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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. 17 receptions for 176 yards and 3 tds over 13 games on a team starved for talent is not that great man.
  2. shhhhh we'll make the superbowl someday and it will be in London.
  3. No it would be division as Miami would have a better division record and that is the second tie breaker Two Clubs Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games between the clubs). Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference. Strength of victory in all games. Strength of schedule in all games Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed in all games. Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed in all games. Best net points in common games. Best net points in all games. Best net touchdowns in all games. Coin toss
  4. Ok so if you were in a normal conversation with someone face to face and you said something to them and they say back to you " who cares bro." What would you think about that? Anyhow I am done with the conversation. All I did was post a tweet.
  5. Based off what I seen in the game with these refs... for all we know they coulda called the OPI and just didn't because they knew they called the Offside lol. Look at the play I posted above showing a different play where the refs was literally in throwing motion with the flag and then tucks it back in his pocket instead. Hell, now I am wondering how many times in each game have refs based their call on the result of a play. Now it seems scripted. Im not going full tin foil hat but this isn't a good look.
  6. When I see a comment like this: "Who cares who gets to 10 first." and then a long wordy response over a simple tweet... seems like you mad
  7. 2nd down seems to be where his biggest problem is For those that want to watch/listen. It is over hour and a half long and it is not all about Diggs though. There is stuff on the defense/Von, stuff on Cook, etc. If you watch on youtube you can select what you want to watch/hear from the scrub bar though. He has them labeled.
  8. If you listen to Cover 1's Film Room on this he said this actually started during the last two weeks of Dorsey so it isn't so cut and dry about being the OC change. On one hand it's really good that more receivers are getting involved. Josh getting the ball to other players makes the offense harder to defend. At the same time, Diggs needs to be more involved than he has been and he needs to catch the damn ball.
  9. Over the last 4 games. Diggs and Davis need to do better against the Cowboys and the rest of the year. This was from a Joe Marino tweet who says the numbers are taken from PFF. 19 and 20% drop rate. Not good.
  10. oof maybe this is why they activated Shorter. Maybe they are anticipating some roster spots.
  11. Its probably because he is aggressive, which is also why he gets those picks. Its like the Josh Allen of defense? haha just kidding around.
  12. That's probably what happened but it still isn't right IMO. This is just more inconsistencies. A penalty is a penalty. Not throwing the flag there tells the lineman it's ok to do it. Then the lineman gets called later and is like WTF? Also the choice should be for the coach to make, not the ref. I think they lost 4 yards on the play. Not necessarily a decline.
  13. Chiefs hold, shocking. Ref pulls out flag about to throw it then decides to put it back in his pocket... also not shocking.
  14. Yeah, I am sick of people acting like the game was over at that point. I didn't have a ton of confidence based on our 2nd half offensive production but I never count Josh Allen out with over a minute left and 3 time outs.
  15. Bills W Cowboys L I think this game will be tougher than the Chiefs game, but at least we are at home for this one.
  16. I think he is worth keeping as a 2/3 at the 6-8mil range. The Bills need to draft a receiver high to be the 1a though imo. They need to get Josh a better weapon and stop with these low grade receivers. Kincaid was a start. Shakir is alright but IMO we need a 1a opposite Diggs. Time to invest in the offense 2 years ago. Thats how you keep a top team. Problem is, the defense is going to take big hits next year and they are going to need to retool.
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