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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. That was a good listen. Thanks for sharing. Did you watch the game or do you just look at stats? The dude threw 51 passes in the pouring rain. Also had a bunch of drops. He was the best player on the field last night.
  2. Whether its a money thing for him or not, it's still a business. Terry isn't in the business of building a new stadium just to have it empty.
  3. Being one and done in the playoffs is not good enough 7 years in. It's not our job to think about the next steps. They will have interviews in place. They aren't stupid. McD is not the only coach in the world. I don't think he has lost the locker room persae but I do think his message is getting old to these players.
  4. It was a TD the moment McD was dumb enough to call cover 0.
  5. Bottom 7 with 78.3%. That does not include missed xp. That does not include not being able to kick the ball into the endzone. I been saying this stuff for weeks but people just roll their eyes and say he's fine. There is a reason McD elects to punt in Bass normal range for usually hitting the FG. There is a reason this guy isn't kicking into the endzone anymore. Right now this dude is bottom of the league. Yes, I said it in the GDT as it was happening live and in multiple threads on the forums now. He wasn't going to burn 7+ minutes of clock. All he did was burn the clock on himself. Yes, I am going to let him go to another team and let him take what he's learned from these losses. The only thing he has learned is to continue to coach scared. He literally took a possession away from our offense last night and relied on a coin flip with Josh Allen as his QB.
  6. There is no proof that the timeout is what made the miss happen. They may have missed just because they missed. Bass been missing FGs all year. Anybody ice him? How many times has a kicker gotten a timeout and still made the kick? That Denver kick was no gimme either. Could have missed just because its 58 yards. The timeout is more valuable to your franchise QB then it is to using on icing a kicker.
  7. Heres where I am at... it wasn't about just yesterday. If that were just a game that we lost then I would probably be sitting here thinking "we took it to the best team in the league but came up just short." I'd actually probably be feeling the "moral victories" way of feeling. This isn't just one week though. This is 7 seasons of data. McD's team has folded these games over and over. On top of that there is no room for error because we lost the ones we were supposed to win and squandered that part of the season. Now every mistake is magnified because there is no longer room to make them. Yes, coaching decisions did help lead to this loss. Electing to try and burn clock on our last TD drive. There was over 7 minutes of clock left. Had they not tried to burn it all... they would have scored, gave the ball back to the Eagles who then scored, and we would have had around 2 minutes of time left to be able to kick a field goal to win in regulation and burnt that entire clock on the way there. He tried to burn the clock too soon because his defense wasn't making stops and he was scared. Thats his mo at this point... to coach scared. Fine, that coaching decision happened. I said while it was happening that they would never burn enough clock. There wasn't enough field to do so and still pick up yards needed to keep first downs going and also get the TD. but it happened anyways. Lets move on. The next thing he did was use two timeouts to try and stop a FG. To try an ice a kicker for christ sake. That ***** don't work. There is no data to say it works. Its old school mentality. Even if a kick is missed you could say its because it was 59 yards, on the grass, in the rain. Has nothing to do with "icing the kicker." That took two timeouts away from our offense. I get one of them for his defense to try and make sure they get the stop so they have to try the FG. So takes 1 away from the offense. Now the offense has 20 seconds and 1 timeout. He decides to kneel the ball. The fact that he used the timeouts before then tells me he had already decided to kneel the ball or he is stupid. I'll take Josh Allen with the ball and two timeouts over "icing the kicker" any day, any game, anytime. I still try with Josh Allen with 20 seconds and 1 timeout. Im not conceeding anything with this man at QB. He already did this against Detroit just last year. But McD kneeled the ball. Why? Because he was scared. The guy hasn't learned anything about 13 seconds but somehow he learned to be scared. That Denver game Josh threw an int on a hail mary. Thats probably what this coach was worried about. He played scared he played to not lose. We have a generational elite QB with the best arm in football. You don't play to not lose with this QB. You play to win. That is what he should have learned all these years. Especially after 13 second game. Josh has put this team into position to win too many times just to get it snatched away from him time and time again by these scared ass coaching decisions. Instead of learning that Josh was capable of actually winning that game like he did in Detroit, he learned that a mistake MIGHT happen. Fast forward to OT. He again played to not lose. He elected to kick a fg instead of giving his QB a chance to win. I can almost forgive that one. Most coaches probably take the points there. However, this particular coache's defense had already allowed 2 TDs and a FG in the fourth quarter alone. They were beat. Fine he made that decision. Fast forward to Philly in the redzone. The guy played cover 0 defense. Thats a sure loss for the D. If McD is as prepared as he says he was then he never would have made this play call. Philly just beat KC with is the week before lol and has beaten that coverage the same way numerous times. He learned nothing from 13 seconds. He has had 7 years here. He still loses in the same fashion now as he has since he got here. If a coach needs all world talent at every position to win the game then its the wrong coach. I posted a tweet in a couple threads. I'm not going to post it again here but it showed 10 games that we were in the lead or tied with under 2 minutes to play. We lost all 10 of those games. At some point it's coaching. This is a defensive HC with most of the teams assets on defensive players. His defense can't make a game winning stop.
