Welp...looks like we're getting somewhere between 12-16+ inches. Works already closed for tomorrow. Off Friday for pub related activities. Short week ahead.
I've never been to counseling, but have certainly gone through the high and low times. In pretty sure there is something to be said for seasonal depression. My mood changes from November-March. I'm pretty sure it's due to the short day, cold weather and lack of sunlight. Iso not debilitating or anything, but I know I feel different.
Man....I can deal with it, but I just don't feel like it. Once the clocks are sprung ahead, I don't want to deal with any more snow. C'mon St.Patrick's and March madness.
Great time of year to blow some $. Off Thursday and Friday. Painting the kitchen Thursday, celebrating the banishing of the snakes and ncaa tournament Friday.
I was registered independent in my early years and switched to republican so I could vote in the primaries. Over the past decade I would say my beliefs tend to lean more to the right aside from a few issues.
I see a lot of wine drinkers here. I'm pushing 40 and I can probably count the number of times I drank an entire glass of wine on 2 hands(not counting Boons farm or mad dog 20/20 in my younger days). Is that even wine? Maybe I need to step it up and get refined.
Obviously you want a guy who can throw a dart into a tight spot, but that's only a piece of the puzzle. Accuracy, mobility, vision, blah blah blah. With that being said I wouldn't take any of this email guys with our pick as it stands.
Ain't a man on here that wouldn't take that for a spin, unless he prefers the company of other men, or touch make the argument you wouldn't go there since a Patriot has been there.
Once weed becomes a legal big business (and it's on the fast track to happen), like big pharma things will start changing quickly. Only a matter of time until major sports change their stance on MJ.
Once weed becomes a legal big business (and it's on the fast track to happen), like big pharma, things will start changing quickly. Only a matter of time until major sports change their stance on MJ.