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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Where is that complimentary football McD? Your defense isn't holding up their end of the bargain.
  2. Our next offensive stall will probably end this game for us.
  3. I have no confidence that this D doesnt fold. Josh and the O need to keep pace.
  4. Yeah the line isn't doing so hot these last few drives. Always someone getting through.
  5. Well at least we got some points to stay ahead
  6. Our team always looks confused and panicked in the two minute drill. I put this on McD. Time after time he does not have these guys ready for that situation. As far as that last series, the playcalling was bad. They didnt need to run deep routes there. They could have run quick 10 yarders and got in range.
  7. Until Bass kicks it short because he has no leg and KC catches it and runs back for a TD
  8. This year he isn't. I dont know why but something has been wrong with him all season. I been saying it almost every week.
  9. That was on offense to avoid delay of game. They didnt even get to the line until 5 secs
  10. Nah. There is something wrong with Bass this year. I been saying it all season. He doesnt have the leg. He cant even kick it in the endzone on a kickoff anymore.
  11. McD just does not have these guys prepared for these situations.
  12. IF they run 10 seconds off Im gonna be pissed
  13. Lets go. March it down and score and double dip this
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