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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Either way you can't hit a QB in the head. That includes the front too, not just the back and sides. They were not
  2. Yeah you probably had more to ponder what to say after all the crap you spew around here and both your teams lost yesterday. Your favorite team lost in uglier fashion than any McDermott team ever did. Have to actually spell that out now because your team has a McD as well.
  3. I mean just like Tua is trash without Hill, Purdy hasnt been good without Deebo. 49ers are loaded with talent. Miami has some talent and are loaded with speed. These aren't QBs that really elevate their team. Their team kinda elevates them. I shouldn't say trash but... they are mid without all that talent. JMO.
  4. Not quite sure what you mean. It sounds like you think the Bills have to win out AND the Dolphins have to lose out. The Bills need to win out and the Dolphins only need to lose one more game plus the Buffalo game. Or the Dolphins need to add 1 more loss for every Bills loss and lose to Buffalo.
  5. I actually believe this part. Media absolutely does sit on stuff until after the fact. Too afraid of getting fired/credentials pulled/burning bridges/whatever. I also believe people like Brown and Tasker and Sal C toe the company line and wont speak ill on Bills things. So I believe that part to be true too. How many times we hear around here that "they are employed by the Bills so of course they going to spin this" or something. People can't really go back on that just because of this article. You can see examples of that trio always change their opinion to be Bills positive based on what the Bills do.. Nah dont fire Dorsey hes great. Firing Dorsey was the right move. However, the totality of what he wrote in that was pretty much a turn off for me. Read too much like a political piece or playing a martyr or something to me. Like a.. they are trying to get you against me but I speak the truth... take my side and I will save you! type of thing. I don't play that. Write something I find interesting. I'll read it, I'll even pay for it, and I will form my own opinions about everything. I won't pick sides. I'm not on anyone's side accept my own. I don't give a crap about anyone's propaganda from either side. Doesn't change my opinion about the article either way but it may have changed it some about him.
  6. Its not very likely. Ravens already have 10 wins. Theyd only have to win one game out of the next 4. Then you have the Chiefs, Browns, Jags still 1 game up on us and then you have like 5 other teams that all are the same record as us right now. I know a lot of these teams fall off but its very unlikely for us to get the 1 seed.
  7. Plus he has at least 3 head coaching interviews before so its not like he wasn't already on the radar.
  8. Yeah they pretty much went all in before being ready to go all in lol. Im sure they can work some stuff but they aint keeping everybody. If the best they can do is one and done with that, then they are screwed. Are we sure that wasn't audio from Wahomie?
  9. After the Titans scored that TD and 2 pt conversion to get the score down to 6, effortlessly I might add, McD crapped his pants and tried running the football to burn the clock lol. He got stuffed.
  10. There is a lot of Bills fans that live in Florida. There will be plenty of Bills fans there
  11. I actually just watched this play a few times and this is what I think happened. I think the play actually was to Diggs. Like I don't think it was even a fake. Josh hung on him for a while and even started cocking his arm but thats when the defender made a move towards Diggs and Josh stopped that. I think it wasn't a fake. I think that was the play. Then by the time Josh came off it, it was too late. The pressure was there. Josh needed to come off Diggs sooner and he probably hits Gabe if he did so. He waited too long.
  12. During the game it looked like Josh didn't see it because of the pressure. Being able to watch the play again, Josh did get pressure and by the time Gabe was at the endzone it was probably too late to see but it seems like Josh could have found him earlier in the route. I dunno why he didn't see it.
  13. The way they played last night, I could see them losing to the Jets too.
  14. Cook - they weren't trying to go away from him but they went 3 and out a couple times. There was more to it about situations of being behind the sticks but that was the gist. Gabe - every game is different sometimes players just don't get involved. Sometimes it's just protection can't get him the ball or the coverage. Love to get him more involved. Knox - gives us another weapon to be more versatile. Good to be able to have him in there and go 12 or 21 personnel and be more versatile Last drive - with 5 minutes just trying to get your best plays and trying to score. RPO was given up to Josh because they blitz it. bubble play worked for us a few times but maybe in hindsight we should just call it run. On second down they felt that KC wouldn't use timeouts until after two minutes and felt it better to be aggressive and give Josh two shots at it instead of just one. Didn't want to settle for a field goal, wanted the TD. Plays just didn't work out. That was only roughly half of the interview but I can't transcribe everything lol. There was something about getting Diggs involved too but I dont remember what was said.
  15. Good presser. Answers some questions on Cook not being used so much in 2nd half, Diggs not getting the ball much downfield, why they didn't run on that last drive, and more.
  16. I didnt hear first hand but someone has said it was something they practice but it wasn't like part of the play call.
  17. That’s because Toney illegally bullrushed the defender covering Kelce.
  18. here is is. Wasnt the one I originally saw but same film. Ref never acknowledged either from what I saw.
  19. Dan is out of his mind trying to defend KC on that call. A KC fan posted video trying to prove the flag shouldnt have been thrown. It was like a "see Toney checked with the ref." What the video showed is Toney looking at the ref and pointing for the check then turned his head back forward and continued walking forward to his spot. He never got confirmation from the ref and he wasn't even set before he checked. It was so dumb. There is no defending cry baby KC here. It was a legit call. I'll see if I can find this video again and post it. He wasnt even set when he checked.
  20. Penalties are part of the game. KC blew it Sunday. Honestly Toney should have been called for illegal pick as well as he barreled into the defender that was going to cover Kelce like 10 yards downfield. Thats why Kelce was so open to begin with. The right guard was also too far off the line. These guys just get away with ***** all the time. Thats 3 things in that play. Penalties are penalties. The D also stopped them from gaining another yard on 3 straight downs. KC only needed maybe 5 yards to try a fg. They lost their cool and kept trying to pick up the 15 yards for a first down with deep plays.
  21. I never seen the thread sorry, but thanks for the link
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