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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. I dont know much about the guy, but he seems like a good dude. The Nirvana covers he did were legit and he seems to like all kinds of music. Anytime I see a face tattoo I always think there are some issues there.
  2. Ahhhh the good ol days. 4 times in ☝️day.
  3. Reggie White is an under the radar candidate. Its hard with football because it's offense and defense are two different animals. Nobody remembers great defensive baseball players, its always offense.
  4. NCAA football is getting turned on it's head. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
  5. Call me heartless, but i really have no sympathy for these people, or those who fall off a cliff trying to take a great selfie.
  6. Yep. That thing could eat a dog or 2.
  7. I stumbled upon this show last year sometime and then lost track of it. For whatever reason the Post Malone episode showed up on my Google feed a few weeks ago and I've been binge watching it since. I guess it's a YouTube show, but I've been watching it on Tubi. At any rate, Sean Evans does a pretty damn good interview and I've found myself becoming very interested in people that I've never heard of. Anyone else a fan? Some of my favorites have been Gabrielle Union, Post Malone, DJ Khaled.
  8. Thanks. Cheers to all the dads out there. Got me a free round of mini golf ⛳️ today.
  9. I believe he was a serial killfrom the 70s and 80s.......oh wait that was BTK. After further research, I think I'd still rather have lunch with BTK.
  10. While I in no way condone assaulting someone for talking *****, I bet the guy that got knocked out will probably be a bit more careful with his words going forward . Dude that threw the punch should either do a bit of time of sign a waiver to get a random sucker punch at any given time.
  11. Yes....again.
  12. Fish oil, glucosamine, vitamin C and a multi vitamin. My joints always ache, but I'm rarely sick. Dont know if theybare helping or not. At this point it's more of a habit.
  13. Browns are so dumb. Never been a huge fan of Baker, but somewhere deep inside he has to be laughing. They did him dirty.
  14. Marshawn Stevie Johnson (would love to see him with Allen) Aaron Schobel
  15. I love rock n' roll So put another dime in the jukebox, baby I love rock n' roll So come and take your time and dance with me
  16. I see these stickers everywhere. Its a jungle out there. If you're going to ride a motorcycle that's your choice. I'll look as much as i can, but when theres s gang of crotch rockets weaving 90mph in and out of traffic, well that's on them.
  17. As a 20+ year of various Bills message boards, nothing gets my blood pumping like a tattoo thread. They never disappoint.
  18. Club sports will be my financial ruin.
  19. I think the QB that lit a joint is more entertaining than the USFL. https://totalprosports.com/2022/05/25/fan-controlled-football-qb-throws-for-td-lights-up-a-joint-on-field-passes-it-to-a-fan-video/
  20. Best deal i can remember is when i was working 3rd shift back in the day. One of the local bars had a 3rd shift happy hour and opened at 7am. Small pitcher of beer and a dozen wings for $6.25
  21. Being a Liverpool fan, a potentially great season just turned mediocre in a hurry. Hats off to Courtois. He was the man of the match for sure. Madrid has Liverpools number unfortunately. FIFA is one of the most crooked sporting organizations on the planet.
  22. Lol....isnt Tom cruise like 5'6". More likely to walk under the net unobstructed then to have a kill.
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