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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. Unbeknownst to me this was common knowledge, but if you throw a frog in boiling water hell try to escape, but if you put him in a potbof water and slowly turn it up he'll sit in there until he croaks.....pun intended
  2. Not really a show, just a 4 part series, but the defiant ones on hbo was pretty damn fantastic.
  3. I'm gonna drop a few dollars in the next couple hours here.....heyoooo Friday.
  4. That's ok we have a resident dentist around here.
  5. Medicinal cocaine.
  6. That's how you straighten the curves and flatten the hills brother. A man ain't jumping a dirt road creek in a charger sober.
  7. I remember when my family bought a rotor, which was this dial type contraption that you turned and made a terrible clunking sound as it turned the antenna to get the best reception.
  8. It's really blown up since Dr. Nowzaradan from my 600 lb.life opened up shop.
  9. Old school Ragu Costco 3 pack.
  10. I remember when a pink phallus with Brady's name on it found it's way onto the field.
  11. Between going out and a case a week probably between $150-200. Thankfully the bride doesn't drink.
  12. You build a thousand fences, and are known as a fence maker, but as soon you as you fk one donkey.....
  13. I would have to go with the Grand Canyon.
  14. Been to Houston and Galveston. It was a work trip, so I didn't get to do a whole lot of exploring. I remember a nice boarwalk/theme park area in Galveston and eating at a Landrys Steakhouse which was good. The Hooters in Sugarland has some grade A talent and i remember it being hot as Hades and humid.
  15. Casual Friday baby....or dress for the job you want, not for the job you have.
  16. Wonder if the guard is still employed.
  17. It's just a message board. There's a very good chance that whatever you post on here will have no effect on your life tomorrow....unless you're into some really weird s#&t.
  18. Hehe....on any given day I could probably check off 3 or 4 categories.
  19. This is a rough one.....father daughter wedding dance http://youtu.be/7fV6fmBerRg
  20. That's what I'm saying. Despite my better judgement I started this thread because I saw a commercial where a guy gets out of bed and he has the top and bottom pajamas on. The whole long sleeve shirt and pants deal. Now, I don't make a habit of checking out dudes sleeping attire, but never in my life have I personally saw someone wearing one of these get ups. I was just curious if if my group of friends are the norm or the exception.
  21. That's my problem. My wife and I have completely opposite comfort levels. She wears socks and a comforter in the summer and I'm sweating if it's above 70 degrees.
  22. I just started the 4th episode. This is very very well done. When I originally saw the previews I thought it was going to be a separate show for each of the band's. I didn't realize all of the artists were tied into rhis single series.
  23. I just watched my first episode tonight. Pretty good stuff. It mainly about Dr Dre, but there's a lot of good stuff from all kinds of other people and musicians (Jimmy Iovine,Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, Stevie Nicks, Bono) that come together to tell great story. Well worth a watch if you have the time.
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