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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. thats rough. at least the Pitts game kinda matters to us a little.
  2. Needed to catch that Logan Thomas. That was a tough catch though.
  3. Its tough because this is the type of offense that Fangio feasts off of. He can blitz him all day because he isn't a good QB.
  4. lol somebody thought Miami could lose this game today.
  5. Not particularly but what does that matter? My argument was about "THE OFFENSE WAS NOT FINE FOR THOSE TWO GAMES." Yes, I put that in caps because two people now haven't gotten the message.
  6. I was looking for a thread and surprised no one made one. McDaniels throwing a red flag on the first, first down of the game. I think he is in anyhow. Even if he isn't seems like you would save those for bigger more meaningful plays.
  7. and this is the true problem of it. They fine the stupid stuff like this or not wearing a pair of socks but not the stuff that can injure people.
  8. Again, you are talking about stuff I didn't say. How about this... First you don't jump into the middle of a discussion I am having with a specific person ignoring the entire context of it. Then you don't argue with me about stuff I never said. So you think the offense was fine turning the ball over 6 times in two games and not moving the ball for 3/4 of the game or not? The rest of your text is just mumbo jumbo to hear yourself talk.
  9. I dont think in the case of "has a coach ever won a sb after 7 years" stuff is all that predictive, so I find the stat useless. There are too many variables as to why that hasn't happened... yet.
  10. I see you are back to arguing stuff people never said. I said the offense was not fine those two games and it wasn't. It doesn't matter the reason why. I didn't say it was ok for the defense to give up a game winning drive. I said the defense kept an offense that had multiple turnovers and couldn't move the ball until into the fourth quarter in the football game. I never spoke anything about the Giants game, the TB game, or the Philly game. I talked specifically about those two games. Are you going to now tell me the offense putting up 22 points and 25 points, turned the ball over 4 times and 2 times, and never really moved the ball for the first 3 quarters was fine? Dude, you just make up these false arguments so that you can say stuff. You can keep your cringe emojis to yourself too.
  11. I could be wrong here but I think step 2 and 3 are backwards. I don't believe a warrant for arrest is issued until a charge are filed. I mean, its an arrest warrant. You can't be arrested without being charged of a crime.
  12. Not that I know of but I think it's a pretty useless stat. Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't or won't. Reid didn't win one in Philly. Does that mean he isn't a good enough coach to win one? Obviously not.
  13. Dude this stems back a long series of comments where the other poster claims our offense was fine for both the NE and worse so the Denver game. Sorry, but it wasn't.
  14. Not necessarily but usually. It isn't what you're going for but no QB is accurate all the time. Not even Mahomes.
  15. I mean, I am not all that confident in the Bills winning out either. I have said a few times now that I don't think they do. However, the Bills winning out would not shock me as much as the Dolphins losing to Titans, Washington, Jets.
  16. Patriots was week 2 and a divisional game. Stuff happens. Belichick is a mastermind at defense and their defense has been good most of the year despite their terrible QB and record. Raiders game I will give you. I was actually hoping the Raiders pulled a win off. Yes, both teams are worse than Miami. However, Miami did win both those games and your argument is that Miami will lose one. Had they of lost to the Raiders I would have been just as shocked as I would be if they lose to the Titans, Washington, Jets.
  17. I dunno. He had some pretty terrible blocks in the Eagles game.
  18. I am not saying they can't lose one. I hope like hell they do. I am just saying that yes, based on the way Miami has played this season, I would find it a shock they lose to a team worse than them.
  19. Maybe I am following the chain of discussion wrong. What i am reading is that the reason RB's are not a wr is that they don't have the route running ability and hands of a WR. You seemed to dispute that by saying RBs have high catch %. I was disputing your comment by saying that RBs have an easier time catching the ball because most of them are checkdowns, therefor not receiving the coverage nor the degree of difficulty of a wr making a catch. That means its easier for them to catch the ball. How we use Kincaid, who is also not a WR, is irrelevant to that.
  20. Ummm maybe some good catches but I can't recall any "wow" catches. I would actually change that to bail outs. I have not seen this team bail out their QB that I can remember. Just about every other QB in the NFL has their receivers bail them out from time to time. Whether that be with an amazing catch or a defended int other QBs have gotten bailed out. Josh doesn't. I will say that at least Josh has gotten good Oline play and some YAC this year. Not a ton of YAC but at least some from time to time.
  21. Does it when you turn the ball over to them in your own territory twice? There is more to offense than just scoring points. They also have to take care of the football when they aren't scoring and try and move the ball more than 3 yards. Point to me all the games the Patriots lost when the other team only scored 25 AND gave the Pats the ball twice on the other teams own side of the field. The Denver game you also called the offense fine scoring 22 points while also turning the ball over 4 times.
  22. Yeah, but you mentioned Oline this year. Oline this year has been good.
  23. Kincaid isn't taking just easy checkdowns. What does that have to do with RB%?
  24. Does Washington have a winning record? Let me know when Hill is out or something. I know he hasn't practiced all week at least. Divisional games are a different breed. Washington is a 4 win team.
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