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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. There was an arcade around my house that used to give free tokens for every A you got on your report card.
  2. Pigskin and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mortal Kombat II
  3. Sounds like the husband forgot to tell her it was a swingers party.
  4. Love these guys. Throw back rock n roll.
  5. Copy that..1/2 price Faygos during half time.
  6. My kids are younger, so i haven't had to deal with it yet on either side of the situation, but I'm doing my best to teach them to respect others ans make damn sure not to let anyone disrespect them. The whole "the meek shall inheret the earth" philosophy just doesn't work.
  7. Well there's expectations and then there's reality. The reality is by the time you voice a complaint there's often several weeks or months that go by while the situation is being "looked into". All the while the bullying continues. I'm not saying the answer is to murder the bastard, but I'm saying it's sometimes best to handle it yourself, whether that be the kid standing up for himself or the kids parents talking to the other kids parents.
  8. In a perfect world that would be the solution and it would work.
  9. There are so many examples of reported bullying that go unaddressed by school administrators. Sometimes relying on the chain of command isn't a viable option.
  10. I agree with a lot of what you are saying to a certain extent. But there are a lot of a$$hole kids out there with good parents just like there are a lot of good kids out there with terrible parents. I think parenting plays a huge role in shaping kids but I don't think it's the always the deciding factor. It's the whole nature versus nurture argument. As far as raising kids go I'm teaching mine to stand up for themselves if somebody throws a stone I tell them to throw a boulder back. Bullies prey on the weak. As soon as they find out somebody will stand up for themselves they'll move on to the next person who won't for Better or worse.
  11. Up to the grotto in the sky....thanks for the mammaries.
  12. As long as it's not the football team again.
  13. Probably safer to wrestle yourself.
  14. Technically wrestling yourself isn't gay.
  15. Everything about Facebook LOOK AT ME.
  16. Seems reasonable to me. Ya don't know until you try.
  17. Good to hear Dick Jauron is coming around.
  18. It's true. All this stuff (Protests and trumps comments) does is entrench people deeper in their beliefs. I keep hearing that this should open up prosuctive discussion on the subject matter, but there's nothing productive about any of the discussion. It won't end until the world ends. Maybe it will get better, but it will not end.
  19. Wait a minute. I thought they were protesting police brutality against black people?
  20. I believe so. If I remember correctly Jeff Fisher and Eric Dickerson got into a bit of a tiff and Fisher wasn't going to allow him on the sideline or something along those lines.
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