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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. Sounds like something a group of 5th graders would do.
  2. That's a good looking 40. You know if the mug shot is half way decent, you have something to work with.
  3. I was waiting for this one. Definitely yes.
  4. Meh...what's the point of living in a civilized society. If you don't agree with something simply destroy it. I guess that's what we have devolved into. I bet if you put a cowboy hat on an MLK statue these idiots wouldn't know the difference and tear it down too.
  5. Heheh, there will be no beheadings. Dragons make everything a little more awesome.
  6. No I think it's a legitimate reply to your question as to where it should go. There are bigger fish to fry than worrying about about a statue of general who's been dead for a century and a half.
  7. Grind off the name and put it in Fuller Park in Chicago to give the kids something to climb around on in between dodging bullets.
  8. That's another option. In a perfect world they all would have killed one another.
  9. Nothing....that's my point. What's done is done. Removing some statues won't change history. Hell if I know, but it's a part of the history of the United States and you simply can't erasebit by taking a statue down. Do you honestly believe a person will change their beliefs one way or another because a statue has been removed?
  10. It's a no brainer question. If you have the option of Superbowl vs. virtually anything else, Superbowl is going to win. At this point most of the people on here, myself included would make some serious sacrifices for a Lombardi trophy. The team we had last year was light years away from Superbowl contention so I'm not sure what argument you're trying to make.
  11. Without good there is no evil and vice versa. Take down all the confederate monuments and we can conveniently forget the civil war ever happened. Simply erase that chapter from the annals of history.
  12. Well done. You seem to be one of the brighter posters around here.
  13. You got that right. Two hate groups which nobody should give second thought about. When people swing too far left or right there's where the trouble starts.
  14. I did the same drive last year. I'm about an hour and a half West of you I did the same drive last year. I'm about an hour and a half West of you. That whole stretch between DC and northern Virginia is a nightmare. We left at 2 am so we got through early enough where it wasn't too bad. On the way back we just stayed in Richmond instead of driving the whole way though. As for your original question, I seldom use cruise control unless it's a long straight shot with minimal traffic.
  15. I love threads like this. Makes it easy to identify the dopes.
  16. Yep....business really picked up when actual football stuff started happening.
  17. How excited would you have been if we came back with the exact same roster as last year? Either way it's not like they were going g to blow the doors off of anyone.
  18. Then I suggest you get to watching them. Best wishes.
  19. Very tough decision. I guess I'd take the Superbowl. It's almost as tough as deciding if I'd prefer getting kicked in the ballsack vs. Not getting kicked in the ballsack.....seriously, what kind of question is this?
  20. Seems easy enough.....just win with what you have. There are 31 teams trying to figure out why this strategy isn't working. What's plan B?
  21. What would be a winners approach?
  22. I went to toys r us today to pick something up and a guy asked about the eclipse glasses and the cashier said they sold out the glasses as soon as they got them in.....if I remember correctly I think you can hold a piece of glass over a candle to darken it and use that or drop acid and stare at the sun.
  23. The thing I'm having a problem comprehending is that fact that people are complaining because we're making changes like the last several years have been so great that we should just stay the course and everything will work itself out.
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