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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. No a lot of people brought this up and were baffled why we didn't run the football at all. Only thing I got is Brady expected them to stack to stop the run on first and thought he would try to surprise with a pass. Once that didn't work we were behind the sticks. I just don't know.
  2. True but they could have tried to throw some quick throws to Cook and the pressure wouldn't have gotten there in time as bad as the pressure was.
  3. I kinda feel the same but then I say to myself "on the other hand, penalties are part of the game." It's not like penalties have not cost us on a game winning drive or game ending drive before. They still had a 2nd and 15 so 3 shots get get 15 yards. If they would have even gotten 5 yards they probably could have tried a FG kick to tie.
  4. Not a penalty thing but I hated the review on that first down and we lost 10 seconds because they decided to review that. That's just stupid.
  5. Yeah, I felt about the same. I am not sure why they went away from Cook so much in the second half. Dude was killing it on runs but even more so in the pass game. Cook was like most of our offense. Our receivers didn't do jack ***** this game. The short passes to Cook was killing them. Then they just vanished.
  6. Not sure what this thread is on a day that we just won in a one score game. So I guess I will comment with... I think McD is roughly .500 which is about where most teams usually are. I'm not really sure. Also the Bills seem to have rotating years on that where one year they win a lot of one score games and then the next they lose a lot. I am not really sure if that is normal as I don't pay that much detailed attention to other teams.
  7. That wasn't Offside. The blue line isnt exact. The angle is bad. and the dude purposely took that screengrab as the snap is already in motion I remember people being mad that we didn't
  8. Didnt he also catch like a 35 yard pass this game? Who caused the fumble, I forgot but that killed a KC drive. I'm honestly giving my gameball to McD this week. He took a lot of heat and had a good plan against KC. Kept our struggling O in the game.
  9. Both but also they had good coverage. That team is very good getting away with mugging receivers and have sticky coverage. I don't think Brady had a very good day either. He should have had answers for that and didn't come up with any.
  10. They need to hire Dorsey so Mahomie can get some low positive coaching.
  11. Wow just wow. It's the easiest call to make in the NFL. There is no grey area. Spoiled brat. I don't even think thats for Offside. I could be wrong but I think those checks are just at the end of line to make sure they have the right amount of players on and off the line of scrimmage. It's not actually for Offside.
  12. It has a chance but I think Miami is better than people are giving them credit for. I think they lose to the Cowboys. Not so sure about the Ravens. Beat the Cowboys and I think we roll to the playoffs but as a WC. Honestly division winner and wild card is only the difference of like 1 home game maybe 2 if another WC team won, so I don't care how we get in. Just get in. There is a high chance that if we go in as the 7th seed that we play Miami in round 1 again.
  13. Well they destroyed the Colts today and the Vikings are trash without Cousins so... Hows that? Are you assuming Miami loses 3 games, one of them being us out of the next 5? It's unlikely they lose to the Titans or Jets. Maybe the Cowboys and Ravens but I think the Ravens are paper tigers.
  14. Nah, I don't think he is done but he definitely does not have the hands this year that we are used to seeing. He is dropping some balls that just shouldn't be dropped.
  15. Anyone wanting to trade Josh Allen is either a moron or a troll. Don't even take those posts seriously.
  16. nobody. He is the best damn qb in the league.
  17. So glad my mouth wasn’t full when I read that.
  18. When the two best teams in the league face each other, one of them has to lose. Sometimes it doesn’t always go your way. Just because we haven’t doesn’t mean we can’t. It just means we haven’t yet. it took 3 blunders in a row for the chiefs to beat us. That isn’t because they had Hill
  19. They aren’t going to have a down game over that. They are in a race for the division and one seed. that stuff doesn’t matter anyways. Just like the Chiefs losing last week didn’t matter.
  20. he needs to get some low positive coaching.
  21. Winning one game doesn’t change anything about how I feel about McD. Get to at least the champ game maybe. Super Bowl definitely. Winning just this one game, especially when it comes off of the other teams mistake doesn’t move the needle. Everyone knows McD is a good coach. The question is he good enough or are we taking playoff exits for the next 10 years because people are scared they might get worse. The lucky part is that Toney is a moron and lined up Offside to begin with. Otherwise the Bills most likely lose that game.
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