Yeah...they put a place called Funcks in Leola. 115 beers on tap. That's a frequent spot of mine. Going there next Friday to celebrate St. Patrick's day and watch the ncaa tournament.
I already got a beer thread going. Well what appears to be another beer thread. I didn't want to come flying out of the gate as the board drunkard, so I called it the beer thread...wink, wink.
They barely threw the ball that game. They ran for 200+. I guess you could make the argument they ran because our secondary shut them down, but I'd be more inclined to say they ran because our run D sucked.
I think I sent you a request. Still trying to figure out the new version. You live about 45 minutes from me dude. Do you go to Victory brewing much? Pretty close in Downingtown.
Pretty much. A lot of swiping right minus the STD's
Freedoms come with consequences sometimes. He alienated a large number of people with his actions, which affects the bottom line, and everyone should be well aware this league is a business, and the purpose of any business is to make money.
I certainly don't see a playoff run happening next year barring some type of miracle. The middle of the pack stint is getting tough to bear. If winning less than 5 games would put us on track for the playoffs by 2020 I could live with it.
I got the Untappd app a few months ago which was probably a bad thing because it gives you badges for drinking, making you feel like you accomplished something. On the bright side it's a great way to keep track of and rate beers so you can weed out the good from the bad.
I'll put that on the list. Mahalo.
I think people are way too sold on Garappalo. The dude hasn't done much at all. Remember when Brady got hurt and Cassell took the helm and one a bunch of games. People thought he was the second coming, and everyone knows how that worked out. The Patriots have a way of making players better than they are in other systems.
I'm not sure if there's one here or not. I tried searching but didn't see one, so if this is a duplicate please merge.
So what's everyone drinking tonight? I just picked up a case of Flying Dog Tropical B word to mix in the Budweiser keg.
This thread reminds me of Howard Stern when they used to bring in hot chick's and have Ralph and the boys use a laser pointer to find the slightest flaws and bring them back to reality.
Loved Williams. The guy always played with heart and seemed to really like playing for Buffalo. With that being said, he's been hit with some serious career threatening and almost life threatening injuries. I would hate to see some terrible happen to him when he's still in a Bills uniform. Best wishes to him moving forward.