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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. Crap....now what are we supposed to do?
  2. If this is what it takes to offend people these days, we're in a bad spot. I'm not a Cam Newton fan, but for Christ sakes, how many women do you personally know who are serious football aficionados. He wasn't being spiteful. It was an off the cuff comment that happens when you have to answer the same questions in a public forum week in and week out.
  3. Yeah....i posted this in the wrong thread. Thought I was in the pats/Bucs one, but it was still nice to see.
  4. Hahaha......the problem is Stephon Gilmore. Glad we get to watch him on TV....heres to another great game dickweed.
  5. Back injuries are hard to ever fully recover from. Here's hoping his best years are behind him. Definitely a hall of famer though.
  6. Efffff Towmy and the Patriots.......lets go Bucs.
  7. Reminds me of this video.
  8. That's fantastic....hahaha
  9. I'm still worried. Still waiting on a phantom pass interference flag or defensive holding.
  10. Addition by subtraction baby....love it when a plan comes together.
  11. Well....this week is off to an incredibly horrible start.
  12. My head is spinning.....what a great day. Go Bills
  13. As long as they are wearing loin cloths.
  14. This blows my mind. What is the reason for swimming naked? Why not play kickball naked. Why aren't the girls naked. So many questions.
  15. Swimming nude always cut a few seconds off my lap times due to excessive drag.
  16. Same here. My school didn't even have a football team until a few years after I graduated.
  17. Preferably from Taylor.......
  18. I never heard of such a thing as swimming in the nude at school. What the hell is going on?
  19. Running over people with a minivan?
  20. I worked a bowling alley arcade and snack bar from 15 to 17 for $5 an hour. Benefits Outweighed the pay. Had the key to put credits on all the games. Free food at the snack bar. Manager let me hide the regulars beers in the ice chest and drink on the clock. Got to listen to rick and roll from 11-1...and occasionally had to drive the manager home. ....best job a 16 year old could have. Plus i gave the township cops free soda and pretzels, so I was in good standing.
  21. Is this a legitimate study. Can infer disability for meeting most of the charastics of a psychopath?
  22. Perfect timing for this thread I guess. My daughter said a third grader slapped her 3 rimes in the face on the bus today. It's hard to tell the real story when dealing with 7 year olds. Mybadvise was to tell him in your meanest voice to never do it again and if he does hit him as hard as you can in the nose, and make sure you hit the nose.
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