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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. Why would you bother going on a Patriots board?
  2. So they don't have to be at Wal-Mart.
  3. Hahaha....exactly. like we've been the posterboy for success over the last decade.
  4. The same thing I watched the last 17 years the Bills sucked.....The Bills.
  5. That's a good sign. It means you're not completely unhinged.
  6. EJ Manuel dude.....and you want Whaley running this team. Oh my. Never because we might not get Peyton Manning or Tom Brady.
  7. I'm not following this logic. So we shouldn't even try to get a QB and just keep hitting the replay button from last year?
  8. Maybe you should let things play out a little bit before rushing to judgment on the new regime.
  9. Crap....i think I checked off all those boxes yesterday.
  10. I wish they had the technology to keep bath towels our of the kitchen goods aisle and ferreal children on bikes from running amuck.
  11. They're playing in Hershey Pennsylvania Sunday, at a place they were banned from a few decades ago. I would love to go see them, but it's not in the cards unfortunately. Hope they kill it. Keep on rocking ladies and gentlemen.
  12. Onward and upward......its about time we start with a clean slate. Hopefully we rebuild it right for once.
  13. Ehhhh....it's only pre-season. That's what I've been telling myself for the last 17 years
  14. Hahaha....like the dude in The Usual Suspects who shot his own family so the bad guys couldn't....i gotta start playing Fallout 4 again in between working on my bolt gun.
  15. I guess I'm what they refer to as a high risk drinker. I don't drink Monday - Wednesday, but I generally have more than 5 the other 4 days of the week.
  16. Especially if the demographic is Bills fans.
  17. I read an article on Drudge yesterday where they concluded 1 in 8 Americans are alcoholics.
  18. I used to be, but evidently I'm a teetotaler around here, or maybe I'm just drinking the cheap hooch.
  19. This thread has made me feel a lot better about my drinking habits.
  20. I was paying $250 a week 2 years ago. Thankfully my mother retired since then. We wanted to have our 2nd kid sooner, but 2 daycare payments at the same time would have killed us. It would have been another mortgage and then some. And the kicker is you pay whether they go or not. Closed for snow, get out your wallet.....kid sick pay up.
  21. Gotta go with Vincent Edward Jackson. More commonly known as Bo. Little known fact, I believe it was either a coach or family member who used to refer to him as a boar hog which was shortened to Bo.
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