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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I dont think they are going to come out of their looks at all. They have the deep ball covered and other D is having a fairly easy job covering the underneath pretty tight. I know, I know, that guy on the screenshot is open but people have a hard time understanding how fast the defender is actually going to get there. McD's defense has made a living off of swarming to the ball. Not so much this year as the tackling has been piss poor, but he has. Yes, the underneath stuff needs to happen but they give that stuff up for a reason. No team is going to consistently move the ball 80 yards 3-5 yards at a time. Too much potential for mistakes. Especially with the slow ass people we got that can't really get much separation to begin with. Josh running the ball or even us picking up 7-8 yards a carry consistently might get teams out of it but right now I don't think thats going to happen.
  2. Cover 1 basically going over all of Josh's ints.
  3. You mean the 12 men on the field thing? I read that Floyd was the guy that didn't come off and was supposed to.
  4. It's going to take me a minute to process this. Sub-culture of the culture processing the process.
  5. Another coach. It isn't my job to figure that out. People act as if McDermott is the only coach in the world that can lead this team. Is it possible we get a worse coach? Yeah, but it's also possible we get a coach that is better. McD isn't god.
  6. No. I think he is a good coach but I think he has gone a little mental this season and he has no answers. I also think he wants the wrong thing with the offense. Josh's problem this year is mental and I think that directly stems from McD being in his head and wanting to run the offense a certain way. I think McD took the special out of Josh. Time to go.
  7. This is what makes Josh special and elite. If you want a QB that just checks down every play just because it is there then you can just get Trent Edwards back.
  8. I'm thinking Diggs is elite, Kincaid is very good and may be elite with time, Cook can be explosive if they get him the ball in space, Shakir has been good. Davis is Davis. He is boom or bust but can make explosive plays and has many. Harty or another guy off the bench, who knows as they don't use them and when they have they aren't used well. It doesn't take elite play design to have explosive plays but the play design we have this year isn't really geared for explosive plays or very good usage of our guys/Josh. Like it might be a good offense, but it isn't clicking for these guys. They need to do better. Our talent is better than the Chiefs this year. Probably better than what the Chiefs had last year too.
  9. Oh please. Enough of the “we don’t have no talent” stuff. No, we don’t have Hill but there is enough talent to utilize on this team. Would I like better? Of course but there is talent here.
  10. I don’t hate Mahomes at all. I singled him out because he is a current QB and the best. I also know that his ints have been around the same as Josh last year and this year. you originally said that his ints have come down over the course. Obviously they haven’t. Now you are moving goal posts and trying to make up some narrative that I hate him. You lose.
  11. Not sure I agree with that. You don't need Hill speed to get guys downfield. Just the right play design. One thing I did agree with in Warners video was that Josh from shot gun really isnt taking that drop so he is ready to throw the ball long before those long developing routes even happen. It made perfect sense watching the tape while he explained it. As far as YAC... yeah we don't have great guys but the offensive system itself doesn't seem to really give good opportunity for YAC. Lots of curls, comebacks, and outs to the sideline. Lots of "stop here" and wait for ball. YAC comes from guys catching the ball on the move. Most of our catches are not like that. They are mostly standing still catches or headed out of the sideline like catches. At least from some of the stuff I seen anyways. Some of the ones included in that are probably balls tipped at the line and things like that. "A lot" were not just terrible throws and decisions. Some of them for sure were though.
  12. I've been banging this statement all year long. Other thing is Josh is no threat to run. Even when he thinks about running it, it's too hesitant and too late. Defenses know he isn't going to run it no more so they don't even have to worry about it. His throws have been hesitant. His throws on the run have been bad this year which is odd because he excelled at that. It's just mental. Its coaching in his head. I think that is McD personally and Dorsey just coaching as McD wanted. Dorsey had more problems and I agree with the fire, but I think it does stem further up the chain.
  13. They have mostly been decent. They have bad plays and when they do they are really bad. Like the lineman might as well not be there bad, but they have also been very good too. It's weird. They just aren't consistent. It isn't just Brown either. Everyone on that oline has had bad moments. I thought they played real well against Denver but I dunno how good Denvers pass rush is because I haven't watched them at all.
  14. The weird thing is 4 of his TDs came against the "good" teams. Bills 1, Cowboys 1, Chiefs 2. The other was the Giants. Honestly looking at their schedule, they haven't had it easy. Its amazing that team is 4-5 with Zach Wilson.
  15. Funny thing is that we don't have any true coordinators left. If McD got canned in season the interim coach would be the waterboy haha. I mean we got the ST's coach still I guess. Is anybody even going to want to work for McD next season or are we going to be stuck with the "promote from within" or retreads begging for any scrap of a job?
  16. Im not sure if this one was posted or not yet but I am listening/watching it now. It's a good listen IMO. I will watch the Warner one next. One thing is said in here is something I said even when Daboll was here that I didn't like about him. They don't build off the plays. They don't run the football and build off of it. They run the football just to run the football. It isn't setting up a pass. He also said something else I have been saying... you aren't going to march 80 yards on the Jets consistently taking 3-5 yards at a time. Can't really do that against any team. The explosive plays have to be mixed in there.
  17. Head coach Robert Saleh was asked on Wednesday, November 15 how would that change the game plan heading into the game. “[Joe] Brady is a very talented young man. From a schematic standpoint, we have our thoughts [but] I’m not going to get into it here. From a play-calling standpoint, we have our thoughts [but] I’m not going to get into it here. Obviously, there is going to be some nuance and some change. You don’t change coordinators unless you’re expecting something to be different,” Saleh explained. “At the same time, to expect them to reinvent the wheel on such short notice, they are who they are. It’s an extremely talented football team. They are still a top-10 offense despite changing coordinators.”
  18. My favorites are when people in the GDT: Why Josh throwing into triple coverage. Then you look and see Diggs is single coverage and Josh got rid of the ball just before he got nailed. It was a bad throw but it wasn't no damn triple coverage. Wasn't all that great of a route by Diggs either honestly.
  19. Funny thing is that DB was initially just trying to make Diggs drop the ball, not intercept it. Initially both the DB's hands were on the inside of the ball just trying to pry it out. How that ended up an INT is just crazy. All I did was look at Mahomes to see you didn't even bother checking and just throwing stuff out there. in order: 1, 12, 5, 6, 13, 12, 8(current season on pace for record high of 15)
  20. I mean, I think McD's time here should come to a close. I still feel he was a pretty good head coach, but he doesn't embrace the talent of Josh. I don't have a problem with him wanting things done "his way." Thats the entire point of being a head coach. He is the leader. I just don't think his way is the right way in the NFL. I think McD is what is in Josh's head and why Josh has taken a step back this year. Josh can't play his way and it takes the special out of him. Maybe that isn't the case but thats how it feels and looks to me.
  21. I dont mind him when he is by himself honestly, but together the show is just trash.
  22. I've been a Bills fan for over 40 years. Why would I switch that just because we are having a down year? No, I am not a guy that changes teams based on who is winning.
  23. My favorites... "he is just doing what McD wants him to do" "he eats up the middle and no one throws his way," meanwhile the receiver run right behind him in his zone coverage and he doesn't even move while the pass gets completed.
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