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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Maybe. We will see. Especially if Hills injury is serious and he misses time. That offense runs through Hill and Miami fans are going to finally realize it. We might even get lucky and they lose today if he don't go back in.
  2. Hill has been getting banged up the last several games needing to come off but to this point has always come back on. It's like the dude is wolverine and just regenerates.
  3. Thats definitely not good for the Dolphins. Hill makes that offense go. Now they just have to stop the run and bracket Waddle.
  4. Yeah, I said earlier that he throws at least 3-4 interceptable balls just about every game that go missed.
  5. Tua is so bad when he cant throw it right away. He can not play off structure when the first read or two isn't open on his drop.
  6. No it goes 2-7, 3-6, and 4-5. Only the 1 seed gets a bye. Highest hosts the lowest on down.
  7. It was a figure of speech. There were a bunch of people that were like "stop whining about drops everyone has drops." It didn't matter that we had an abnormal amount of drops. I don't remember who the posters were and I don't care to because I don't "keep and check my receipts." I just remember what was said. I agree we have better players than KC this year and I've said it before. However, Diggs has been in a funk of drops and Davis still drops a lot of balls and disappears from games completely. It's not like we are worldly better than them. Miami, Bengals, and a bunch of other teams have way better than we do. We have Diggs when he is on, Cook when we use him, a rookie Kincaid, and a bunch of role players. I know for a fact that Allen has elevated players in the past. Is Mahomes elevating his guys? Mahomes is great but this is the first season he has dealt with any diversity at all. Its showing in his outburst yesterday.
  8. I can't seem to find it and don't remember where I got it from. I used to look at it all the time. That was actually what I was looking for originally before I got tired of looking and settled for snap counts.
  9. I swear Tua gets away with about 3-4 ints per game that should be caught but aren't
  10. I just now turned the game on for a little bit. I know how this game ends though. Remember in the off season Hopkins all acting like he wanted to go to a competitor. Yeah, how that work out Hopkins? Not that he cares because it was always about the money.
  11. Thats the best part about it being home... he will have to use the silent count with our crowd No, wildcard weekend we would play a division winner. It would be away.
  12. Kinda hard to tell. He tries to scoop the ball to himself and it went right through him towards the sideline. Too many people there but it looks like he reaches over and shoves it plus there were two more Bills on the sideline right there that might have helped it as well. Can see the highlight here https://www.nfl.com/games/bills-at-chiefs-2023-reg-14?active-tab=highlights
  13. I said before the game that I don't think the article would make a difference either way. I still think that. This team played hard all season. Not always the greatest results but it wasn't from lack of effort. Good to see the team express standing by their coach none the less.
  14. Like anyone ever cared when Allen had the most drops. Even this year, Davis still dropping passes, Diggs is now dropping passes, Knox before injured was dropping passes. We all got told to shut up about dropped passes.
  15. From where I get it from no. (pro football reference in case you care) It shows on the season and I have to click on each player to get game by game. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/2023-snap-counts.htm Yes that is what happened I think but at least he got it out. You can see him give it a good whack to get it out. It was pretty headsup once he realized he wasnt going to get control of it.
  16. Yes and technically they should be calling the RT for illegal formation as well. Dude is not on the ball. He has been getting away with that and false starts all year long. I mean he gets penalized a lot for it but he still keeps doing it with no calls too.
  17. Ya, no idea why they got away from him. Dude had 83 freaking yards on 5 catches! Alot of that was YAC!
  18. I took a screen grab of the Offside with a bit lower angle. Not that it was necessary because we all know he was Offside but I wanted to anyhow. Sorry its faded but I took it from NFL.com highlights of the game and when I pause it does that. You can click it to enlarge. You can't really tell from the highlights but I'd love to see the all 22 because Toney ran into the guy covering Kelce. That is probably why he got so open but the broadcast doesn't show enough to see.
  19. Yeah he woulda made it. He was just standing there waiting for it for a while. A half yard difference at the line wouldn't have stopped him from getting there. Watch Josh face too. He was like umm ok. I mean, we could have watched different games with different results too. Maybe he did better in the games you watched. I honestly don't even remember the games I watched. I know one of them was the Pitts game.
  20. Yes he does but all of our receivers pretty much did nothing this game. My concern with Diggs was the drops. He been dropping balls in a lot of games that he shouldn't be. I don't know if he is injured or he lost focus or what but these balls he usually doesn't drop. Brady just didn't seem to have an answer for the pressure. I don't think many QBs would have survived back there.
  21. and a 2nd. It was 2nd and 15 after that play/penalty.
  22. Yeah, I'll disagree and not turn this into a huge back and forth. I do want to say though that it isn't just the stats. I watched several games and he was still the same Lamar. He has two very good receivers and a top TE until he was injured. Statistically he should be doing a lot better but he isn't. I still see him take off and run because he couldn't read the field. He takes a lot of sacks because he couldn't read the field. Yes, he does make some good throws but he has always made some good throws.
  23. With Knox back I wanted to look at snap counts. Really, I wanted to see personnel groupings, but I couldn't find it where I usually did in years past. I also wanted to look at targets because our WR had practically nothing in this game. Thought I would share if people were interested. Snap Counts WR's (77 total offensive snaps) Diggs 61 snaps 79.2% Davis 63 snaps 81.8% Shakir 47 snaps 61% Harty 3 snaps 3.9% Sherfield 15 snaps 19.5% Snap Counts TE's Kincaid 60 snaps 77.9% Knox 36 snaps 46.8% Morris 7 snaps 9.1% Snap Counts RB's Cook 34 snaps 44.2% Murray 25 snaps 32.5% Ty 16 snaps 20.8% Gilliam 10 snaps 13% Targets WR's Diggs 11 targets 4 catches 24 yards Davis 2 targets 0 catches Harty 1 target 1 catch 25 yards Shakir 1 target 1 catch 12 yards Sherfield 2 targets 1 catch 9 yards Targets TE's Kincaid 8 targets 5 catches 21 yards Knox 3 targets 3 catches 36 yards Targets RB's Cook 5 targets 5 catches 83 yards 1 TD Murray 1 target 1 catch 21 yards Ty 2 targets 2 catches 2 yards Some thoughts... I don't know if it was the gameplan or just KC playing stellar defense but our WRs didn't do jack today. Diggs dropped too many balls and that is becoming a habit. He is still great, but he needs to work on his hands. Maybe he is injured? Davis was invisible again. I know he was wide open for a TD on that one play but other than that he dropped yet another good pass and was invisible all game. I will say on the Murray fumble I am pretty sure it was Davis that knocked that ball out of bounds. Last thought... Cook was amazing. Especially on passes. Might be his best game yet? I don't know why we went away from him in the second half because he was most of our offense and was killing the Chiefs. I have no clue what adjustments KC made but he just was not utilized when he was money that whole time. Even if they took him away, there had to be something else open that we never found. If people like seeing these stats I can do them every week here forward if you want. Just let me know.
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