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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Because it doesn't fit what they want to believe. Also most of that stuff is behind a paywall and probably some people didn't even read the free parts... just the snippets posted here. I swear if it wasn't against the ToS of this website, I would copy paste the whole thing here lol.
  2. I share that opinion Not everyone in the article said negative stuff. Look, I know almost no one in this thread has read the entire article but I have said all over this thread that the entire thing isn't negative nor is everyone he talked to. Also IMO, the 9/11 part wasn't even the worst part of the article and it was a small section of a large article. It's just what everyone is focused on.
  3. I mean the dude took over a 3 win team and got them to the playoffs with Christian Ponder and Joe Webb at QB. He might not have done well but he wasn't exactly set up for success at QB either.
  4. Not really. Journalists just use other sources and peoples agents to get interviews. Sure, he don't have the access of Sal C., but he can easily get interviews with players and staff. I'm tempted to pm you the entire story but I'm guessing you will just biasly rip it apart because you don't seem willing to have an open mind about the whole thing and don't seem to like the guy.
  5. I'm guessing you didn't read the entire article either. Pretty sure he did get some comments from current players and assistants. Just because he doesn't have credentials for the Bills doesn't mean he can't talk to anyone. It just means he won't have access to the PC's really. Not everything paints him in a bad light either. Sure, the article is written in a way to say McD is not a superbowl winning coach, but not everything is bad in it and not every player comment is bad either. Also, while everyone is focused on this 9/11 thing in the article... it was a very small part of the article. What I don't like about the article personally is it could have waited at least until the season was over. This team is fighting for a playoff spot and still has ambitions of winning. It doesn't need further distractions. Of course, media people never care about how what they write affects peoples lives. All they care about is their story. That goes for most journalists, not just Dunne.
  6. Personally I never liked that they added a 7th team.
  7. This is why the Bills could make it this year if they actually make it to the playoffs. We would be one of the most dangerous teams in the playoffs if they get their crap together. The playoffs are filled with bad teams.
  8. Well the week starts in the Bills favor! Thanks Pats!
  9. I think Philly is so effective at it because they use 3 centers that are used to getting low. I read that somewhere anyways.
  10. Meh no way Tribusky is going to pull a Mahomes here. I'd just punt this out of bounds. Don't even chance a return.
  11. I'd QB sneak this and if I didn't get it I'd go for it and do it again
  12. Why did I think that run was the 3rd down play?
  13. Come on Pats O. Play some complimentary football and get the first down
  14. Not everyone is but I am a fan of Beane. I hope he stays if McD gets fired.
  15. Not all the player quotes took shots at him. Some of them had good things to say about him. Even some of the ones that said maybe something bad also said something good. It's not part of the free stuff though so most of the people here won't see that stuff.
  16. Yeah I really wish that he at least waited until the season was over to release this article. These players don't need this distraction. Everyone is down on the team, including me, but I firmly believe if this team makes it to the playoffs that they could make a run.
  17. If Pitts lost and the Colts, Browns, Texans all win this week it would push Pittsburgh out of a current playoff spot and into the hunt. Doesn't eliminate them but it could keep them out of the playoffs depending on other teams.
  18. This would be one of the better losses because it doesn't give another contending team a win.
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