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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Not sure I agree with that. If I loved my boss and I was the face of the company... I'd be giving my support in this situation. My guess is that Josh will speak on it after the pr team tells him what to say. Maybe I am wrong but I dunno, I just feel like thats what I would do. I would never let anyone slander someone I care about and not say *****.
  2. See that's where I don't care. That part is just opinion. I can separate his opinion from the actual players comments. Most intelligent people can. When you take Dunne's opinion away you still get.... players give a truck to a coach they love to show that coach that love and what he means to them and a head coach that turned an amazingly good moment into one of making everyone feel like dog**** for doing so. That is horribly bad coaching. I don't care what Dunne's opinion on it was. The underlying fact is still the same.
  3. You see what you see. I don't see cheering. What I see is that people who want McD gone seeing their beliefs line up. There really are things in the article that do add up to what we see from his coaching. I also see people who haven't even read the article trying to discredit it because they don't want to see McD fired. That IMO is just as bad as what you are accusing people of. Also just as bad is people cheering on domestic violence because they hope the team can get out of the Von contract. Are you in that thread saying this? As for the truck incident... regardless of his opinion on jealousy being right or wrong... that coaching philosophy is just dick move. He turned a loving moment into a bad thing. That should never happen. Hall was a great coach. Now he is being a great coach for Jacksonville. Bad job.
  4. That definitely was what initially put me on the fence. I still wanted to believe he was the guy. I wanted to believe he wasn't prepared for that and crapped his pants but would learn from it and it wouldn't happen again. I do believe he is a good man and I do believe he is a good coach. Just not quite good enough. Last year kept me on the fence. Mostly only because how he handled the Hamlin incident. That was good coaching. However, I didn't buy into the mentally exhausted stuff after the Bengals game. Then came this year. No defensive head coach should have a defense play this bad against a team like the Pats. I felt also that Allen was screwed in the head because of McD and his constant badgering of "needing to get that out of his game" with the running. You don't take a QB like this and neuter him. Then it happened again in Denver. Then I was already done with him but the final nail in the coffin... kneeling the ball with 20 seconds on the clock and Josh Allen as your QB. It confirmed he learned nothing from 13 seconds. That was it for me. I guess I could change my mind again if he actually did the thing and this team at least got to the SuperBowl this year and wasn't completely embarrassed in it. I still really think this team has the talent to do that with the AFC the way it is this year. This is a really bad year to be a mediocre team like we are.
  5. Nobody is cheering this. Not one Bills fan wouldn't love for McD to be that guy that leads us to a super bowl trophy.
  6. I will post anybody perspective I see. Whether for or against. I think it's all relevant. I agree with him though. I don't necessarily think the stadium deal is in danger but there probably will be disgruntled NYers that aren't happy and or make noise about it. Especially ones that don't give af about the Bills.
  7. I don't necessarily disagree with anything you say here. I don't know Dunne from a whole in the wall. I just have seen people like Tim Graham and such give him respect. Yes, he may be as you say a tabloid peddler but I like reading that stuff as long as what is written is not made up. I have no reason to believe any of his sources are fake. I have no reason to believe anything his sources said was a lie and I have no reason to believe he inaccurately quoted his sources. Some stuff in the article was his perception or take on the comments to paint a story, but I am intelligent enough to see opinion from the rest and I take it as such and make up my own mind. I like reading that stuff because I like to know. There are always secrets behind what really happens. Not enough people report on that stuff. I hear stat stuff and BS Josh Allen sucks talks everywhere. I don't care to hear it all the time. I mean, who didn't want to know what really happened with "i wasn't privy to that conversation" or things like who really took charge in that draft or when did they know they were going to fire Whaley. Was it because of that? Was it because McD didn't like him? There are all kinds of things I would have liked to know from past regimes that people just speculate about. Now we get real information and all people want to do is discredit it act as if it's all fake and all bs and just a witch hunt or something. Why? Because they are too scared that McD will get fired and we will end up like the Sabres. What the Pegulas do with all this is their business. Personally, I do not think McD is the right coach. I think that he pisses his pants in key moments. Something that Dunne tries to get across and pretty much outright says in the article, but I have thought that since 13 seconds. The article had nothing to do with it. I also think McD is a good football coach and everything he does is to try and get this team to win a championship. I don't think anything he does has ill will and I have no reason to believe he is a bad guy. I just think that "his way" is the wrong way. This article pointed out to me more of the "his way" stuff that I didn't even know about. I believe every word of it. Doesn't change anything for me really. Just gives me more insight into his coaching. Ultimately, while I think McD is a good coach, I don't think he is a good enough coach. As the article paints a picture of... this team is only going to win a championship if it overcomes the head coach. I firmly believe that and I believed that before the article. It's too hard to win a championship like that. You already have to overcome injuries, referees sometimes, the way the ball bounces, luck, facing teams that are either better than you or at least on par with you. It takes too much to win a championship if you have to overcome the HC. 13 seconds is on Sean McDermott. He has shown nothing since then that he learned from it. In fact we have lost games in the same fashion from the same coaching style. This is why I think he needs to go. Not because of the article or anything in it. Simply because I believe he isn't good enough and hasn't learned from that. He still craps his pants. He still folds in big moments. This is why he takes timeouts at the end of the game defensively. Just kneeling the ball with Josh Allen and 20 secs against the best team in the league is enough to show me he hasn't learned a damn thing. It showed he is still coaching scared. Instead of looking at what Josh could do in 20 seconds to win a game, he thought about what could lose the game. I don't want a coach like that. I want a coach that sees he has one of the best and most gifted QBs to ever play in the NFL, hands him the ball and says go win this football game. Too many people are afraid that we will go back to being a crap team by hiring a worse coach. As long as Josh Allen is here, it won't get worse. Josh Allen is what is carrying this team, not Sean McDermott. Anybody that disagrees with any of that, I respect that but this is my opinion on it.
