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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. I'm no doctor, but it seems crazy to me to put children on mood altering drugs when their brains and bodies are still developing. I think a lot of parents see it as an eady way out. "My kid is a pain in the ass, so he/she must have adhd" Easier to give them some Riddlin than anything else. Kids are kids and most of them are a pain in the ass at some point or another. Personally, medication is a last resort.
  2. Sadiq Kahn says there's no reason to be alarmed. Nothing to see or worry about herefolks. Carry on.
  3. Unfortunately when the most popular baby name in London is Muhammad, this might be what you have to deal with.
  4. Chik Fil A has good food, but the reason they are successful is they have a very rigid structure that emphasizes customer service. Don't quote me on all of this but I believe the employees are required to say please and thank you, they aren't allowed to display tattoos, they keep the place clean and are very respectful. There is definitely a noticeable difference between the employees at chik fil a vs. the mcdonalds,burger kings, etc....around here.
  5. There might be a correlation there. That's like saying all the hot women have nice asses.
  6. Cat piss is the worst. Never comes out. Best case, you replace the carpet. Worst case you replace the subfloor. My wife loves cats and we've always had one. Fortunately they have always used the box. If and when he doesn't the cat is gone one way or another. This may be the most reasonable and humane course of action.
  7. Seems it's prescription drug related. 10 years ago a dui was almost certain to be alcohol related. I'm not sure of the number now, but I think somewhere around 30% are for other things such as prescription drugs, weed, smack, meth, etc.. I hear ya. I think it's a lot easier to see or "accept" how from the trailer park next door go off the rails. After all there wasn't a whole lot expected of him anyway. When it's someone who was on such a high pedestool it's a bit tougher to digest. Just goes to show, these problems aren't specific to any race or social class. It's just a hell of a lot further fall when you're tiger woods than how from the trailer park. With that being said if I had that much $ I probably wouldn't be driving myself many places.
  8. Don't look for the spur because you will never find it. Another case of this rat bastard autocorrect fixing something that isn't broke. Sour monkey is all you need to know.
  9. Still have one in the local mall. It's great when you walk in and see the funny props and shirts, then venture to the back to see the butt plugs and dildos.
  10. Go Canes!!! And have a good long weekend.
  11. Sour monkey is much higher than Golden Monkey in my rotation. And I've never had a sour aside from the monkey so I'm certainly no connoisseur.
  12. Just had some really good garlic parmesan wings with a side of hot sauce. Not on my menu, but a damn good pregame
  13. Ribeyes. Maybe some brats and chili or a pork loin.
  14. Dogfish Head Flesh and Blood and Sixpoint Resin tonight. Probably going to be an early one.
  15. Great collaboration. Love this song. Thanks for putting it back on my radar.
  16. I've come to the conclusion that anything more than 3 days out is just speculation.
  17. I'm off today through next Thursday. I spread 5 cubic yards of mulch today and will probably be doing the same tomorrow and or Sunday. Already feeling it and took a few Advil. Need to pressure wash the deck and shed at some point. Picnic Monday and hopefully some hiking and r&r Tuesday -Thursday.
  18. I'm fairly mechanical, but gears are their own animal. It's it's own science with ratios, run out, tooth to tooth composite, etc.....i wish I knew more.
  19. Are you a sales rep for Ativan or something. You seem to be really hung up on this particular point.
  20. I remember your avatar from bbmb. Can't remember your name, but I remember your seemed like a good person. Maybe it was Grundy or maybe it's the beer talking.
  21. Teef probably would have performed all services pro bono.
  22. Man...this sucks. Such a talent. Mental illness is a B word. Damnit it this makes me mad. Hopefully he's found the peace he was seeking.
  23. I'm right there with ya in that line of thinking. Sad day today. I must've listened to Badmotorfinger a thousand times. "Doesn't Remind Me" by Audio Slave is also one of my favorites. That song saw me through some tough times.
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