothing all game and then get a couple scores in the 4th quarter. That is not good. Scoring 14, 18, 20 are 3 weeks of the last 5. That is below average. That is not good by any means. 24 and 25 in the other two weeks is just barely top 10 average. I'd like to see the work that we are 5th in offensive points scored over the last 5 weeks. Maybe I am wrong but I don't believe it until I actually see the work on it. Haven't had time to watch the video yet. Maybe its in there. I just have a hard time believing it when we are 20th in average ppg over the last 5 weeks. Even over the last 3 we are 13th which is barely above average. If you watch this team and think this offense is consistently good at scoring then I'd like some of what you are smoking.
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