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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. That's the rub. It's not a fight. It a spectacle. It's the WWE. Anyone who bets on this is asking for trouble.
  2. Things are looking good in my neck of the woods. http://lancasteronline.com/business/local_business/report-lancaster-county-has-nation-s-healthiest-housing-market/article_b4de2516-55f7-11e7-bc78-279f55374ca4.html
  3. Oh my indeed....I would've been done before I got in the game.
  4. It's delicious. I'm about 45 minutes south of the brewery. Perpetual is my go to. There's not a whole lot of their offerings that I don't like. Not after drinking a few of these.
  5. Picked up a case of Troegs Nimble Giant. Had it once last year and was amazed. Had to pay cash, as I can have no paper trail of this for the wife to see. Gonna try and ration to the best of my ability.
  6. Fit as hell and still died.....see, what's the point. I always got funny looks from the kit hen place when I bought cases of the ISI nitrous cartridges. I think I still have the dispenser somewhere. We used to make late night trips to the shady "news stand" that used to sell them too, all g with porno magazines and various other tobacco smoking accessories.
  7. It's the system that's the problem jive turkey. It must be dismantled.
  8. They should have 1 boxing match and 1 mma fight. It's a no brainer that each would/will win at their respective sports.
  9. I have the Yeti 32 oz. Tumbler coffe mug and the can cooler. It was 95 here and humid over the weekend. I filled the tumbler with beer from the kegerator and set it on the deck as I was pressure washing, and it stayed cool for well over an hour. Normally 1 frosted pint glass would be warm in 20 minutes. The clear top is also good for keeping bugs and debris out.
  10. Congrats on your first father's day man. Here's to many more good ones to come.
  11. Remember Mavis Beacon teaches typing?
  12. Ryan Blaney......it's nice to see someone different win a race aside from the restrictor plate crape shoots. The sport is dying, so hopefully some of the young guys can bring some excitement back.
  13. Yep....turned it on for the first time this year today. Been on for 3 hours and rhe thermostat went from 87 to 85. Supposed to be in the 90's for the nexr two days, soni figure its time to bite the bullet.
  14. The judges chambers at Yankee stadium is pretty cool.Funny guys.
  15. Should be a fun one to watch tonight. Let's go USA. http://www.culturekiosque.com/images28/borat3.jpg Pulisic is from the next county north from me. The great Hershey Pennsylvania. Home of the Hershey bar and Hershey kiss.
  16. About 10%. School gave me a base of knowledge, but pretty much everything I know I learned from on the job experience.
  17. The noise the doctor tells you to make when he's checking your balls during a physical.
  18. Bought a case of Dogfish Head Flesh Nd Blood last week. Working on finishing it up. Pretty good stuff. On a side note my wallet is taking a beating on the craft beer as of late. Picking up a half barrel of Budweiser Saturday
  19. That's all well and good, but a time stamp doesn't make the content any more or less credible.
  20. Whats all this adoo about memos? If I write it down does it make it anymore true or false than if I speak the same thing?
  21. Well, you definitely have to be fully committed to pull something like that off. No turning around at that point.
  22. This is true. Most of the mowers at the chain stores are MTD manufactured with other logos on them. Original manufacturers such as John Deere are better quality such as thicker gauge steel for the decks.
  23. You make a good analogy, but it seems there are alot more individuals that are having a problem interpreting the Quran "properly" than any other religious book. And the problem with that is a bunch of people die when that happens.
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