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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. There are Bills fans that want to trade Allen. SMH.
  2. I'm having a fine day. I just don't have irrational pitchforks out over a comment on a forum. Again, I didn't say dude was innocent. Just that I find the comments weird. I like to pick ***** apart. Law and Order oh you so funny hahaha. I will thanks. If they do then the prosecutor is a scumbag too. No prosecutor should drop a case they have good evidence on.
  3. Nah, I think if he did this dirty crap as it sounds then the team will let him go at some point. It may be not until after they can do some cap stuff but they will.
  4. Yeah, it can be dropped but a prosecutor with good evidence is not going to just drop charges because the victim pulls out or the NFL says "hey there guy... you know who I am?"
  5. In the articles it says that at one point Von Miller pulled out his phone and started recording the assault. Later she grabbed a phone out of her pocket and started recording it. If she did so then the police would have looked at it and made copies.
  6. They can't make it go away. At least not according to the laws that were posted in this thread. Dallas has a "no drop" law.
  7. I guess that you didnt read my comments earlier when I said if true then I want him off the team. But yeah, hey take one comment and you know all about me and where I stand. Also by her own words she wasn't strangled but Im sure you will go all emo over that statement too Have a nice day
  8. You guys can roll your eyes all you want. Words matter. Even under duress. Nobody says "I'm being hit and choked" when they aren't actually being hit/choked. I've heard 1000's of real 911 calls on TV shows. I've never heard current tense for past events. So, I find it weird. because I know. I dont have to be calm cool collected to use proper tense. But I can see you guys just looking for someone to jump on and be mad at for their opinion so I am going to just drop it now. Other than to say that I no way condone domestic abuse, nor am I implying that Von may be innocent.
  9. If the cops have a video then it wouldn't matter what Von/the league said to her. Dallas can prosecute without her.
  10. Maybe but still weird to me. If someone ran up to me and stabbed me and then ran off, I wouldn't call the cops and tell them I was being stabbed. I would say someone stabbed me.
  11. I didn't say he was innocent. I said the statements were weird and I find them to be. He also doesn't have a warrant out for his arrest because he already turned himself in and then bailed himself out. "What a guy?" What do you know about me other than I find the statements weird?
  12. and what do you disagree with @RG Murdock? Do you disagree that something happened or do you disagree that it's weird that someone says they ARE being choked and hit after the person has already left. Maybe my earlier quotes that I also found it weird that Von took her phone and laptop, threw them on the ground and stomped on them but then after the fact she pulled her phone out of her pocket and started recording it?
  13. This also doesn't make sense She told him she is going to call the police and he left the house. She then calls the police and says "My boyfriend IS choking and hitting me." I mean, I think something happened here, but some of these statements are weird.
  14. I guess it depends. First let me say that I think assault on a woman is disgusting either way. If someone smacks a woman in the face then I don't think it matters if the woman is pregnant or not. If the violence is severe enough that it could cause complications or worse with the pregnancy then yes, I think it's worse.
  15. Honestly not interested in this game at all and will likely just skip it.
  16. I doubt he is in deep poop. This at best will probably plead down to a misdemeanor with a fine and no prison time.
  17. They have to take 4 consecutive days off. They don't practice on Mondays because they are beat up from Sunday football. Most guys are in treatment and meetings Mon and Tues. Wed is usually the first practice of the week unless the game is on Thursday. This is why Thursday games are bad. No team is going to force practices on bye week.
  18. Exactly. You can tell the people (not everyone) that are just jumping for joy over this because they think it's an easy out on this contract. Same people would be hating it if Von was playing at his elite level. I'm disgusted either way if this is true. Some guys are turning this situation into "fire everyone" "clean house" "the organization is a mess." "what can we save on his contract" "easy out." etc.. This is just disgusting in itself.
  19. I don't know. I'm just reading through this thread now and woke up like 2 hours ago. So far I have seen zero information and a bunch of people jumping for joy to cut him. If he is guilty of it then I want him cut too. I just want to know the facts first. I think that is reasonable.
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