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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. I wouldn't say I am burned out but I am definitely not feeling the excitement of the last few years. Every team pretty much loses a stinker to a team they shouldn't but the Bills have lost way too many of those this year. I am still cheering my team every week but its more like cool... its gameday... go bills. Meh. Years past I'd be looking forward to this stuff all week and taking in every piece of content I could all week. Having meal preps, getting in my Bills wear and being pumped. Not so much anymore. Now I just casually watch on my computer on one side of my super ultra wide with this site open on the other. Grab a snack. Sit in my jammies. The horrible officiating across the league has killed my interest in most other games years ago. Even more so this year. I barely watch any other games really. A game that matters to us here and there. I used to watch every game I could. Probably if we have the same O of the last two weeks and we manage to beat KC and Dallas I'll get back involved a bit more but, I need to see it.
  2. Some people in this thread have some fake ass outrage just hoping to get out of Vons contract. Many are sincere but I can tell there are others with fake outrage. follow the comments. Bob said this “he's a wife beater, end of story. Bench him, suspend him, and find a good way to get rid of him ASAP. What he did is about a million times worse than what Matt A. was accused of”
  3. you said “a million times worse than what he was accused of” he was accused of being part of a gang rape.
  4. Oh yippe. I can't wait to lose more home games and half our players to injury every year.
  5. Another thing of note as Cover1 pointed out in a video I posted in another thread... Philly played that coverage at least a couple other times in the game and their DBs didn't pass off the receivers correctly. This play they did. Could be Josh expected different. Going through reads, Josh might not have seen it. Might not have even seen the leverage by the time got to Gabe. At the point of the throw there really was no leverage. Josh had to make the throw before the break. Even if Josh tried to extend, that play wouldn't have been there anymore by then. Josh said he made a guess and guessed wrong. At the end of the day, no one knows except the Bills and it doesn't matter. What matters is the coach corrects the problem. Josh and Gabe correct the problem.
  6. what he did was a million times worse than gang rape? Even if Von did do that, I don’t think that is true. End of story is not true. You should know that from the Matt A. case alone.
  7. Lol figures. I never actually heard the comment and took it at face value that people weren't making ***** up.
  8. Even if they came to work those 3 days, that would only affect this football game. Having to win 5 straight or seeing what happens after the Chiefs game has nothing to do with it. They aren't going to study film of the next 5 teams. Taking days off and resting the mind and body will have an affect on the rest of the season though. You underestimate how important healing is.
  9. Yes because not being a big film guy is the same as not watching film at all. This comment has always been so over blown like most everything else around here. or maybe getting healthy and reset the brain is more important than a couple extra days of practice can provide. These guys are 13 weeks into a season without break that they get hit by mack trucks every week.
  10. Yes. There may be a couple bad apples on the team that dont give a crap, but that is not the team. Probably not even the important parts of the team. These guys are playing their ass off every week and getting beat the hell up. Zero chance this team doesn't still want to put it out all on the line and try and win a championship while they are still in position to do so. If they were eliminated from playoffs already then I might agree, but they aren't. Yeah ok. The team didn't play well in one of the greatest playoff games anyone has ever seen just because they lost. Josh Allen didn't play well against Philly while also being the best player on the field.
  11. It may or may not be a fluke. If it is then its more so a fluke because they don't know Brady's tendencies yet and he should be adding new wrinkles every week anyways. I don't think it is though. This team has clearly executed better over the last two weeks. Something Dorsey really only got out of them against a couple bottom feeders and Miami. Key differences for me... Josh is executing better and looking more like himself. Josh running the football again which is really what opens this offense up and gives an extra answer when other answers aren't there. Seems to be an actual plan and not just calling plays and relying on perfect execution. 3rd and long under Dorsey seemed like we might as well punt every time. Now I am back to feeling like Josh can make 3rd and forever again. Not an over reliance on just Diggs. Better mix of runs/passes not necessarily just one or the other.
  12. So they were able to question and get answers about Von with Beane for a half hour and half the questions they are prepared to ask McDermott are pretty much the same questions? lol.
  13. I don't know what everyone is so concerned with getting him on the field for. The guy is barely going to move the needle from the run game/pass game we already have.
  14. Because we are Bills fans and the Chiefs have problems too. They also lost to the Broncos, barely beat the Jets, barely beat Miami, and just the week before us only put 17 points up against Philly, while just this week lost to a below .500 GB team. They went over a month without scoring a second half point on offense until the Raiders game that they also struggled in until the 4th quarter.
  15. Bills W Chiefs L Chiefs haven't won a game when the other team has scored at least 21 points. Go Bills.
  16. Yes, it is just accounting. Eventually they will have to account for every penny though haha
  17. I never worried about the Bills cap space. Getting cap space isn’t a problem. The problem is it’s kicking the can down the road. Have to pay the piper eventually and that likely causes at least one down year. That really isn’t much a problem either if you win one before that happens. If the can is just kicked to a new staff it sucks though. the cap isn’t a myth though. People that think that only think of the now and don’t care about the tomorrow.
  18. Honestly don’t see the point this late in the season. They aren’t winning. They aren’t making the playoffs. Just put Wilson in and finish the season. They shouldn't have pulled him to begin with. there situation is what it is. A good team without a qb. That’s not going to change rotating bad qb after bad.
  19. Bend dont break broke. Any NFL QB can play pitch and catch if a receiver is wide open. Especially when we couldn't tackle for *****. Mac isn't good and he has been terrible this year but he isn't terrible like Wilson is either. The guy can play. I think he is just mentally broken. I'd put him at low end starter but better than a backup. He is also used to seeing our defense so knows what to expect. There were people posting graphics about how he had a better rookie season than Tom Brady so obviously he was going to be better than Brady.
  20. I disagree. It sounds like he is taking the blame for not getting these guys on the same page or making a better call.
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