  8. I've heard nothing but other press backing him up. Have you heard different?
  9. The Bills mostly play zone coverage so it won't be just Rasul. Kelce excels and finding spots in the zone and Mahomes excels at finding him. He is going to get catches. What matters is the Bills make the tackle when he does and not give him 10-20 extra yards.
  10. Pretty much everyone hates Rodgers and thinks McCarthy sucks as a head coach. Now it's a smear campaign though.
  11. I would say they are keeping him off the roster because they aren't using him so why use a roster spot and have to cut someone else? If they need him then they will probably put him back on the roster before the window closes.
  12. True but the guy does need to make a living and this is how he is doing it. I am not suggesting that you pay to read it, but what I do in these situations is subscribe and then cancel right away. They still need to give you access to what you paid for.
  13. He probably did have to dig. It's not like he has a sign on his door that says "all McD complainers come talk here." Thats what journalist do. They pick a topic and seek out sources for that topic. It's not hard to have a preconceived idea that McD is not the right coach for this team. There are tons of Bills fans that all think that. So I am sure, that he sought out sources that would talk to him about McD. The thing is, you must not have read the article either because I am going to point out again that this isn't one sided. It's not just disgruntled players. It's not just "McD sucks because..." There are players that spoken good of McD. Some of Dunne's opinion also spoke good of McD. It's always easy to spot people that have not read the article or are biased against Dunne because they like McD... the go to talk about how it's agenda, and disgruntled players and such things like that.
  14. The part that someone thinks to themselves "maybe the chiefs paid him off to write and publish this article." A lot of people are trying to irrationally pick this article apart and discredit it and most of those people haven't even read the article, including yourself. I find that thought in itself to be irrational. The writer is a highly respected member of the press/journalist world. The dude is not putting his career and reputation on the line making stuff up. Did he put his own thoughts on some things in the article? Sure, but all writers do that. All people do that. At least he is using facts from interviews he got first hand. In this thread we have people that haven't even read the article making stuff up to try and discredit it in any way possible because they have some irrational need to defend a guy in McD that they don't even know. I find that to be ridiculous. There is nothing made up in this article. It's things that people in the know have told him. Here we have people that are entirely in the dark trying to justify and make stuff up.
  15. Thanks. Just seems weird to me that you can be arrested and have to post bail when you aren't actually charged with anything. As for the bolded, I didn't mean that in any kind of way. Just an easy way of me to put it.
  16. Thats all fine. Im talking about some conspiracy that the Chiefs paid him off. Thats ridiculous.
  17. Another person that didn't read the article but wants to judge it. I always took it at face value that Frazier wanted a break. He said so and continues to say so.
  18. IDGAF about your corporate bs. If I have a friend and I want to give a friend a gift then I am giving him a gift. This isn't some person trying to sleep their way to the top in this situation. We have first hand accounts of the story written. You are trashing it but yet injecting your own made up stuff to make it relevant. Your stuff is just made up. The writers stuff isn't.
  19. McD's reaction wasn't that though. If it was then thats what would have been said. You are applying your own life to theirs. It's a different world. Aint nobody on the team trying to bribe a WR coach and McD surely didn't take it that way either.
  20. Vaccinated players and staff were allowed to gather outside the club. Unvaccinated players were allowed to gather in a group of 3. Pretty sure most of our guys were vaccinated except for the Bease and a couple others. The Titans were busted practicing outside the club at two different times leading to our game week, which was against the rules, jack ***** happened.
  21. I'm sure its happened. Just because it isn't in the media doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I remember the sabres players buying the equipment manager a snow mobile. Not quite the same thing but sometimes players just love the people around them and give them gifts. This was a chip in from the crew because they loved their low paid coach. Nothing more. There was no ill intent to get promoted off the practice squad or any other garbage jazz to be mad about.
  22. Come on now. Now people are reaching for conspiracy theories? I mean I will buy into the guy is looking to make a buck. It's his job, of course he is looking to make a buck. But the Chiefs paying him off? Thats a little ridiculous. As far as looking to make a buck talk... I highly doubt he would do anything to risk his integrity as a journalist, and he is well respected, trying to grab 8 bucks from some Bills mafia for one month. He is obviously intelligent. I think he is smart enough to know that you can't throw away your entire career for a one month money grab. It won't be that much money. He ain't retiring on that. If he wanted to do that he would write some corruption piece on the NFL or some referree corruption or something that is much broader and has more chance at subscribership across the entire NFL fans. Not just Bills mafia.
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