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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Yes, thats the one I been using That is what I been saying. People giving us a 2 game cushion don't get it. They think because the browns, pitts, and bengals all beat each other up that it will take them out but that is not necessarily the case nor are those the only teams in contention for the spots. I am not even saying we can't get a WC. Just that it will be really tough to do so with our remaining schedule and that we actually don't control our own destiny at this point.
  2. Well that wasn't the point. I've said this at least 3 times now... All I said was the Bills do not control their own destiny. That is 100% true. I have proven that before this weeks games and after this weeks games. Someone told me they do. So I had prove they don't... which they don't. Unlikely, yes. Its also unlikely the Bills win out. If the Dolphins had 4 losses then the Bills would likely win the division. That was my whole point since my other thread... the best path to the playoffs is the Bills winning the division. Its very hard to get a WC this year because all the AFC teams have practically the same record this late in the season. It is not a high likelihood. Many teams can finish with that record and the Bills hold almost no tie breakers. That would also mean the Bills only lost 1 game in this stretch which is also not a high likelihood. Possible, sure. High likelihood... I would not say that.
  3. Heard this on WGR today on my way to the pain clinic... Brady got all the skill players involved. He rotated them regularly off the bench. Something Dorsey didn't do much of. Also Davis played his usually lots of snaps but didn't get one target. On the first part... that has been a complaint of mine since last year. Dorsey had no idea what to do with the players we have. He couldn't get anyone involved. I would have loved to seen Hines involved because he is a playmaker. Unfortunately, he got injured before we even started. I doubt Dorsey would have done anything with him but I bet Brady would have. On the second part... I don't think that is coincidence. I think Brady just had a better plan against the Jets. I never felt Dorsey actually had game plans that exposed weaknesses like Brady had last night. Now, I am not saying Brady is the guy. It was just one game. He has done some things though that Dorsey has not done. He utilized the talent we had. He ran plays to set up plays later on. Most importantly... He got Josh to take the plays that were there. I think that was by changing the reads and better play selection. Brady also ran more under center and more motion that Dorsey all season. That motion was ran with purpose and not just to run that motion. I am optimistic. I hope this carries through the rest of the season.
  4. Technically that was a Daboll playbook that Brady did a better job with than Dorsey did.
  5. Maybe you don't know why he is flailing his arms though. I know one time I seen that, Sauce was all over him and should have gotten called but didn't. Diggs was flailing his arms at the refs.
  6. Im not using math. Im using the playoff simulator. There are other teams that also can make 12-5 and we dont hold tie breakers. Our conference record is the second worst in the conference.
  7. I think its worse news. As bad as Wilson is, Boyle is probably worse. Who knows though. Not much film on him for Miami so maybe they get the surprise. Really, its the same with either QB. They need to hope their run game works and they don't turn the ball over, while the defense plays lights out and keeps them in the game.
  8. At the very least, I think Shakir has shown that he is our best slot option since Beasley and can remain a good one going forward. I still would like better than Davis on the outside. Can't have star players all over though. I am happy that we have good options in Diggs, Cook, Kincaid, and Shakir. Hopefully Josh keeps getting them the ball and we get a better option than Davis next year. I really don't think Davis will be on this team next year. The rest of the guys will. One thing to add... that TD last night where Shakir got all that YAC to get it is something this offense sorely lacked that all other top offenses have had for years. It was amazing to see that one.
  9. They do have value. I never disputed that. You just have yet to show me that taking a bye after London vs taking one during the most important and toughest stretch of the season would change anything. You have yet to show me that it is better.
  10. He wouldn't have even gotten thrown to the wolves. He would have went on a team that had elite weapons and made the AFCCG and were contenders with Alex Smith at QB. Just like he did the year he started. I don't think anyone is putting Mahomes down. Just pointing out the comparison works both ways. Mahomes didn't start his first year so some dont think Josh record is as impressive. Others are pointing out that Josh started with trash... which is 100% true.
  11. This is true. Only teams that came close to our score was the Cowboys (30) and the Chargers (27.) You also can't tell me that we couldn't have scored more points if we needed to. We ran the ball 36 times and knelt the ball twice.
  12. It really is honestly. For a lot of flack that McD gets including from me, he actually is running a decent defense considering all the injuries. I don't think that is safe to say at all. It's only safe to say if you can find reason for it and so far you haven't convinced me.
  13. OK I checked. The Bills still do not control their own destiny. They can win out and still not make it and there are a bunch of ways the Bills would not make it even losing just one game. So as I said after the Broncos loss and still remains true today... our best path is to win the division. If we don't win the division, we need help. You keep fighting that, but I am sorry it is true.
  14. The defense has been solid all season IMO. Not great like they would have been but solid. The offense was just not pulling its weight. Last night the D had a great game but that was the Jets. What we need to see is our O play like last night every week. Maybe even a little better. While I do agree we lost two games when the D gave up game winning drives, the offense put them in position that those game winning drives mattered. If the offense did anything at all in the rest of the game, they wouldn't have.
  15. I wouldn't say its over but yeah we pretty much have no room for mistakes. If we had the bye after the Jags game how does that change?
  16. I was kinda pairing that with the rbs also running the ball.. also pairing that with having a mix of plays and not just one or the other. I just am not good at wording stuff. What I mean is they had an effort there to have a run game. Also for the most part, when Josh wanted to run the football he wasn't hesitant. He just ran. Many times this season, you could tell he wanted to run but then stopped himself and then ultimately tried to run after the window closed. That or he coulda ran but elected to throw a bad pass instead. By having a mix a plays I mean... What both Dorsey and Daboll had a tendency to do is when they ran, if it worked, they just kept running until it was stopped and went back to the pass. For me, I'd like to see them run a few good runs, throw the ball, run the ball... meaning keep the defense guessing. We never did that. Not even Daboll. Thats what always pissed me off about Daboll and also Dorsey. I probably didn't word that very well either. Hope you get what I mean.
  17. Sure? I just don't see how it changes anything with our current injuries. Now we have it after a physical game against the Eagles. Can get some rest and some game planning going for our remaining schedule of the Chiefs, Bolts, Cowboys, Pats, and Miami. If we make the playoffs then we have the most rest of anyone outside the 1 seed.
  18. Although they pulled it out against the Raiders, they looked not so good IMO. If the Raiders had any semblance of offense, Miami would have gotten smoked or at the very least lost. I don't see how that really changes anything. The guys we lost in London are not coming back either way. The guys we lost in other games weren't just nursing booboo's that got worse. They got hurt in the games we played.
  19. Wilson does suck but he's still better than whoever that other guy was they put in last night.
  20. and now I just woke up and will have a look in a bit. You can't pretend what I said wasn't true just because we won a football game though. Just like the Bills winning out, while technically possible, is not likely to happen. I said the Bills didn't control their own destiny. He said I was wrong. I proved it. Nothing more.
  21. dudes always wrong. Then Comes back like two years later trying to act like he was right about something current that he was wrong about for two or three years first. Never takes ownership of his L’s though.
  22. It’s just as likely as the other guy saying we can win out. Yes we can. Likely no. The entire point was at the time of posting we didn’t control our own destiny and we didn’t. That may have changed this week. I dunno yet.
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