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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Yeah top 5 QB in the NFL is such a clown. GTFOH.
  2. On the practice squad. Why do people need to keep asking as if they don't know?
  3. Oh of course its off setting. Cant get anything on this team
  4. No just an easy pass that Cook dropped with nothing but daylight in front of him
  5. My problem is they arent calling obvious stuff the other way
  6. There was blatant holding on first down and I think 2nd down too. When the back of a rushers jersey stretches like a rubberband in the open its holding
  7. No holding? He grabbed the back of his jersey right in the open
  8. Even with the Texans loss, we still lost some ground today. Need this win. LFG BUFFALO!!
  9. So two weeks in a row that Brady is going to utilize people we have instead of being confused on how to use them like Dorsey had been for over a year and a half? Harty was sure handed on punts though. I dunno if I like the switch in that spot. It could cost.
  10. Yes, I think Kincaid was Beanes best pick outside of Allen. I been hyped about him since the draft and the kid is starting to show how good he is going to be.
  11. I blame the thread last year about how we don't get injured much and that we were due. Don't remember the exact wording but that was basically what it was about. That thread jinxed us and now we continue to keep losing our top players. Including Josh getting injured. Not really because I am not superstitious.
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