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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I didn't trot out a random stat. It doesn't prove the opposite. 16 years. You used him as an example. That example is rare. He also got the job done. McD hasn't gotten the job done, so it isn't the same situation at all. Unless your only goal is to be a good regular season team. You want another example? Marty Schottenheimer. Coached KC for 10 years. 5-13 playoff record. Great in the regular season though (.613) Think they should have kept him longer or did that continuity not do them any good? None of the other Bills head coaches had an elite franchise QB on the level of Kelly or Allen. You think McD would be this successful if he still had QBs like Tyrod Taylor ,Nate Peterman, and EJ Manual, or is it more likely he is a 9 game win coach at best just like the rest of them? Sure, we have had some bad coaches but QB matters and none of those other coaches had one. Continuity would have done nothing without one. Even Doug Marrone with Nate Hackett at OC went 9-7. I asked you a question... where do you draw the line? How many years are you giving this guy to win a SB, or at least get to one? Instead of answering you just tried to puff chest like you are superior or something. The bolded is part of my point. Part of the reason he is there so long is he has proven he can do it and he proved it early on. Twice in his first 4 seasons. McD hasn't done that and is on year 7. You say that proves the opposite? I think not.
  2. “Embarrassing was probably the wrong choice of words in the heat of the battle,” Saleh said. Yeah, I think so Saleh.
  3. Saleh said that? Thats classless trash. The "we're checking receipts" comments last year I felt were just cocky confidence and no big deal but if he said that crap then he is just a classless bum.
  4. I dunno about you all but Im praying we get sugah high Josh today. Never liked that term and always said that you don't get special Josh without it. The same sugar high Josh that makes that head scratching play is the same sugar high Josh that makes that holy crap throw that hardly anyone else can make, if anyone. We need that today. We need that fire, passion, and drive to win. Less think, more instinct. I think we might have a couple waterboys or janitors left they can still promote.
  5. For sure not. Gotta spend the time with the son. I miss son time. The boy was growing his career as an engineer and then decided to go back for his phd plus he is a TA. I spend time with him whenever he has it. Wouldn't miss it for anything.
  6. Golfing? You need to put the work in if you want this team to win bro. You think your Hollywood or something? Enjoy your game. I never got into playing golf but for some strange reason I like watching it on TV. It just seems chill or something.
  7. Yeah that for sure made our chances more likely. The Bills need to do their part. LFG!!!!
  8. Whatever the point spread is you guys should hammer the Bills. Bet your whole house. I am having one of my severe pain days and can't sleep. Even if I wasn't, my wife is snoring like a wood chipper. It's just my luck that I will probably pass out before or during the game and we will finally get good offense. The Bills will put up 60 points and I will miss it. Always bet the horse that takes a dump before the race, I was told as a kid. I'm the horse that just took a dump before the race.
  9. You can’t hire a replacement without first firing the current coach. I get it. You’re scared the next guy might be worse. That’s no reason to not try to do better. Accepting “almost made it that one year” while wasting an elite QB just because you are scared of the unknown would be a bigger catastrophe than keeping the current coach that almost made it but likely never will.
  10. if the goal is to win a Super Bowl then that strategy isn’t doing to well for them. It’s been 15 years. Do you want 15 more years of this? Where do you draw the line? Your example is a rare case to begin with. It’s also a case with a coach that actually won a Super Bowl. Twice.
  11. sorry I don’t agree. McDs message is old. These guys are barely fighting for a wc spot. They have taken steps back two years in a row now. the roster needs a retool. I’d give that to a new coach instead of wasting another year. I want a retool in the vision of a new coach instead of one on a hot seat. If that hot seat coach fails yet another year then that retool is wasted on him. A new coach wants his guys so the roster likely gets cleaned again. That is just wasting another year, if not two years of Josh Allen. The dude ain’t going to be around forever.
  12. It isnt. You have zero proof that it is. He still worked with Palmer just like he always has.
  13. Oh damn I thought that only applied for division.
  14. You cant just list every game as "either team losing is probably good." It doesn't work like that. It changes all the time based on which team actually wins. One of those teams you listed will be a division winner. Thats actually a good thing. Every team you listed has the potential to take 1 of 3 wc spots and some you haven't listed. You understand that the Bills do not control their own destiny right now right? To me, that means there is zero room for error. The Bengals are the only team in the AFC with a worse conference record than us right now and they beat us so thats moot. Again, I will revisit this after the games each week. Right now Bills are pretty much in must win mode. We hold tie breakers with no one except the Raiders. I don't even know why the raiders are ahead of us in the race considering we beat them and we have the same record but somehow they are.
