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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I honestly wouldnt want to put him in this game. Brisset may not be all that great but the dude has no time and is under a lot of pressure. They would probably send the horses even more at a rookie QB.
  2. Most trials you can cancel right away and still use the trial. Thats what I have done in the past. There is no forgetting that way.
  3. Rodgers about to be the first player in history to become QB, OC, and HC all at the same time. Maybe get some stock in the team as well.
  4. Yeah this game is terrible. Save the free trial for a better matchup.
  5. They wouldnt have blown that whistle on Mahomes like that.
  6. Why would he go catch that? It was going OOB.
  7. You know you have a bad team when Hacket looks like he has a good offensive plan.
  8. Welp I should easily be able to turn this game off by halftime.
  9. Yeah I dont think the Pats are winning this one. I had some faith their D could keep it close but I dont think so.
  10. What a dummy. That was totally unnecessary
  11. All that just to conserve up after a 10 yard penalty and punt.
  12. Seems fine now but the audio was pretty crappy during pregame.
  13. Havent seen any Pats games yet. Did they have a decent pass rush the first two weeks?
  14. My feed is fine so far Fitz the only one who picked the Bills last week. This week he is the only one picking the Pats.
  15. I hate making these threads but I didn't see one. Who are you all rooting for? I had to think about this a bit. I think I am rooting for the Pats. The Pats to me are not a good team. There is just no tape on them with the new coaching staff. I feel like they will fall off pretty quick. The Jets, I also don't think they are very good but I do think they have more potential than the Pats. Plus I hate that Jets chant. Other than the Bills, the team I root for usually loses so the Jets will probably take this one lol.
  16. Yeah, sometimes bad losses happen. I'm not afraid to be wrong. I think we have the better team. The better team doesn't always win, but I'm not going to be worried about losing either.
  17. I think Dallas is the Dolphins of the NFC but I dont think the Ravens are all that talented this year. Their defense is not as good as past years. Their Oline is not good. Their run game is not as good. Their receivers are okish but other than Flowers and Andrews they are jags. More and more teams are containing Lamar better. Its to the point that he almost seeks the contact and thats just gonna get him hurt. He doesnt have the body of Josh to be able to take those impacts as well. Lamar is not a terrible pocket passer but he just is not as good as the other elite guys. I think the game could go either way.
  18. Any AFC team not named the Bills. In the NFC, I can't stand Dallas or Philly. I actually used to like Philly but I cant stand that team or HC now. If its AFC vs AFC then its whatever team helps the Bills most that I root for. Otherwise, I dont really care.
  19. This is why for the last two seasons I have been banging the drum that we need guys that can get good YAC. We never had any. Dink and dunk offense is fine if you have guys that can do that. Not so much if you have guys catch the ball and only get a couple yards. There is less room for error when you are playing this way. It leads to a lot of 3rd and long plays and thats where it leads to mistakes, being short of sticks, sacks, fumbles, ints, etc. I like the offense thus far except never taking that shot on 2nd and 1. Also could mix it up more on first downs. I do think the Bills will eventually run into some teams that this just doesnt work on. The run game will get stuffed. I hope we still have the ability to open it up when that happens.
  20. Just like last week, this game will be a cakewalk Bills W. The game wont even be close.
  21. Stat I just heard. Through two weeks in the nfl so far, 27% of passes have been at or behind the line of scrimmage.
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