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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. You called me eeyore man. That is literally the only reason I called you a homer. Would love to hear the "bunch" of scenarios. I found some easy to believe ones with Denver but other than that I was flipping switches all over the place and not getting the Bills in. Sure, I started with what I think would win but then I went back flipping teams to losses, some of them being not really realistic, and couldn't get the Bills in most of the time. I found one scenario otherwise which requires Pittsburg losing out, Cinci only winning 1 game, and Browns losing to the Bears.
  2. Yeah, I called you a homer because you called me eeyore.
  3. I only know the basic rules. The clock outside of 2 mins will only pause until the ball is set. Inside two minutes it will stop but only if the players forward progress is not stopped before going out of bounds. Going backwards out of bounds will only stop the clock if the players momentum carried him out of bounds. Such as if the player was backwards and caught the ball and that then carried him backwards out of bounds.
  4. I'm not saying it can't be but I don't think Allen can process beyond his first or second read all by the time he hits his drops if 3-4 receivers can run a gazillion (hyperbole) different route combinations.
  5. Not sure how odds work. I play with the playoff machine. I find that to give a better look than mathematical odds. If we lose a game, our easiest path would be Denver losing. All the other teams seem to just bounce back and forth ahead of us depending on who you choose to win or not. There aren't that many good scenarios for the Bills to get in if they lose a game other than some Denver losses. At least not that I can find. I'm not going to sit here and say I played every scenario out because it's just too hard to keep track of but I did a bunch and included some unlikely losses to teams and the Bills still didn't get in. They don't savage each other though. There are 6 teams either ahead of us or tied with us that hold a tie breaker on us. When one savages, the others climb.
  6. Thats why I said you should go play with the playoff machine and you can see for yourself.
  7. Yes and everytime one loses the other gets the spot. Go play with it. Other than us retaking Denver, I have to make stupid losses like a team losing to Titans, Bears, or Jets. Even then Bills don't make it and I have the Bills losing to Dallas, not KC. They are already in too good a position for them to just knock each other out. Maybe 1 or 2 get knocked out that way but there are 6 teams in a better position than we are.
  8. There is no chance our odds of getting in is 73% if we lose one. I don't care for odds anyways. Better off manually selecting games with the playoff machine and you will see for yourself how bad it is if we lose a game. Even if that game is Dallas. Denver losing is our best case in the scenario that we lose 1.
  9. Going 1-1 is more unlikely to get in than it is likely.
  10. dude you being aggressive for no reason. I’m here cheering my team every week. You in like 3 threads. One of them being your own MVP thread every year. you all excited the bengals won and trying to tell people they wrong for wanting a Jags win. I’m trying to show you how you’re wrong and you getting upset and personal. No reason to get personal. Learn how to argue and communicate. I have an idea... why don't you go play with the playoff machine. There are not a lot of scenarios where the Bills make it if they lose even 1 game. If they win out they are probably in but you are under this strong impression that the Bills can still lose 1 game and be fine. They aren't. Todays game made that worse but you can't comprehend that because you think any 10 win team is in. Thats just not true this year. I had purposely given losses to teams that shouldn't lose with the Bills only losing the Dallas game and the Bills still didn't get in. Like it really is that bad. Everytime you make cleveland lose the colts get in. Make the colts lose cleveland is back in. etc. Best chance I can find to get them in with losing a game is making Denver lose some. Jags, Hou, Colts, Browns, Bengals, Pitts are all just in too good of a position right now. One loses to the other then the other gets in. So if you want to get the Bills in with a loss it almost has to be Denver that loses. Best chance... like I said way back at the Denver game is to win the division. The Bills need to win out from here or pray Denver loses. The Bengals win made that worse because it threw an extra team back in the picture. Personally, I think you take issue with my post because you been fighting me on this 5-2 stuff since I made that post back at the Denver game. So far it still looks that way.
  11. what it does is keep all the teams even. A few are bound to shine through that. The Bills need to be one of them. I’m not being a eeyore. I’m being realistic while you are being a homer.
  12. No. It just put two teams in the race that weren’t in there before.
  13. If they get the 1 seed then they are going to have to beat someone. They aren't going to lose against Dallas, Ravens, and Bills and still get the 1 seed.
  14. Well that was a dumb playcall/pass. I know he is a backup but if you are going to try then try.
  15. They aint trying to ice the kicker. They are trying to win a football game and give their QB some time to try and get a fg
  16. Yep, the Bills really picked a bad season to ***** the bed. Hopefully they find a way in the playoffs.
  17. Used to happen all the time. Mostly from QBs trying to manufacture Offside by exaggerated head bobs.
  18. Well this is a bummer. I didn't think the Bengals would be WC competition with us anymore but here we are and they still are.
  19. My favorite thing about all this is the fans. Fans always saying things like "stop crying about refs. Your team lost, deal with it." Then something happens against their team and they proceed to cry about refs.
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