  15. By not turning over the ball. "Couldn't contain" was two real drives. The rest they were stopped or already starting in our own territory (6 times)
  16. Is this true, are Nantz and Romo calling the next 3 Bills games?
  17. What? Those aren't the only two teams in WC contention. There is also more on their schedule than just each other. I'll revisit this again after the games play this week, just like I do every week.
  18. Yeah, I don't think thats happening. If it did they would probably lose the divisional round and be one and done just like Baltimore in 2019 I think it was. If they did manage it then I'd feel better about having to go through there than KC. (if we made it that far by some miracle) I do think Pitts makes the playoffs though.
  19. No. Josh can wants who he wants all day. It's still McD and Beane making the decisions. Just because Josh provides his input doesn't mean he makes the decisions.
  20. I'm not going to take the poll but I will say here... I love Josh because he is an elite QB. He has special traits we have never seen before. He is fun to watch and he has embraced Buffalo. The dude does a lot for kids too, you can tell he cares and I love that. We haven't had that kind of QB in a long time. It's amazing to find one at all and we did. Finally. I get that people are upset about his play this year but there is a lot going on that isn't on all him. Yes, some of it is, but not all of it. The dude is still elite. Don't take it for granted. He is special.
  21. A lot of athletes do this. It opens the airways so they can breathe better.
  22. I sort of feel the same but maybe for different reason. I agree that last year probably any up and coming guy would have killed for the job. This year I dunno. Maybe they still would because we don't truly know the situation. Can only speculate based off what we hear, read, and see. I never know when to trust writers either because sometimes I think they are full of crap. Other times, maybe they are on to something. The reason I asked the question was because of McD. First, we got a report of a Daboll and McD rift. We got that report even before Daboll got hired by the Giants. It said he wanted out to the point that he would take a lateral job. We see that rift at the end of the Giants game. The two couldn't get far enough away from each other. We see reports that basically say McD wants this ancient history run game and then let Daboll do what he wanted a year later and the next year he pulled back from that going back to wanting this ancient school of football. It could be what caused that rift. Me putting pieces together, I think Daboll and McD have different philosophies and I think McD puts not winning certain things on Daboll. Maybe even put that 13 seconds on Daboll because of "scoring too fast." We have heard comments from McD that make me think this, so it isn't just reporter writing. Then this year I get the feel that part of Josh head space problem (and I do believe Josh's problem is all mental) is because of McD. We hear things like he wants the offense to be run his way. We can clearly see Josh doesn't run the football anymore, he is very hesitant, he doesn't look like he is having fun at all. Now maybe McD just wants Josh to be smart with running and slide and get out of bounds, but maybe McD just isn't getting that message across in the right way. I personally think that Josh has been badgered by that so much that it is in his head and its affecting his game. I also think McD really gets on him for the INTs and its affecting his game. I'm not saying that Josh doesn't need to be smarter or that he doesn't need to tone down the turnovers some but it needs to be taught to him the right way. His head is just not right. You can see that on his face every game, so I don't think it is. Maybe McD's message is just getting old at this point. I could be wrong, but I feel like McD is meddling in this offense too much and in Josh's head too much and that is a big part of the problem. If I am right, I can't see an upcoming coach wanting to deal with that. If it is true then they would know about it. I think McD is a good coach. I also think he is respected around the league, but I don't think an upcoming potential top OC would want to deal with that. Too be clear though, I have no problem with a head coach wanting the team to be run his way. He is the head coach. He should want it run the way he thinks it should be run. I also think that a coach should identify what is the right way. I don't think McD has. Yes, I think we need to be more effective running the football and have the capability to do so when needed. Yes, I think Josh needs to be smarter on some runs. Yes, I think Josh needs to be smarter with the football. No, I don't think those things are being taught properly. For all we know McD might not even be here next season. If he is, he might just hand Joe B. the job if he does well and all this might be moot. Personally, I think this would be the right year to move on from McD if it is even on the fence. We have to retool next season and it's better a new coach gets to do that in his vision than having to come in here with another coaches vision on the roster.
  23. Thats part of Dorsey's problem. He doesn't seem to know how to identify what players do well and how to utilize that. He may know his X's and O's but he doesn't seem to have a feel for it.
  24. I read McD hopes Josh Allen gets back to the old Josh Allen. Personally I always felt that McD is at least partially responsible for the new Josh Allen. I'm getting a little senile, but I could have sworn I made a comment about this. A little differently I think but basically the same meaning and you told me of course people would want to be OC here. Did you change your thought on that?
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