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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Yes and I actually thought about that. If McD goes I want Joe B staying with Josh Allen.
  2. Who is having a morale victory? Not me. I'm pissed about the game. You still don't know what you watched.
  3. No QB is perfect. Not even Mahomes. Especially against one of the best teams in the league. I do expect more consistency week to week, but this was not the game to rag on him. You don't know what you watched. Josh Allen was the best player on the field in this game.
  4. Here is the PC today that the quote came from. It was the first question for people who don't want to watch the entire thing Also talks about Cook going out after the dropped catch on the first drive. Said that had nothing to do with why Cook was out. It was about getting other guys going.
  5. Had we of won the Philly game I think Josh is still in the conversation. He obviously is not going to win it with this team record though. I did hear something today that I didn't know about the Eagles game. Dan O said "On 3rd and medium plus Josh was 12/19. That's the best a QB has done in over 20 years." Thats pretty incredible.
  6. Dude doesn't know what he watched. Thinks a QB needs to be absolute perfect.
  7. So does Dan Orlosvky He said a stat in here that I was unaware of until now. "On 3rd and medium plus Josh was 12/19. That's the best a QB has done in over 20 years." Josh is back baby!
  8. So I guess we dont need any coaches at all then? What do you think a coaches job is? Its more than just calling plays bro. Maybe you think its just coincidence that the offense has been way better since the firing. I assure you that Joe B is using the same playbook and we are still running the same plays.
  9. Which is why Dorsey needed to go. It is Dorsey's job to get these guys on the same page or run plays that eliminate that. The point at which Josh needed to throw the ball that isn't possible. Davis was going to run one of two routes. Josh threw that ball before that break happened. Thats why it went incomplete. I don't know whose fault it is and I don't really care. The problem needs to be fixed. They aren't on the same page too often and they need to get on the same page or run different plays to take that out of the equation. That is where Joe B is taking the blame.
  10. For me it depends. If he is resigned cheap and they draft someone high in a WR deep draft then Im ok with that. If they resign Davis to a big contract and don't draft someone then I think that is a mistake. I dont think Gabe is as bad as people make him out to be, including myself, but I also think we need to improve there. Davis drops too many balls for me and I think he and Josh, regardless of whose fault it actually is, is just not on the same page too often.
  11. I already liked this guy way more than Dorsey. Now I love this guy way more than Dorsey. He actually tries to fix the problems instead of just status quo hoping people stop making mistakes.
  12. you missed hitting a defenseless receiver in the head on Kincaid. Also hitting Josh in the head late.
  13. Bass has been ***** all season. He ranks bottom 8 on the year because he keeps missing field goals. He can’t even kick the ball in the end zone anymore.
  14. For me it’s one of those games where just one thing changes the game. They all played a part. The easiest change would be Bass making just one of those FGs, so that’s my pick. That is not to say I am happy with McD because I’m not. the Hyde play though. I wouldn’t put that 100% on him. If you watch it, the receiver actually pushed off Hyde which kept Hyde on the ground and gave himself a boost to make the catch. It subtle but that made a difference on that catch. No different than a receiver push off which is a penalty imo.
  15. Yeah that is a problem. We have the toughest remaining schedule in the league. Two of these games are going to be just as tough as the Philly game. Josh is going to have to be the best player on the field for all of them just like he was last night. He needs the help around him. Bass can't miss two fgs for example. If that happens then we can run the table. I agree with the other poster though. If we do make it, Buffalo is not a team anyone wants to face. We would be one of the best AFC teams in the playoffs if we pulled that off. Every team in the AFC has flaws which is why the race is so tight this year. We really blew it sticking with Dorsey. We could be running for the 1 seed right now. Instead that could be Baltimore or Miami that gets it. KC might still get it but its not a given like years past. I agree the bar is higher, but I just want to watch Bills football. I don't want to be turning off my TV on Sundays early because I couldn't care less about watching any other team anymore. Anything can happen in the playoffs. If the offense really turned it around then this team is formidable. There aren't any real scary teams in the AFC we can't hang with, as long as our O is clicking and Bass don't miss two damn FGs.
  16. Reich would be a nostalgia hire and nothing more. No thanks.
  17. I think the rules are fine as they are. I used to think they should play an entire quarter to the end, but I see why they don't. These guys are exhausted by then. It's not good football. The Bills had plenty of opportunities to win this game and failed. OT rules is not why we lost.
  18. Even if we remove the horse collar tackle from the debate, we still got hosed here. Davis was right there. How many times intentional grounding gets over looked because "player in the area" 5-10 yards away. Davis was maybe 2-3 yards away from the ball. On a side note, it was MVP Davis terrible block that allowed this to happen at all.
  19. Security should have removed those fans long ago. Lawson/Phillips probably shouldn't lose their cool but I also don't blame them. I wouldn't tolerate threats to me or my family either. No one should tolerate that.
  20. His defense is predicated on making a team take the short stuff all game in hopes they eventually make a mistake. Odds say that a mistake will happen. The problem shows itself in the playoffs because elite QBs dont make many mistakes. It shows itself at the end of games because its based on mistakes throughout the course of a game and not just in an individual drive. It works when the offense is blowing the other team out. Not so much when its a close game as you can see in McDs record. It only takes one mistake free drive in a close game. Even look at the playoffs. Colts game... we won because they turned the ball over after marching the entire field. If not for that mistake its a loss. Ravens game... we won because Lamar turned the ball over in the endzone and it became a pick 6 then Lamar was knocked out of the game. This defense isn't made to make plays. It's made to take advantage of the other team making a mistake. It's covered up by one of two things... our offense is insane and blowing the other team out or the other team makes a mistake and turns the ball over. Lastly, the other team is just playing like crap and dropping wide open passes. Good teams sit in the big zone holes and complete easy passes all game long. A year or two ago that was ok because our team could fly to the ball and gang tackle. Now they are old and slow and half the time can't tackle either. The D did a great job against Philly in the first half. Philly made adjustments in the second half and McD didn't. Par for the course.
  21. Where in any of that does it say if one gets fired so does the other? Just because they signed at the same time doesn't mean anything. It just means they have the same contract length if both see it through in full. Both guys would be evaluated separately on their own performance. Doing anything else is just poor business decision.
  22. It's not their job to know that answer. I could ask this board a bunch of questions about things in my field too and I doubt any of them would have a damn clue about that either.
  23. Ok keep the status quo. McD is bound to get lucky some year.
  24. Just need to let Josh be Josh and get there. Once there they still need to let Josh be Josh. He is the best player on the field. I know we sucked all year and I know McD is McD but this offense with this Josh Allen is one of the best in the AFC. You are insane if you are blaming Josh for this loss. Maybe I should give you better credit. It's also possible you drank way too much and or don't understand what you watched.
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