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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Yeah, I am not so sure about that. He usually doesn't get hit but does like to play the sideline game. He also picks up a ton of yards much like Allen can. His receivers drop a lot of balls and Mahomes has made a lot of mistakes when pressured. He just doesn't get the hate from the media for them. Although our coverage does seem to blow it a lot in big moments. Feast or famine I guess.
  2. I like Knox but why do I get the feeling he is going to drop his first pass and we are all gonna cringe and beg for Kincaid. Just like 13 seconds. McD has learned nothing and still craps his pants in big moments. He got old and had I think 2 rounds of cancer.
  3. The only thing I am really worried about is Mahomes running. Our guys have been bad at containing QBs running and bad at chasing. Mahomes is good at this. Hopefully they do a better job this week than in past games. People are worried about Kelce but in 2 out of 3 games the Bills have kept him to 57 and 65 yards. That isn't going to kill us.
  4. It is only one game so far. That should change into permanant imo. He crossed the line in a place he don't belong. He is there to make sure fans don't get out of hand or streak naked on the field, not interact with players. Dude's head got too big. Maybe if he did his job then Lawson wouldn't have shoved a fan. Not that I condone the action but the action could have been avoided.
  5. Sorry I don't agree. I do agree with the part that maybe there are just some disgruntled workers but the over all message on that comment was to back up his claim that McD is fake. He said that McD was fake. He showed how McD said to the press that he sleeps at work and then he shows a source saying McD don't sleep at work. That is what happened sour grapes or not. Do you actually know that McD sleeps at work first hand? If he doesn't then McD is in fact fake. Yes the overall message of the article is “Is Sean McDermott the right coach to lead Buffalo to the Super Bowl.” Not this type of article can't, no. The article is much more interesting with real comments from people and not just some feels from opinion. Even bitter ex employees can tell the truth. Just because they are bitter doesn't mean they are making ***** up. Good for you. I didn't ask.
  6. You can't learn everything by google. You seem like a swiss army knife guy. Usually that means tries to be good at everything but is only mediocre at each thing. In this case I think tries to know everything but only knows little bits about everything. I am not trying to be funny or say anything about you here. I'm just saying that in just about every topic imaginable you whip out a long post trying to sound expert at it. A lot of it is something someone would have to google because it wouldn't make sense for one person to seemingly know about all these various things. I actually like that you do that because then I don't have to google. What I don't like is you act like you are an expert at things and know better than everyone else. I dunno, you just seem a little uppity/snobbish sometimes. Googling things makes you no expert. A lot of times google information can be wrong if you don't know what you are doing too. In any case. You have no idea of Dunne's motives only your own "slant" or opinion on him. Where did he say it was "rushed" by the way? I'd like to read it. What I read is... "A quick note on “timing.” We discussed Thursday night on the Happy Hour, too, but in a nutshell: The series was posted this week because the series was completed this week. It was not finished after the Cincinnati loss or the Denver loss. And, as written, the loss at Philadelphia appeared to encapsulate this era of football under Sean McDermott. At 6-6, the Bills are now at a crucial crossroads." It actually does encapsulate the Sean McDermott era because the premise is that Sean pisses his pants in big moments. He does. Thats why his record is so bad in big moments. Thats why mistakes keep happening in big moments. Thats why timeouts keep happening in big moments. Thats why he tries to control everything instead of trusting his people in big moments. Thats why 13 seconds happened. Thats why he kneels the ball down with 20 seconds to go against the best team in the league with Josh Allen playing the best ball of his career... because the dude craps his pants in big moments. So yeah, it was the perfect time to release the article in this sense. Sure, maybe he made sure he got it out this week. He has been working on it a long time though. Comments like "trying to inflict damage" Just lol. He is building a career. Thats it. He spent a long time writing an article and released it. It's his job. Thats what he does. Really nothing more needs to be said or said at all. Anybody saying anything is just looking for one thing... to completely discredit the work in any way possible. Yup, he wrote a story. He has an opinion and uses facts, player, and staff comments to support that opinion. Thats the type of writer he is. It's a legitimate style of sports writing or any writing. So, what's bad about that? Anyone intelligent can separate his opinion from the sourced comments and make their own opinion. People give their opinion all day long here and treat it as fact. What many neglect and don't want to admit in this thread is that even after removing Dunne's opinion, the comments from players and staff are still there and they are real. Even yourself. Snippets, like google, is not enough. All the snippets in this thread is not even one page of a 3 page article. It's probably enough for those with dare I say an axe to grind with the reporter. Yeah maybe with that many sources a big newspaper wouldn't publish that article. They can and do publish articles with anonymous sources all the time. All they ask is that they are verified. This is just another case of you trying to discredit the article. I don't give two craps if the sources remain anonymous. Thats typical. As long as I believe the comments are real and I do. There is nothing anywhere indicating that Dunne is a liar. There isn't really any media anywhere that discredits him. Everything I have seen shows that Dunne is a respected reporter. I don't think he is going to tank his career for 800, 8000, or even 80000 bucks like you alluded to before either. Nobody tanking their career for no Christmas vacation. People that love McDermott and are afraid to see him go will rip Dunne and his article apart. Even if they haven't read it. People that hate McD and want to see him go will use it as justification. I think both are bogus. They both miss what an article like this is. It's real information from real players and staff that people normally don't get to see. If ya ever wanted to be a fly on the wall... this is the type of piece that will give you that. Not the generic PC's with no real information. Not Sal C or Chris Brown who toe the company line. If you want real information this is the type of report you want to read. Instead we got people trying to trash the writer because oh no he hurt my precious McD or people that hate McD using it as fuel. I have my own opinions and conclusions. I wanted McD gone before the article. There are many reasons for it. There were also reasons that I wanted to keep him this long and it took me to this season to get there. The article has nothing to do with it. It does make some things line up and make sense. Those things were from player/staff comments in the article and not from the writers opinion though. Next I would like to be a fly on the wall for the rift between Daboll and McD.
