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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. Zing.....touche.
  2. That house may possibly go for 275,000 here. Probably closer to 250. Here's what a million will get you around here http://mymobile.flexmls.com/kingswayrealty/idx_links/20090304170052134902000000/listings/20170329162301342382000000
  3. I hate autocorrect on here. IPA.
  4. Geez man....first retirement plans, then death plans. Things are progressing quickly. Is everything ok?..... to answer your question, I haven't thought about it a whole lot yet. Probably whatever is cheapest and easiest for the family. Unless I do something great between now and then and can get a giant monument built in my honor.
  5. Well then maybe someone should find these people and help them understand why these things are not acceptable.....by any means necessary.
  6. Happy birthday. May you have a good day. Cheers to you.
  7. A good bacon cheeseburger with a side of fries. A Coke classic and an IPA. Cheesecake or apple pie for desert.
  8. Seems the crooks are always one step ahead of the law in this game. With that being said, with all of the countries affected, someone should be able to track these guys down. Something like this should result in a life sentence.
  9. You might not be picking up what he's putting down.
  10. Oh Henry is a very underrated candy bar.
  11. Love it....always been an ass man
  12. I'm not a huge horse racing fan, but my mother and I have a tradition for the last dozen years where we go out and eat lunch and bet on the ponies. I'm usually pretty certain about who I want, but I can't get behind a particular horse this year. I like Irish war cry and Gormley....who else is wagering today?
  13. I've been getting drawn into soccer more and more these days. I still love football but my interest has been waning and I'm looking for something to fill the void. What are the main things are like is that there are no commercials to interrupt the play there are not a bunch of useless penalties that interrupt the play and I can be done with a game and under two hours and go on with my day. Honestly the reason I got into it was because I started playing FIFA 2016 and learned a lot of the players.
  14. Everybody from that 70's show Everybody from that 70's show
  15. If and When the Bills ever leave Buffalo. I have no connection to the city, but ever since I started watching football I was a fan of the buffalo bills. I can't imagine rooting for another team despite being in the middle of Steelers and eagles fans. I can handle rooting for a losing team. Yeah it posses me off on most Sundays, but in the big picture it's only a game and there are a ton of other things in the world that are more important.
  16. Yeah that's him Aston Kutcher. I don't know if it's my phone or this website, but autocorrect completely re-writes everything I want to say for better or worse.
  17. Go Liverpool.
  18. Josh Hartnett Tom Sizemore Don't hear much about Ashton Pitcher these days.
  19. You're gonna need to get yourself a bow and arrow.
  20. It's a big "if". I've been waiting for him to play up to his capabilities for the past 4 years.
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