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Everything posted by Scott7975

  1. Won't know until about 3:00 LFG BUFFALO BIG W's TODAY BIG W's!!!!
  2. Yeah, I am definitely not a superstitious guy but after watching football for more than 40 years, the jinx works more often than not. It's crazy.
  3. On a side note, anyone see anything fine worthy here? I don't see it...
  4. Hopefully the announcer crew brings this up just before one of his kicks. That always jinxes it.
  5. Yeah this is true. Equally important was the Denver loss last night that also made this possible
  6. I don't put any stock in those type of odds. Especially when I can use the machine and check for myself. One thing I will say is that if I had to pick one AFC team to lose this week outside of Miami, the Bronco's or Bengals would have been a toss up. At least one of them lost. We got that going for us at least.
  7. and there are equally as many scenarios that we don't. Those aren't good odds. When you have to rely on say specific 4 games going exactly your way in any given scenario... that's not good odds. I'm not talking division winning. I actually think we win the division but trying to get in as a WC this year is about the same thing as hoping Dalton hits that miracle TD. When I say this as I have said a bunch of times now... I am specifically speaking as IF we don't win the division, which I think we will. Just saying if we don't.
  8. No people are not overestimating the teams ahead or tied with us. Browns have a lot of talent and are fine with a game manager. Same goes for the Bengals. They also don't play much of anybody. We aren't getting in at 10-7 unless we win the division with that record.
  9. Yeah if we win the division. Im talking only in the sense of a WC entry.
  10. If we win out then the Dolphins only need to lose 1 more
  11. Ive been saying this since the Denver game but even to this day keep getting "no no the Bills will get in with 10 wins."
  12. Yeah, thats how I viewed it and commented it on another thread. The play was to Diggs. Allen sees Diggs is going to get blown up so doesn't throw it. I think Allen stuck on Diggs a little long trying to get that to work and by the time he came off, due to the pressure, he just threw it at Kincaid hoping for a play or it just goes oob like it did. If Allen did come off him sooner he would have seen Davis going through the rest of reads with time IMO. I am disappointed that he didn't have an answer for the pressure but even down a couple players, that is one of the best D's in the league. IIRC they got an important piece back for our game too.
  13. They might lose their backup C this week too. They just signed two guys off hte street. Also there were 2 or 3 other linemen banged up as well.
  14. I am optimistic... I think we win the division. I'm just not optimistic about a WC if we don't. That could change in a week or two.
  15. Ok, I don't agree with you, but your stance on the endzone stuff makes sense if that's the way it worked for the rest of the game. It doesn't work that way though and it's unlikely to change. To me, the benefit of the defense causing the fumble is a chance at getting the ball back. If they don't capitalize on that chance and recover then that's just not completing the opportunity.
  16. The thing I would disagree on here is the bubble screen thing actually did work. Josh just took too long to come off Diggs and didn't see Davis wide ass open streaking to the end zone. If he came off Diggs a half second sooner then that was an easy TD instead of incomplete to Kincaid who was covered tight. Also Buffalo scored 14 points in the second half of the Eagles game and it should have been 17 if not for the missed FG.
  17. If this happened on the rest of the field, like lets say someone fumbled and the ball went out the sideline on the 10 after gaining 20 yards, would they not get the ball at the 10? If it went out at the 1 then they would get the ball at the 1 yes? Why should it be different if the ball went a yard further and went out after the goal line? Thats why I don't understand that view.
  18. I don't agree with you. There are a lot of scenarios that the Bills don't get in via WC that are very reasonable outcomes of games. We shall see in the coming weeks. Hopefully we just win the division and it doesn't matter. That is our best path and I think a likely one.
  19. No, you don't get it. The Dolphins can lose the next 3 while the Bills can win the next 3. The Dolphins would still win the division by beating us in the last game. The Bills don't also have to lose out. To win the division, beating the Dolphins is a must. Achane is also beat up. As is Miami's oline. They may be on to a center that they just signed.
  20. I think on offense its Davis week. He is supposed to be good in cover 1 coverage and Dallas plays alot of that. Most in the NFL. On Defense, Taron Johnson is going to have to have a good game as he is likely to match up with Lamb a lot.
  21. I would love something like steak and chili for gameday, but our kids are coming that day for early Christmas dinner because they will be out of town for Christmas. We are having a ham dinner, which is also good but not my idea of gameday dinner.
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