  7. I just want to comment on a few things here. Mostly I agree with your writeup. 1. Please everyone... I don't want you to think I am trying to get you to pay for the article. I just wish that people wouldn't go ape ***** and make all kinds of comments when they haven't read but a little snippet of it. That simply isn't fair and a lot of misinformation. Making a comment on a snippet that was read is fair. Passing it off to the whole article is not. 2. " One coach disputed that McDermott ever slept at the facility and said there were times when he left earlier than some coaches. These just seem like pot shots to me 🤷‍♂️" This was not a pot shot or sour grapes. This was Dunne backing up his opinion that McD was fake. Remember, this part really started with McD telling the media that he often sleeps at work. If it is indeed true that he doesn't, and I am not making a claim whether he does or not, then that would be fake or phony. Thats about all really. I don't disagree really with anything you say here. I felt it was worth the 8 bucks because I enjoyed the read. I like knowing things I don't know. Have to know where to separate Dunne's opinion from the truths of the article and come to a conclusion for yourself. You seem to be able to do that. Ya know, everyone is going to have their own opinion. I just want people to actually read before making it because that's the fair thing to do, but I am not trying to suggest anyone pay for it.
  8. You right. My bad. The "big boned" guy needs to keep away from the players. Not his job. I know he think he rock star one of the boys out there because he became buds hangin around as a security guy but ya just a groupie. Go handle fans like you supposed to be. Yeah it wasn't a punch. More like a finger swipe across the mouth. That was after his dumb ass got in the middle where he don't belong. He shouldn't have been there period. It wouldn't have happened.
  9. While I don't share your entire conclusions, I respect that you at least read the entire article before making them 👍
  10. Its like 3 games that we destroyed other teams propping that stat up. We lost almost all the close games. That is why the point diff is so high and our record is .500
  11. Fat ass shouldn't be on the sideline. Definitely shouldn't be getting involved with the players. I hope he gets banned from the sideline permanently. Sets a bad precedence. Just get joe schmoe waterboy to go start something with Kelce or Hill or any key guy to get them ejected.
  12. His words were "what can I do to put them in better position to have success next time we get that opportunity and can have a walk off." Thats not a "it starts with me." He said more but I'm not going to sit here and transcribe the whole thing.
  13. Allens mental state is on McDermott. It's long been talked about here. At least by some of us.
  14. He is respected. Do you have evidence to the contrary? All the media I have seen so far has supported him.
  15. We dodged a bullet because there was no bullet to dodge. The NFL loves its fine money. If there was a violation they would have at the very least spoke on it. There was nothing. No media about it. No word from the NFL. Absolutely nothing. When the Titans had practice outside their facility when they shouldn't have been, it was all over the news everywhere. The team did nothing wrong. Had they of, the NFL would have done something. I just dunno. I don't really even want to guess. All I can say is what I would do in that situation. I would have spoke up and defended my coach if it was me and we had a good relationship. If I didn't have a good relationship, I would probably say nothing. So far we have seen nothing. Thing is that the longer they don't say anything the more I am going to think it's just PR that tells them what to say. I will say this... I said this way long ago in this thread... I get the timing of the article but I don't like it. Only because I don't want our team being distracted by it. Game is too huge for it. Maybe they haven't said anything because they don't want to be distracted, I don't know. All I know is they haven't said anything as of yet. I don't want to make guesses on why.
  16. I am going to post below part of an email that Dunne sent to people who subsribed. I don't believe this breaks any ToS here nor any copywrite laws because it's not a published news piece or anything like that. If I am wrong on that then mods feel free to delete this post and correct me. It's not much but he does make some comments on the timing of the article so I thought people should hear it. I am not giving my opinion on it. Just delivering it. Make of it what you will.
  17. Ok man I may have chosen the wrong word to use there but I think everyone, including you knows what I meant by it.
  18. The snippets that have been posted in this thread are not even 1 page worth of a 3 page article. People may be dissecting and ripping apart Dunne's injected opinion, which is fine but no one has ripped apart the truthiness of things that actually happened that he gave his opinion on. As I said earlier.... the truck incident happened and I think McD's reaction to that was horrible. Regardless of Dunne's opinion on why McD reacted that way, the fact remains that McD still actually acted that way and it was a dog**** thing to do.
  19. That actually wasn't the worst part of the article. It's just what people focused on. Mostly probably because it was part of the free read.
  20. I don't think their play will have anything to do with it. These guys all want to win a championship. It doesn't matter how they feel about this or how they feel about the coach. They are going to play their asses off and try and win a football game.
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