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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. The point was in part to show the mentality and thought process of McD. It was a very small part of the article. Since you didn't read it, thats about all you can focus on. Which goes back to my point, if you haven't read the article there is no point of you running around trying to discredit everything. At this point, I am pretty much done talking to you. All you are trying to do is discredit something you haven't read to stick up for some dude you don't even know. It's pointless discussing it with you.
  2. The Dolphins wont be in a position to have their season ended. Lose the division maybe (unlikely) but they are going to win enough games to at least get a WC.
  3. I'm sure a lot of players on this team would run through a wall for McD. Probably some wouldn't. When you are around I dunno 100 guys? I have no idea how many staff members there are on top of players. When you are around that many people, some will like you and some won't. Thats just the way things are. Everyone has a different personality.
  4. Yes you have. You are posting misinformation even in this very post. You are running around trying to discredit an article that you haven't even read. "trying to get to the facts"... you can't get to facts nor are you trying to get to facts if you can't read the article lol.
  5. I think he is on a timeout and cant post so thats what he does. I think it's weird that you can still emoji when on timeout. I know if I ever get put on timeout Im downvoting everything!! lol.
  6. This team is going to play their ass off. They want to win a championship. No article is going to make them fold.
  7. It's funny when stuff happens people always wish they were a fly on the wall so they can hear about stuff that happens behind the scenes. Someone makes an article with factual information from behind the scenes and people want to rip it to shreds and discredit ***** they didn't even read.
  8. I don't care if you read the article or not. What I care about is people posting false information. You cannot speak on an article that you didn't read and spout stuff out there that is factually incorrect. There were more than just 2 people and it doesn't matter that some remain anonymous. They remain anonymous because if could affect their jobs. People have a right to do so. Its very common in the media. and yes, there were a bunch of positive comments. Thats kinda the point. People think its entirely one sided when it isn't. Not everything said was bad. You want to make up ***** about his article that you didn't even read and believe what you want to believe just because you are a McD homer.
  9. Well you obviously didn't read it either. Some of them did allow their names to be published and some of them had good things to say about McD. Really people, if you have not read the full article, do not spout stuff about what you don't know. Thats how fake facts come into existence.
  10. He was good enough to get 58 catches for just shy of 1000 yards with Brian Hoyer, Jimmy Garrapololololololol, and CJ Beathard as his QBs in SF the year after leaving Buffalo. He is better than Robert Foster who is what Allen had. His problem was he was made of glass. At the time we got him, he was one of the fastest receivers in the league which is great for a guy that can blaze a ball 50-60 yards with the flick of a wrist. I don't care that he wasn't a good route runner. With a QB like Allen all I need is for him to run streaks down the field and play decoy while Allen has two other very good receivers to throw to. He'd get some big plays too. As you are entitled to your opinion but no, it was a talented group. Watkins and Woods alone is a talented group. Way more talented than what Allen had in fat ass no effort Benjamine and Zay Jones who is decent now but not back then. As for Chandler he is about the same as Clay, who Allen had. I said he was a 500-600 yards guy. That isn't a stretch. He had 497, 655, and 571 yards. Thats exactly what I said... 500-600 yards. This whole argument was can he make the playoffs with Marrone and that group. Not about whether the group was world beaters. Yes, he makes the playoffs with that group. Marrone was one game shy of doing it with garbage at QB. (same record as McD just not the same Bengals luck) Allen makes that one game difference IMO.
  11. probably. He has another article about 13 secs he wrote a while back but I haven’t read it yet. Wallace was just playing yesterday.
  12. My first post stated that Goodwin was glass and not that great but he had speed and could catch. Perfect for Allen’s cannon. With Watkins and Woods that’s a decent trio. As for Chandler, also not great but a 500-600 yards per year guy. Jackson was still good. Spiller washed out but Gailey got good production out of him. you paint that as terrible. With an elite qb like Allen that is a decent crew.
  13. There was. Maybe you missed my post Watkins, Robert Woods, Goodwin, Chandler, Jackson. Hell Spiller was on that team lol. Not a great back I know but Gailey got a lot out of him. Thats probably a better group than some of the crap Allen has had here. Even the oline was decent.
  14. I can do that after I get back from taking my wife for xrays. GoBills808 listed the two i remember and they were mostly saying good things iirc.
  15. actually there are some named sources. I'd have to go re-read the article but there were some players named.
  16. I'd say definitely a playoff team with Allen. The Bills also had Robert Woods and Goodwin. Woods is a suberbowl winning WR and very good. Goodwin is a speedster that Allen probably would have lit up. Goodwin wasn't all thaaat good and made of glass but I still think with Allens cannon and his speed it would have been a pretty good connection. Also Chandler at TE who isn't great but a 500 yard guy. Not terrible. Pretty decent lineup if you ask me.
  17. Yeah but I'm a rebel. I get that point of view I just don't want any excuses like last year "we were mentally exhausted" type stuff. I never bought into that excuse making.
  18. Everyone matters otherwise it's biased and he did interview people that left and came back but again.... you didn't read the article.
  19. Because it doesn't fit what they want to believe. Also most of that stuff is behind a paywall and probably some people didn't even read the free parts... just the snippets posted here. I swear if it wasn't against the ToS of this website, I would copy paste the whole thing here lol.
  20. I share that opinion Not everyone in the article said negative stuff. Look, I know almost no one in this thread has read the entire article but I have said all over this thread that the entire thing isn't negative nor is everyone he talked to. Also IMO, the 9/11 part wasn't even the worst part of the article and it was a small section of a large article. It's just what everyone is focused on.
  21. I mean the dude took over a 3 win team and got them to the playoffs with Christian Ponder and Joe Webb at QB. He might not have done well but he wasn't exactly set up for success at QB either.
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