  8. Oh please. You can't expect players to play mistake free football to win a football game. No team or player plays mistake free. People like you seen the Allen perfect game against NE and think thats the norm. It isn't. He's like the only one to do that ever. Because people make mistakes. Even the Eagles made mistakes and they are touted as the best team in football. They made mistakes and they make mistakes every game. Just like every other team in the league. Then you are talking above about scoring 54 points. WTF scores 54 points? Especially against the Eagles.
  9. No real NFL coach is having a sub .500 record with this roster after our soft portion of the schedule. You are crazy or drunk. I'm not talking about Nate Hackett.
  10. Yes, the post is serious. If Allen and the offense continues to play the way he has the last two weeks. I'm well aware of McD's blunders but Allen is that special and every AFC team has problems. I'm not saying we would go all the way. Just that there isn't an AFC team that I don't think we can't beat with that offense. Go through the list and tell me the teams you are actually scared of objectively. There aren't many.
  11. I dunno but I heard an analytics quote that said the Bills lost 6% chance to win when the knelt the ball. It doesn't matter what the odds are. You have to try and win the football game. Instead of trusting Allen to make a play he decided to trust a coin flip and a defense that was terrible for most of the second half of the football game. What if we lost that coin flip? Allen probably never would have even seen the ball again, just like the 13 second game. You have an elite QB with the strongest arm in football. You let that man try to win a football game. He did it in Detroit not all that long ago.
  12. The funny thing for me is this... I don't believe the Bills run the table to get in. At the same time, I also feel that if they did manage to get in that the Bills (assuming the offense keeps playing the way it has the last two weeks) are one of the best AFC east teams in the playoffs. Who can't we beat in the AFC? KC got good defense but their offense is up and down doodoo. Allen is Miami's daddy. Pitts we aren't losing to that team. We aren't losing to the Colts. We aren't losing to the Browns. We aren't losing to a Burrowless Bengals. Ravens maybe but I think their offense stinks without Andrews. I don't think we lose to Houston. Jags are probably the scarriest team to us as they seem to have our number. I don't think we lose to the Broncos again. I just think that if we actually do make the playoffs that we would legit be one of the best teams in the playoffs even at a WC position.
  13. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/upshot/buffalo-bills-nfl-playoff-picture.html#phi-buf-12=loss Personally I prefer to use this though: https://www.espn.com/nfl/playoffs/machine
  14. I don't think the league itself is fixed. I do think there are a lot of bad referees and also biased ones that obviously favor certain teams. They may not outright fix games but they certainly do at least a little to sway it. I've seen some horrible calls in my 40+ years of watching. That extends to all games and teams, not just the Bills. I think today was the most obviously biased crap I have ever watched in that 40+ years in any game. The league does nothing to fix it. The owners, teams, coaches, players can say nothing about it. The referee's are not held accountable. It's like an untouchable mafia. They just do what they want and it doesn't matter because there is no criticism or accountability that they have to face. The worst that can happen is they might not be the ref's that get to call the superbowl. Big deal.
  15. correct a. secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and b. touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands; and c. after (a) and (b) have been fulfilled, performs any act common to the game (e.g., tuck the ball away, extend it forward, take an additional step, turn upfield, or avoid or ward off an opponent), or he maintains control of the ball long enough to do so. Also correct. That should have been a catch and down by contact. That was ruled the opposite way against us in another game. I cant remember the game but I remember we punched out the ball immediately but the ref ruled forward progress or some crap but should have said down by contact instead.
  16. Honestly IDGAF about the media. They are there to get clicks. You get clicks with controversy because that's what humans like. All I care about is our team. They lost. Road to the playoffs is all but closed unless they win out. Doesn't matter what the media says. All that matters is what the team does.
  17. Yes, the O looked good. They made some mistakes but what O doesn't?
  18. Can you even remember the last time a kicker was "iced?" That ***** doesn't work. Who cares if Allen threw an int? He also threw 2 TDs and ran for 2 more. Allen was the reason we were winning that game. You let your elite QB be an elite QB. It was a bad call all around. and yes, McD does tell the offense to burn clock. Thats why while on offense that drive McD had the playcard over his mouth talking. Why would he need to hide his mouth while we are on offense. Thats McD's call whether to be aggressive or to be conservative and try and burn clock. Thats exactly what happened. How many games have we lost like this? The dude is not good enough. I am tired of excuses. Eventually it's a pattern. That pattern is apparent.
  19. Worth the read as well to recap the ridiculousness https://www.profootballnetwork.com/nfl-world-reacts-to-questionable-officiating-in-bills-and-eagles-matchup-nfl-week-12-2023/
  20. He blows the games that the team is in strong position to win. This game was no different than 13 seconds game. His mistakes in the game were thinking he could kill all 7+ minutes in the last TD drive. If he instead scored faster instead of trying to burn all that clock, the offense could have gotten the ball back with more than 20 seconds and killed clock, kicked a FG and won in regulation. His next mistake was using a timeout to "ice a kicker." Nobody ice's a kicker anymore. Instead could have had 2 timeouts, 20 seconds, and Josh freakin Allen to win a football game in regulation. His next mistake was still kneeling the ball with Josh freaking Allen and a timeout. The guy doesn't play to win. He plays to not lose and most of the time he has lost anyways. How many 13 sec games is this guy going to keep losing? He is a defensive head coach in an offensive league and his defense has blown the lead every time this year accept the Giants game. Technically that Giants game should have been a loss as well.
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