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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. If this offense plays out the way it has the last two weeks, I'd keep Brady. They definitely need a DC though. Even if McD is calling plays (not saying I want him to) they are short handed.
  2. I have honestly always doubted he would get fired either. Maybe if he lost out the rest of the way, but I don't think Pegula pulls the plug this year. I do feel if it's a question that he should be fired that this is the year to do it because they need to retool so it's good for a new coach to do that, but I don't think he is getting canned.
  3. You know, this is been my biggest beef with this regimes defense. Even when Frazier was here. In key situations our guys are always playing back off the ball and giving easy completions. I would love to see a stat of how many 3rd and longs we give up compared to other teams because it seems like we willingly surrender them. In the first game of the season against the Jets I seen guys play at the los and thought to myself... good McD made a change in coverage. That lasted not long.
  4. Hopefully some games go our way this week. Hill didn’t practice today from some injury. Would be nice if he was out vs Washington. Maybe Miami can drop one they shouldn’t.
  5. He gets it from FilthyBeast for sure. I got that info straight from the head janitor so I am pretty sure it's accurate.
  6. There are arguments both for and against that and no one truly knows. There are guys that said Davis should have broke in. There are guys that said Davis should have turned and looked for the ball as soon as his man was beat. There are guys that said Allen was wrong. No one knows but the Bills.
  7. I really don't know why more people don't consider Joe Brady a HC candidate. I know he is young but he has already had at least 3 HC interviews in the past. Isn't this what people want, a young potentially upcoming offensive HC?
  8. I think the team is good enough. I don't think we will go 5-0 but I definitely think they are capable of doing so.
  9. Did you watch the pathetic field goal drive? I could have won that game. Josh was the best player on the field in this game and probably the best player in the NFL that week. Your expectations are too high if you don't expect a mistake when he drops back 60 times and passes the ball 51 times.
  10. Hurts turned the ball over twice. Josh's int wasn't back breaking. Two drives later he gave the go ahead TD with < 2 minutes left in the game. By definition that is not backbreaking. Tyler Bass missed two FGs not just one. Josh got us in position to make those. Bass has been missing all year long. He is one of the highest paid kickers in the league and one of the worst kickers this year.
  11. So what? Does that mean he can't make a mistake and everyone else can? I assure you that Mahomes makes mistakes too. As does every other QB in the league.
  12. Sure, we probably win the game if Josh doesn't throw the INT. We also win the game if Bass didn't miss either one of the two field goals. We also win the game if the OT pass was connected on ( I do not want to go into who is at fault, I don't care and that is discussed everywhere else.) We also win the game if Cook didn't drop a pass in the bucket for a sure TD. We also win the game if the defense made a stop at the end instead of allowing Philly an easy march down the field to FG range. Probably could change quite a few other plays that would give us a win too. I'll even go so far to say that we might win the game if the refs called a fair game.
  13. Yeah, I am not sure if injuries are effecting that and maybe even age of some key players losing a step. I'd love to see a video of someone breaking down the difference between Frazier and McD defense. I know McD has been a bit more aggressive but I really do not know much of the differences and whats going on this year.
  14. I seen these on twitter today. Not sure if they have been posted somewhere here or not but I thought people would find them interesting
  15. I think the answer is in front of everyone's face but no one wants to believe it. They all want to believe Frazier was fired. I believe Frazier when he continues to say he felt the need to take a year off. I think McD didn't hire anyone so that he could let Frazier come back. You can't just hire a coach for one season. I mean, you could but it would be a jerk move. I don't expect people to agree with me, but this is what I believe.
  16. This exactly. It doesn't matter what player is at fault. We can analyze it to death and never know the true answer. What matters is that the Bills know who is at fault and corrects the problem. This is why Dorsey was let go. He wasn't detail oriented enough and failed to fix the problems.
  17. sorry. I don’t use bro as derogatory. I use it as friendly.
  18. I disagree. I think with this offense we would have at least smoked Denver and NE and the defense wouldn't have matter.
  19. I don't know crap about the draft as I don't watch college ball. This team does need another WR though. I'd love to see them grab a speedy outside guy with good hands. Outside of that I think this team is going to need to retool the defense quite a bit. We all know McD loves his defensive drafts. Other than depth, I think our Oline is fine. I know people rag on Brown but he has been playing pretty well outside of a couple games. I would go so far to say that our Oline has been one of the best in the NFL this year honestly.
  20. Dont take it so harsh. As for the rest, no I am not a fireman and I am also disabled retired, but I would say my job was important enough that if I did it poorly people would get hurt. I didn't have coaches. Regardless of vet or pro or rookie, its still a coaches job to fix the problem. If the problem is two people are often not on the same page then it is the coaches job to find out why and fix it. It doesn't matter how long these players have been together or how "basic" you think that problem is. It's still a coaches job to do that. If you really want an example of my real world job analogy would be... I would be more like the coach in this scenario because I was the head of an industrial maintenance department. For a "basic" thing is when equipment fails, there is a "basic" lockdown procedure to ensure the safety of the people before any work is done. It doesn't matter how long people have been on the job. Be it brand new out of training or in the field for 20 years. These people always skip procedure to save time. I make sure they don't. If they do then they will be retrained to not do that. Thats part of my job. I also made sure that even though they all know this information, they got recertified in training and testing every year.
  21. I know a lot of people don't seem to care about this because "it was only regular season. it doesnt matter" but I think beating the Chiefs in their stadium is a big deal.
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